Chapter 72


Once his martial robe had dried, Ji Wuye's penetrating gaze swept across the expanse of thick trees that enveloped him.


The memory of the Ogre's lurking presence urged him forward, and without hesitation, he embarked on the trail of a telling clue: a distinct footprint, three large toes imprinted in the soft soil, and a lingering droplet of water, a clear sign of recent hunting activity near the tranquil lake.


As he traversed the path outlined by the peculiar footprint, an unpleasant odor seeped into the air, an unsettling concoction of decay and musk that invaded his senses. The landscape shifted around him, solidifying his suspicions.


The ground beneath him bore the scars of the Ogre's passage — broken trees and shattered boulders littered the terrain. Yet, Ji Wuye clutched his cracked jian with unwavering confidence, well-acquainted with his distinctive style of wielding it.


Within the wreckage, low, guttural growls and rumbling snores echoed from a forlorn cave, confirming Ji Wuye's intuition.


"That must be the lair," he affirmed, settling himself nearby. He summoned the whetstones and the remaining jians, the metallic clinks harmonizing with the natural symphony of the forest.


After a meticulous sharpening session, he reached for a familiar item.


In the palm of his hand materialized a small glass bottle, and with resolute determination, he unsealed it, consuming its entire contents.


[!] You have consumed 1x Antitoxin Vial!


[!] Your body will be immune to toxins from any kind of snake for 10 minutes!


In a practiced routine, Ji Wuye summoned a diminutive jar, expertly unscrewing it and pouring its contents over each jian, ensuring a thorough coating.


"Done," he announced, clapping his palms together before efficiently storing the jians in his inventory, save for the fractured one.


Next, he conjured another familiar item — a rounded glass bottle with a finely crafted wooden cap.


With practiced ease, he removed the cap, pouring a fine, powdery substance from the bottle and allowing it to settle over his body.


The Mistflower Essence — the same mystical concoction that had aided him in dispatching the crocodiles.


"It removes one scent," Ji Wuye mused, a grin spreading across his face as he stretched lightly,


With all preparations meticulously executed, Ji Wuye advanced toward the cave, his crimson eyes ablaze, illuminating the concealed Ogre within. The creature slumbered peacefully, undisturbed by the recent skirmish with the crocodiles.


Torches cast flickering shadows on the cave walls as Ji Wuye approached the massive beast. The cracked jian emanated a reddish glow, casting an ominous hue on the surroundings.


Active, Skill - Slash Breaker!




The colossal Ogre towered at a height of 10 chi, its imposing form adorned with coarse, mottled skin reminiscent of weathered tree bark, exuding an aura of intimidation.


Yet, the cracked jian, finding its mark in the Ogre's right eye, exposed a vulnerability in the formidable creature.


Wide open in a mix of pain and fury, the Ogre's eyes glowed a fiery red, mirroring the intensity of the unfolding confrontation.


"ROAR!" The creature's bellow reverberated, a primal sound laden with power and rage. Blood spurted from the jian-inflicted wound, marring the Ogre's face and imparting a ghastly aspect to its already fearsome visage.


Blessed with robust regeneration and a hide comparable to that of a crocodile, the Ogre posed a nightmarish challenge for any martial artist.


Yet, every adversary harbored its Achilles' heel. Despite its imposing stature, the Ogre suffered from a sluggish pace and the cognitive abilities of a fledgling.


Having successfully struck the Ogre, Ji Wuye wasted no time.




Another jian materialized in his hand as the infuriated creature swung its massive fists, generating dense, compressed air around its palms.


[!] Your passive skill, Feline Reflexes(E), has been triggered!


Even without the assistance of Feline Reflexes, Ji Wuye's eyes tracked the Ogre's lumbering punch. Gracefully, he shifted his body to the side, effortlessly avoiding the impending blow.




The Ogre's colossal punch missed its mark, creating a void where Ji Wuye had stood. As a consequence, the Ogre's right hand descended, compelling its massive form into a half-kneeling position.


"That's precisely what I anticipated from a creature of limited intellect," Ji Wuye muttered with a smirk, already executing his next move. He spun his waist, directing the jian coated with poison toward the Ogre's remaining eye.


Active, Skill - Slash Breaker!




Once more, the entire length of the jian emanated a reddish glow as it effortlessly pierced through the Ogre's closed eyelid, penetrating its eyeball and extracting another agonized cry from the creature.




Blinded and fueled by rage, the Ogre swung its remaining hand aggressively, sweeping the vicinity where Ji Wuye had been standing, intent on striking within its attack range.


However, instead of succumbing to panic, Ji Wuye's calm and collected gaze remained locked on the Ogre's impending attack.




With a practiced stance, he summoned another jian, firmly planting it into the ground below to brace against the forceful assault.


[!] Your passive skill, Deflecting Blows(E), has been triggered!




His body shuddered as his grip on the jian slightly loosened under the impact, yet Ji Wuye held his ground.


In stark contrast, the Ogre was forcefully thrown backward, stumbling and collapsing to the ground, its groans of pain intensifying as the poison took hold. Blood continued to flow, and its movements became increasingly rigid.


Having retrieved the planted jian, Ji Wuye approached the wounded Ogre with a shovel in hand. "Now, lie down quietly," he advised, scrutinizing the resilient creature, despite its bloodied and blinded state.




Simultaneously, a massive reinforced net materialized above the Ogre, ensnaring its entire body and further curtailing its limited movements.






Two additional jians were thrust into its joints, introducing more poison into its system. Meanwhile, Ji Wuye infused his Qi into the shovel, methodically excavating a hole around the Ogre's head, compelling it to gradually descend.



After several minutes, with the Ogre's once-mighty frame now frozen and its head buried beneath the ground, Ji Wuye gracefully leaped out of the hole, seamlessly summoning another scroll.


[!] You have tore item: Fire Magic Scroll!


In an instant, flames erupted, enveloping the Ogre's stiffened head. Despite its skin peeling and the acrid scent of searing flesh filling the air, the creature remained unresponsive.


Unfazed by the gruesome sight, Ji Wuye tore yet another fire scroll, escalating the intensity of the flames until a mysterious purple smoke began to ascend.


He watched attentively, observing the burning process unfold for a few more minutes before the inevitable departure became imminent, the anti-toxin effects gradually wearing off.



Seated by the tranquil lake, his gaze remained fixed on the cave, now emitting a plume of purple smoke that meandered into the sky.


Patiently, Ji Wuye waited, his grip firm on the last jian, coated and ready.


"It should be dead by now, shouldn't it?" He had exhausted all his resources, utilizing remnants from past tower challenges.


The confrontation with the Ogre, with its formidable skin, relentless regeneration, and the prior ordeal of slaying crocodiles, had depleted a considerable portion of his Qi.


Rather than resorting to underhanded tactics, Ji Wuye remained committed to employing the decisive kill slash if feasible.


"The issue lies in the energy consumption associated with using Slash Breaker," he murmured, just as the awaited screen finally materialized before him.


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