Chapter 74




Returning to his world, Ji Wuye found the moon still hanging in the dark, velvety sky, even after three hours had elapsed within the mystical tower.


"ARGH!" The tranquil and serene ambiance of the abandoned courtyard was abruptly shattered by agonizing screams echoing from all directions, piercing the stillness of the night.


"It's already begun, huh?" Ji Wuye muttered calmly and composedly, his crimson eyes fixated on the distant vista visible through the hanging and broken door of this dilapidated courtyard.


Unlike the first three floors, the challenges on the fourth floor were markedly different, and even an average 1st realm martial artist couldn't withstand them, let alone those unfortunate souls who had been teleported into the treacherous depths of the lake like himself.


"Those are just the unlucky ones. As for most..." Based on his vivid recollections from his past life, shared among his Martial Brothers and Sisters, most disciples were transported to the shore of the ominous lake, only to be met by the gaping maws of ravenous crocodiles lying in wait.


Those caught unawares were promptly slaughtered. Thus, the current cacophony of screams must have arisen from their friends who had just discovered the absence of their missing comrades or narrowly escaped the tower's clutches.






While his thoughts trailed off, the thunderous sounds of doors banging and hurried footsteps reverberated throughout the sect, reaching even this abandoned courtyard.


Ji Wuye, on the other hand, leaned against the weathered wooden pillar, his gaze fixed skyward with eyes brimming with memories.


"At this time, many disciples chose to flee, run from the sect, thinking the sect grounds were the trigger for the next Tower challenge."


Yet they would soon realize their folly when the fifth floor challenge arrived.


Contemplating the fifth floor, his eyes slightly furrowed with apprehension. "Though there is no need for preparation, still a reverse plan is good."


His crimson eyes began to close as he assumed a meditative position, cross-legged on the floor.


Taking a deep, steadying breath, he began manipulating the Qi from his Lower Dantian, guiding it to flow through his Governor Meridian.


Surprisingly, the sensation felt distinct, smoother, and more effortless. 'This... The effect of the Qi Training skill?' Ji Wuye pondered inwardly.


Before acquiring this skill, drawing the Qi from the Lower Dantian and allowing it to course through his meridians was a sluggish and patience-testing endeavor. Yet now, the flow felt seamless, and he didn't even need to concentrate as intently.


With this newfound discovery, he experimentally directed the Qi to flow into his Conception Meridian that snaked down his torso.


As anticipated, the Qi effortlessly filled his lungs with vital energy, fortifying him from within.


"Amazing..." Shocked inwardly, the corner of his lips raised in a subtle smile, his eyes still closed in meditation.

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Then, an ingenious idea blossomed in his mind. He began recalling the intricate teachings of the Healing Art Primer.

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Drawing the crisp night air deeply into his Dantian, and on the exhale, the ordinary Qi transformed into restorative healing Qi that flowed through the Conception Vessel.


Yet, he detected a subtle transformation, facilitated by the Qi Training skill that made drawing Qi smoother between the meridians.


He noticed he could now allow a greater intake and transform more of the surrounding Qi into potent healing Qi. The volume of healing Qi multiplying within his body was staggering.


What typically required over thirty arduous minutes now demanded only a fleeting few!


With this heightened concentration of Qi, Ji Wuye didn't hesitate. He deftly manipulated the healing Qi to cycle faster between the Meridians, Lower Dantian, and Middle Dantian.


This intricate process enveloped his entire being in a cool and soothing sensation, akin to the caress of flowing water. His long, flowing hair fluttered gently as countless natural Qi threads were absorbed into his body, transmuting into rejuvenating healing Qi.


Ji Wuye's meditating form radiated a faint, shimmering emerald aura that illuminated the surrounding weathered wooden plank floor with a verdant glow.


Although the first stage of the Healing Art Primer bestowed no overt, miraculous effects, such as restoring severed limbs or instantly rejuvenating ravaged skin, these repeated cycles greatly alleviated the pressure and faint twitching sensations plaguing his mind.


With each repetition of cycling the healing Qi through his meridians, a transparent screen kept summoning and disappearing in the periphery of his vision.



The proficiency of your passive skill - external arts has slightly increased!

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The proficiency of your passive skill - external arts has slightly increased!

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The proficiency of your passive skill - external arts has slightly increased!



The proficiency of your passive skill - external arts has slightly increased!



At that particular moment, Ji Wuye's relaxed expression froze as the radiating emerald light instantly vanished. Several translucent screens materialized before him as his crimson eyes finally opened.


[!] Congratulations! Your Healing Art Primer skill has made a minor breakthrough!


[>>[Healing Art Primer (E) ]<<]

Type: Passive Skill - External Arts

Stage: Unity of Vitality(2nd Stage)

A healing art that comes from renowned doctors who have long honed their skills.


"Unity of Vitality..." The tugged smile from the corner of his mouth widened into a triumphant grin as his crimson eyes flashed with excited light.


The feeling after the breakthrough was akin to his entire being being washed anew, every inch of his body invigorated with newfound energy.


The Vitality, or the Qi nourishing all cells, filled his whole body, developing a heightened consciousness as if he was being reborn into a higher plane of existence.


Simultaneously, strange knowledge began pouring into his consciousness, imparting intricate insights about circulating the 2nd stage of the Healing Art Primer, the Unity of Vitality.


"So my self-restoration has essentially evolved," Ji Wuye mused, his voice laced with awe.


According to the newly acquired insights, the 2nd stage, Unity of Vitality, could fuse torn muscles back together and heal grievous wounds by manipulating the Qi to split into microscopic Qi threads.


"If the effect of Qi Training on the Healing Art Primer is this amazing, let's test the others..." Brimming with excitement, he swiftly rose from his meditative state, and a glimmering jian manifested in his outstretched hand.




The previously poisoned blade was instantly flicked through the air, the resulting pressure wave cleansing the entire edge of any lingering toxins.


Following that pivotal moment, Ji Wuye began executing all other moves from his repertoire, from the graceful Meridians March to the powerful Dantian Drilling!


Eventually, dawn arrived as the sun peeked over the horizon, bathing the land in the warm glow of early morning, signaling Ji Wuye's decision to rest within the confines of the abandoned courtyard after his invigorating breakthrough.


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