Chapter 70


Ji Wuye materialized in the fourth challenge of the Tower, a chilling wetness enveloping him as he regained consciousness. Crimson pupils widened with a glare at the transparent screen before him.



You have reached the 4th floor of the Tower of the God!

[>] Objective: Defeat the Ogre within 3 hours!

[!] Consequence: DEATH!


The familiar objective from his previous life brought a wry smile to Ji Wuye's face. However, as his mouth opened to articulate his thoughts, an unexpected rush of liquid met his senses.


"NN?!" Ji Wuye recoiled, momentarily taken aback by the salty taste and the watery texture that filled his mouth. Darkness still shrouded his vision, leaving him disoriented about his physical state.


The cold sensation on his skin and the taste of the liquid, combined with his obscured vision, signaled the presence of an additional challenge on this floor, beyond the menacing ogre.


[!] Your passive skill, Quick Adaptation(E), has been triggered!


His crimson pupils glowed, activating a passive skill. The dark and frigid veil clouding his sight gradually dissipated, unveiling an underwater panorama.


Clarity emerged as Ji Wuye beheld a vibrant swarm of fish and the surroundings bathed in a gentle blue glow.


'Ah! The water...' realization dawned upon him.


The objective of the fourth floor remained centered on slaying the ogre, yet he found himself once again teleported into a watery realm, similar to the past encounter where light radiated from the water's surface above him.


However, he hadn't possessed Quick Adaptation then, only a skill granting him vision in darkness. The mini challenges had slipped his mind in his single-minded focus on dispatching the ogre.


Examining his position and glancing upward, Ji Wuye furrowed his eyebrows. "It's about 30 chi," he thought inwardly.


However, his observation was abruptly cut short as several colossal creatures became aware of his presence. Simultaneously, he felt his eyes moisten as water attempted to breach, prompting Ji Wuye to quickly squint and resist.


'Inventory.' Without hesitation, another transparent screen materialized before him. Selecting the prepared items, a radiant form manifested in front of him.


'Luckily I brought two of these.'




A massive, reinforced steel net materialized beneath him, providing a temporary yet stable foothold. Its descent, however, hinted at its impermanence as it gradually sank deeper into the water.


'They are coming.' Right after summoning the net, the gigantic creatures floating on the water's surface began converging toward him.


In his right hand, a jian materialized instantly. Simultaneously, Qi from Ji Wuye's Lower Dantians coursed through the meridians in his feet. Concentrated and thick Qi enveloped his feet, enabling a feat achievable only by a 5th realm martial artist.


Empowered by reinforced Qi, heightened stats from his realm breakthrough, and rigorous training, Ji Wuye executed a vertical jump, effortlessly traversing a distance of about 5 chi in an instant.




Ordinarily, the momentum from a vertical jump by a 3rd realm martial artist would cover around 7 - 10 chi, considering their stats are four times that of an average human.


However, the water pressure impeded his movement, causing it to feel sluggish, with bubbling water creating hindrances around him.


The bubbling waters acted as a beacon, attracting another group of colossal monsters from various directions as they sensed the ripples.


Meanwhile, Ji Wuye propelled himself upwards, both hands tightly gripping the jian, his body elegantly positioned in a vertical alignment.


????? Art First move - Soaring Cyclone Blade!


His body initiated a graceful rotation, yet instead of completing a full revolution, Ji Wuye pivoted his torso in a shallow arc, channeling the swirling energy into a dense vortex at his core.


Although not fully formed, the spinning motion condensed formidable power into a miniature maelstrom.




A mini-vortex materialized as Ji Wuye directed the miniature Qi storm upward through his meridians. The momentum from his previous vertical jump began to wane, but the vortex propelled his body with renewed upward force.


The concentrated vortex surged toward his right arm and the edge of the jian with explosive force. His vision swirled as his body rotated, yet...


"5 chi!" In his momentarily dizzy state, Ji Wuye caught a fleeting glimpse of the azure sky and the surrounding terrain beyond the water's surface.


However, his focus shifted as the colossal creatures drew nearer from the periphery of his vision. As his body spun, the swirling waters teemed with the surge of massive, scaly bodies. Seven towering crocodiles emerged, each nearly 10 chi in length.


Their armored hides seamlessly blended with the muddy depths, rendering them elusive. Massive jaws adorned with razor-sharp teeth, each the size of Ji Wuye's fingers, poised menacingly to rend flesh from bone.


Beady black eyes stared hungrily from every angle. With foam-flecked mouths agape, the crocodiles tightened their formation, encircling Ji Wuye within a perilous ring of snapping jaws.


Even through the swirling waters, the rancid stench of their breath assaulted his senses. Yet, in the next moment, Ji Wuye, who had calmly observed the encroaching threat, unleashed the pent-up vortex through his jian.




With a swift diagonal swing of his jian, Ji Wuye released the coiled qi vortex in a whirling discharge toward the ground. The unbridled rotational energy shattered the water beneath him, propelling him upwards and piercing through the water's surface.


Suspended in mid-air, the clash of teeth and structures resonated below as the crocodiles collided with each other, generating a symphony of crunching and clanking sounds.


Now liberated from the water but confronted by the crocodiles beneath him, Ji Wuye didn't falter.


Abruptly, an item materialized in his right hand—a pure, creamy white scroll, pristine and flawless, adorned with cryptic symbols that shimmered in luminous silver script. Without a moment's hesitation, he unfurled the scroll, simultaneously tearing it apart with the swift motion of his jian.


[!] You have tore item: Bright Magic Scroll!


The moment he tore the scroll apart, a brilliant light cascaded, engulfing the vicinity and leaving the ferocious crocodiles below blinded and disoriented. Yet, Ji Wuye, positioned closest to the epicenter, stood immune to its effects.


[!] Your passive skill, Quick Adaptation(E), has been triggered!


The radiant brilliance dissipated swiftly, and Ji Wuye's descent persisted, accompanied by a lingering sense of nausea. Abruptly, Qi surged from his Middle Dantians, coursing through the meridians in his hands and igniting a luminous glow along the edge of his jian.


Active, Skill - Slash Breaker!


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