Chapter 68




A burst of ethereal light sliced through the dusty surroundings, revealing the youthful man's cascading locks of snow-white hair.


Beads of sweat trickled down his face, glistening like miniature diamonds, as his intense crimson eyes remained fixated on the expansive void before him. With a seamless motion, he gracefully swung his jian in a predetermined direction.


The young man's palms, now bearing signs of both bleeding and a fiery red hue, bore witness to the relentless training with the jian.


Yet, in this fleeting moment of respite, he found himself frustrated when the anticipated transparent screen failed to materialize. A discontented click of the tongue echoed in the stillness.


"Not enough. Time eludes me," murmured Ji Wuye, his form gracefully settling onto the ground. His chest heaved with the weight of labored breaths, a testament to the exertion of his training.


Following a brief interlude, a sudden shimmering of another transparent screen materialized before him.


[!] Time's up! You will now be forcefully transported into the Tower of God!


"Four floors, huh? I'll take on that monstrous challenge," Ji Wuye mumbled, his physique gradually morphing into innumerable azure particles, dissipating from the tangible world.




Reshaping into multiple azure cubes that defined his form, Ji Wuye's crimson eyes fluttered open, revealing the surroundings of the familiar room: The Challenger Private Lobby. The lobby stood immutable, its structure composed solely of brick walls.


Amidst the whirlwind of recent events, the sight of this well-known room invoked a peculiar sense of nostalgia, even though merely a day had elapsed since his last encounter with it.


Upon his return to the lobby, a gentle, verdant light enveloped his entire being, serving as a balm for the weariness accumulated during the intense competition. This luminous aura not only mended his physical wounds but also alleviated the intricate thoughts entwining his past.


[!] All temporary injuries had been healed!


[!] You have 30 minutes remaining before being teleported to the fourth floor!


Now, liberated from the clutches of exhaustion, Ji Wuye scrutinized his stats with a clear and focused mind, a routine he never neglected.



[->] Name: Ji Wuye

[->] Level: 14

[->] Strength: 52

[->] Agility: 51

[->] Qi: 46

[*] Skills:

- Quick Adaptation(E)

- Healing Art Primer(1st)(E)

- Cloudsoaring Steps(2nd)(E)

- Pulse of Blade Sword Art(1st)(??)

- Deflecting Blows(E)

- Pressure Form Perfection Style(D)

- Feline Reflexes(E)


"No change to be seen," he sighed, memories of the fourth floor flooding back. "Ah, but first, let's acquire that potion."




[*] SHOP

[>] Skill [<] 

[>] Items [<]





TOG COINS: 17.480

Jade Cloak of Concealment - 800 coins

 Fox Spirit Talisman - 150 coins

 Pale Moon Brocade - 400 coins

 Bamboo Forest Flute - 250 coins

 Fiery Soul Pills - 100 coins

 Bone Rattle of Guidance - 300 coins

 Celestial Tome of Divination - 1,200 coins

 Golden Spider Silk - 600 coins

Zephyr Fan of Flight - 2,000 coins

Grapes of Longevity - 5,000 coins

Elixir of Growth - 200 coins



Squinting, Ji Wuye settled on the floor, meticulously sifting through the items in search of the coveted potion. Amid the familiar choices, he couldn't help but notice some unfamiliar items and the noticeable surge in prices.


"The Tower truly boasts an extensive array of items," he remarked, despite his previous existence having taken him to the 50th floor, where even some items remained shrouded in mystery.


A contemplative thought crossed his mind, "People will soon realize the imperative need to conserve their coins."


However, a sudden revelation struck him as his eyes hovered over the item just above the potion. His heartbeat quickened, and his gaze lingered on the grapes.


"Grapes of Longevity... appearing here instead of on a higher floor," he murmured.


These grapes were sought after by the seasoned denizens of Jianghu, known for extending one's lifespan by a decade and thus carrying an exorbitant price tag.


Though Ji Wuye, being young, had no immediate requirement for such an item, he hesitated, contemplating the number of coins in his possession and the uncertainty of its reappearance.


Rubbing his chin thoughtfully, he mumbled, "Hmm."


His palms grew damp with contemplation. What was the acceptable price for such potent power and longevity? Yet, doubt crept in.


What if the subsequent floors concealed even more profound treasures? Lavishing all his coins now might impede his future progress.


Frustration surged within him. Why did the allure of opportunity and the call for restraint always find themselves at odds? A heavy sigh escaped him.


His indecision stemmed from the ambiguity surrounding the prices of the coveted skills he had been eyeing.


Ji Wuye was unwilling to squander his coins unless it proved indispensable for conquering the tower's challenge, aligned with his grand plan, or if the prices revealed themselves to be more reasonable.


[!] You have 20 minutes remaining before being teleported to the fourth floor!


"Time slips away when you're least aware," he murmured, clicking his tongue in acknowledgment.


Ultimately, he opted against acquiring the grapes, reasoning that if the prices had already soared to 5,000 coins on the fourth floor, the subsequent level would likely demand even more.


Reluctance tugged at his heart as he stepped away from the alluring grapes.


"It appears the cost has surged significantly." With this realization, Ji Wuye, with a decisiveness absent in his prior contemplation, purchased another item to enhance his training outcomes.


[!] You have purchased item: Elixir of Growth x20!


Solely judging by its name, the item clearly hailed from another realm. "For now, twenty should suffice," he mused, attempting to convince himself that this quantity was more than adequate.


Despite possessing over ten thousand coins, parting with 4k at once induced a pang of discomfort. This was particularly true since the procured item aimed merely to double his training results.


However, necessity prevailed, Ji Wuye viewing it as a stroke of luck to find the potion he sought. Recalling that this particular item could only be unearthed in shops on even floors, he secured his purchase.


"Ehm… with that resolved, let's proceed to the next segment," Ji Wuye muttered wryly. The upcoming section, of course, entailed acquiring additional items to fortify himself against the imminent tower challenge.


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