Chapter 73


[!] You have killed Level 20 - Ogre!



Challenger Ji Wuye,

Congratulations on successfully clearing the fourth floor!


[!] You have successfully slain all the crocodiles, shocked the gods, and achieved an amazing feat!!


[!] You have completed the challenge with only 01 second remaining! Your effort is being laughed at by the gods!


[!] You used a cunning trick to kill the notoriously unlikeable Ogre without any injuries. You are among the select few who have achieved this amazing feat!



• The gods have generously rewarded you with 45.000 TOG Coins

• You have gained one level!

• + 10 Strength

• + 10 Qi

• + 10 Agility



The god of Martial Arts is both smiling and frowning at your inability to kill the Ogre and your use of underhanded tactics!


[!] The god of Martial Arts has bestowed upon you the skill of Qi Training!


Ji Wuye gazed upon the myriad transparent screens, his eyes lingering on the achievement screen.


"I see," he murmured, his attention captured by the final notification, causing his form to dissolve into myriad cubes.


[!] You will be immediately transported back to the Challenger Private Lobby!



Back in the lobby, Ji Wuye's eyes fluttered open, bathed in an ethereal green glow that embraced his entire being.


[!] All temporary injuries had been healed!


Post-healing, he promptly delved into his stats.



[->] Name: Ji Wuye

[->] Level: 15

[->] Strength: 62

[->] Agility: 61

[->] Qi: 56

[*] Skills:

- Quick Adaptation(E)

- Healing Art Primer(1st)(E)

- Cloudsoaring Steps(2nd)(E)

- Pulse of Blade Sword Art(1st)(??)

- Deflecting Blows(E)

- Pressure Form Perfection Style(D)

- Feline Reflexes(E)

- Qi Training(???)


"Qi Training..." Ji Wuye murmured, his initial excitement giving way to a profound frown. He scrolled through the series of transparent screens, seeking insights into the origin of the bestowed skill.


"So, the Martial God... some mysterious deity regressed me before, and now another one is granting me a skill," he dismissed the screen with a wave, settling onto the ground in contemplation. As the god-related screens unfolded, he gleaned that the accumulation of coins by prodigies stemmed from their exceptional feats.


After conquering the second floor, Ji Wuye unearthed an alternative method for amassing coins—impressing the gods. Yet, the implications of being gifted a skill eluded him entirely.


"Is this an auspicious sign or an ominous one?" He shook his head, opting not to linger on such ponderings. Instead, he directed his focus towards extracting information about the newly acquired skill.


[>>[Qi Training (???) ]<<]

Type: Passive Skill

1st: Refines the way your meridians channel and absorb Qi, reducing Qi consumption and increasing absorption.

2nd: (Sealed)


"It's actually a valuable skill..." Ji Wuye muttered, his hand delicately grazing his chin as his forehead furrowed, eyes narrowing in contemplation.


Could he, by any chance, reject a skill granted by a god? The moment this notion crossed his mind, a transparent screen materialized before him.


[!] Dismiss the bestowed skill, Qi Training?



Rejecting the gift from a certain god will decrease their impression of you!


"Oh? Intriguing," Ji Wuye smirked. In his previous existence, the notion of a god bestowing a skill had been entirely foreign to him.


Yet, one indisputable fact persisted - the offerings provided by the Tower, whether in the form of stats, levels, or skills, were unassailable and beyond refusal.


"They couldn't be rejected or denied. But this situation, it seems..." He mused, his gaze momentarily shifting to the transparent screen nestled between the skill information and the rejection prompt.


"It's almost as if the god is vying for my favor," he chuckled, dismissing any reservations.


"No, let's just embrace it." His apprehension stemmed from the possibility of receiving an undesirable skill that couldn't be declined.


Fortunately, that was not the case. Besides, this newfound experience had added a layer of understanding to his repertoire.


[!] You have fully accepted the skill: Qi Training!


[!] The god of Martial Arts is grinning at your choice!


"What a revelation," he commented. However, a lingering question surfaced. Despite enjoying these privileges, Ji Wuye was certain that geniuses and even the Elders in the higher echelons of martial arts were cognizant of the gods' existence, yet they remained reticent.


"Or is it just me who was in the dark?" It appeared so. In his past life, his perspectives had been myopic, and...


Ji Wuye sighed, opting to steer clear of dwelling on his history. Instead, he redirected his focus to the tally of coins in his possession.




[*] SHOP

[>] Skill [<] 

[>] Items [<]





TOG COINS: 55,210


As Ji Wuye beheld the substantial sum of coins, his crimson eyes shimmered like celestial stars. A smirk adorned his lips, gradually evolving into a triumphant grin. "I'm rich."


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