Chapter 69



TOG COINS: 13.480

Tea Set - 100 coins

Calligraphy Brush Set - 80 coins

Bronze Dagger - 50 coins

Hunting Bow - 150 coins

Healing Potions - 100 coins

 Mana Potions - 100 coins

Bamboo Training Staff - 40 coins

Lantern - 40 coins

Farmboy Straw Hat - 20 coins

Whetstone - 20 coins

Scholar's Ink Set - 50 coins

 Shovel - 10 coins

Fire Scroll - 50 coins

Blinding Scroll - 50 coins

Whetstones - 10 coins

Reinforced Steel Net - 200 coins

Mistflower Essence - 200 coins

Basilisk Venom Paste - 500 coins


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Ji Wuye meticulously scrolled through the shop's virtual inventory, his eyes fixating on a specific set of items. In stark contrast to the initial row, where most items boasted a modest price tag of around 200 coins, the second row presented a variety of options ranging as low as 10 coins.


"First and foremost, a shovel to lay the groundwork," Ji Wuye mused. Almost immediately, a transparent interface materialized before him.


[!] You have purchased item: Shovel!


Having secured the foundational items, Ji Wuye wasted no time in allocating the remaining coins to bulk purchases.


[!] You have purchased item: Mistflower Essence x2!


[!] You have purchased item: Whetstones x2!


[!] You have purchased item: Fire Scroll x2!


[!] You have purchased item: Blinding Scroll x2!


[!] You have purchased item: Reinforced Steel Net x2!


His standard practice involved acquiring double the necessary items, a precautionary measure against unforeseen events. However, with only one item left to decide upon, he hesitated once more, perhaps contemplating the implications of the escalating prices.


"Tsk, one should suffice for this particular item," he deliberated. Having meticulously prepared for the perfect score and achievement, he couldn't afford to falter now.


With all the essential items in his inventory, Ji Wuye took a deep breath to center his thoughts. A transparent screen materialized, displaying a reminder of the dwindling time.


[!] You have 10 minutes remaining before being teleported to the fourth floor!


"Only 10 minutes? Too brief. I'll simply pick up some random swords," he muttered, shaking his head. Despite his reluctance, he proceeded to make yet another bulk purchase.


[!] You have purchased item: Jian x2!


"Ugh," a sharp pang of pain pierced his heart as he observed a significant depletion in his coin reserves. However, his eyes widened in disbelief when confronted with the exorbitant prices of the jian.



TOG COINS: 10.910

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"By the heavens! These jian cost more than a herd of oxen!" Ji Wuye exclaimed, grappling with the reality of having spent nearly 3k coins on this batch of items. While less than the initial purchase, the quality of the items posed a quandary that could impact his success.

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While the initial batch of items had been carefully chosen for long-term gains, this second selection served a more immediate purpose, particularly on this specific floor. The staggering prices of the jian, however, added an unexpected layer of complexity.

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"Damn, I could have just grabbed a few jian from the dormitory storage," Ji Wuye grumbled with a bitter undertone. Nevertheless, dwelling on missed opportunities held little value, akin to crying over spilled milk.

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With the inventory now filled with all the purchased items, there remained a crucial, missing piece. "I still require that skill to perfect this strategy," he remarked wryly. Despite the substantial expenses, the absence of this key skill would render the task of dispatching monsters an arduous challenge.

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[*] SHOP

[>] Skill [<] 

[>] Items [<]

‎ ‎ 


‎ ‎ 


TOG COINS: 10.910

Ten Thousand Beast Fist (D) - 1500 coins

Cloud Walking (D) - 2000 coins

Mist Control (D) - 2500 coins

Silk Finger (E) - 300 coins

Meridian Strengthening (E) - 400 coins

Thunderclap and Flash (D) - 3000 coins

Azure Dragon's Breath (D) - 3000 coins

Haggling (E) - 300 coins

Field Dressing (E) - 600 coins

Tracking (E) - 500 coins

Cleave (D) - 2000 coins

Slash Breaker (E) - 700 coins

Quick Hands (E) - 600 coins

Dual Wield (D) - 3000 coins

Befuddlement (D) - 2000 coins


‎ ‎ 

Upon glimpsing the skill prices, the initial sense of despondency evaporated instantly. His eyes widened in disbelief, and he blinked rapidly, half expecting the numbers to correct themselves. Yet, the prices stubbornly held their ground.


"The F rank skill is gone, and the skill prices have skyrocketed to around 300 coins," he observed, caught off guard by the rapid shift that left him bewildered.


"This is peculiar; something has definitely changed," he pondered, recalling that the expected prices and ranks of skills on the fourth floor should hover around 150 coins, with a range well below 1000 coins.


Contrary to expectations, not only did the D rank skill, typically reserved behind a privilege, manifest, but the foundational F rank skill that usually supported many challengers had inexplicably disappeared.


"Wait... the privilege... could it be that this is exclusive to me because..." he mused, the realization dawning that his unlocked privilege might have bestowed upon him and other privileged challengers their individual skill shops.


As Ji Wuye delved into contemplation, a peculiar realization dawned on him concerning the geniuses and high-level achievers. "This is insane... no wonder they seldom relied on skills..."


It became apparent that those deemed as geniuses or individuals surpassing level 13 in his previous timeline faced challenges in achieving greatness consistently, struggling to afford the exorbitant prices of high-tier skills.


This truth extended to figures like The Patriarch, the Elders, the Emperor, and even those who had attained the illustrious 4th realm.


"So that's why the Seniors perpetually wore a gloomy expression," he surmised, unravelling the mysteries surrounding their reserved use of skills.


Yet, it also emerged as a dual-edged sword for him and others like him, compelling them to save rigorously or accomplish extraordinary feats to garner favor from the gods.


Or so it should have been. The norm dictated a mere 100 coins per challenge, but... Ji Wuye couldn't reconcile this with the geniuses he had observed. They effortlessly wielded multiple skills and executed magical martial arts with grace.


"How is that even possible?" he pondered, a perplexed expression marring his features. Shoving aside these ruminations, he refocused on scouring the shop to locate the specific skill he sought.


"Found you,"


[!] You have purchased skill: Slash Breaker (E)!


Just as he secured the coveted skill, darkness enveloped Ji Wuye's vision, and his corporeal form disintegrated into myriad blue cubes.


[!] Time's up! You will now be forcefully transported into the Fourth Floor!


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