Chapter 71




In a single, decisive movement, he slammed his body down, the blade cutting through the crocodile's head like a hot knife through butter. The vibrant green blood erupted from the massive creature, bathing the surrounding area in an otherworldly glow.


As the crocodile's lifeless halves slid apart, leaving a gruesome scene, multiple transparent screens flickered into existence before him.


[!] You have killed Level 18 - River Crocodile!



The proficiency of your active skill has slightly increased!



The proficiency of your active skill has slightly increased!



The proficiency of your active skill has slightly increased!


Meanwhile, Ji Wuye loomed over the decapitated crocodile, his gaze momentarily flickering over the cascading screens before scanning the altered landscape.


"Heh, level 18..." he remarked with a self-satisfied smirk. In the blink of an eye, he vanished, leaving behind only the lingering sensation of a powerful gust of wind.






The water sprayed against his face as the colossal crocodiles, still disoriented by the torn scroll's blinding light, thrashed about, sending waves reverberating through the surroundings.


The entire area was enveloped in a watery chaos, concealing the scattered crocodile bodies beneath the turbulent surface.


Yet, for him...


[!] Your passive skill, Quick Adaptation(E), has been triggered!


Beneath the influence of this skill, all creatures were compelled to unveil their true forms!


Not even the heavens' clouds could obstruct his vision!


Amidst the splashing water, narrowed crimson eyes discerned the genuine forms of the rampaging creatures. Simultaneously, the jian's edge, aglow with a reddish Qi, clashed with the tough scales of one of the frenzied crocodiles.




A resonant metallic echo reverberated through the surroundings as the jian collided with an imposing force.






In the blink of an eye, the crocodile's once-impervious scales yielded to the insatiable reddish light, exposing the vulnerable flesh beneath.


Effortlessly, the jian sliced through the pinkish tissue, claiming the life of yet another colossal crocodile.




In the following moment, the head of another crocodile was unceremoniously severed.


[!] You have killed Level 18 - River Crocodile!



The proficiency of your passive skill has slightly increased!



The proficiency of your active skill has slightly increased!


However, Ji Wuye had little time to revel in his victories. Abruptly, his ordinary human eyes split, causing the world around him to once again plunge into slow motion.


[!] Your passive skill, Feline Reflexes(E), has been triggered!


Beneath this heightened perception, an ominous shadow crept from his blind spot. His slitted eyes widened as he discerned the looming tail of the frenzied crocodiles hurtling toward him.


Despite his efforts to evade, his body succumbed to the decelerated time. Simultaneously, the colossal tail drew closer, a mere 2 zhang away, poised to whip and send him flying.


Summoning an extraordinary burst of strength, his hands gripping the jian plunged the weapon deep into the headless crocodile carcass he had just dispatched.




A shockwave erupted, dispelling the lingering ripples and blinding light. The scene revealed Ji Wuye firmly grasping the jian with both hands, the blade embedded in the descending corpse. Surprisingly unscathed, he had weathered the onslaught.


Meanwhile, the colossal crocodile's tail, recoiling from the failed strike, sent its massive body sprawling backward.


[!] Your passive skill, Deflecting Blows(E), has been triggered!


Ji Wuye's heart raced, his slitted pupils widening with a breathless realization. A sense of relief washed over him as he glanced at the transparent screen. "That was a close call."


Seizing the brief respite, he once again accessed his inventory, swiftly retrieving a scroll. The jian embedded in the headless crocodile continued its relentless assault on the new bright scroll.


[!] You have tore item: Bright Magic Scroll!


A fresh burst of blinding light engulfed the remaining crocodiles, disorienting them and prompting wild, blind lunges towards Ji Wuye.


"Onto the second round," Ji Wuye muttered. Another item manifested before him. As he opened the rounded cap, a powdery substance cascaded over his entire body.


In an instant, the colossal crocodiles, once surging towards him, halted in their tracks. Deprived of sight and unable to discern his scent, they remained oblivious to the human infiltrator in their domain.




Several moments later, Ji Wuye, draped in his martial robe, reached the lake's shore. He clutched a battered jian, stained with the green blood of his fallen adversaries.


Seated on a nearby boulder, he cast his gaze over the expansive battleground the lake had become.


The waters teemed with the lifeless forms of gigantic crocodiles, stretching as far as the eye could discern. Encircling the lake stood towering cliffs, their peaks shrouded in thick clouds.


"Never imagined I'd vanquish them all," Ji Wuye chuckled, a wry smile etching across his face as fatigue and soreness permeated every inch of his body.


His Qi clung to existence by a thread. In bygone times, he would have dispatched just one and made a swift exit, but now, armed with Quick Adaptation and Feline Reflex...


"Of course, I must set my sights higher with these advantages," Ji Wuye reassured himself.


To settle for anything less would be akin to mirroring the geniuses of his past lives—endowed with talent and advantages, yet opting for mediocrity instead of giving their all.


After taking a moment to recuperate, an item materialized before him, a diminutive object measuring about 1-2 chi in length and 0.3-0.5 chi in width.


It was a familiar relic from the Tower 2 challenge. Ji Wuye gently squeezed it before widening his mouth and swallowing it whole.


[!] You have consumed a one-year-old Ginseng!


[!] A portion of your Qi was restored!


In no time, a familiar sensation enveloped Ji Wuye as the residual Qi in his vacant Dantians found rejuvenation. It was as invigorating as biting into a ripe mango, a surge of Qi assimilating into his body.


"Ahhhh, refreshing..." Ji Wuye moaned in satisfaction, relishing the replenishment of his energy. However, his brief respite was abruptly interrupted by a transparent screen.


[!] You have 1 hour remaining to complete the challenge!


"Ohhh, what a rare reminder. Perhaps you all fear I might falter?" Ji Wuye smirked, his gaze drifting toward the sky.


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