Chapter 78


"Oh, Brother Ji, you've been rarely appearing lately. Were you really being bullied and training to take revenge?" one of the female disciples inquired, her tone laced with a hint of mischief.


She was a petite girl with delicate features, her chestnut tresses tied in twin braids that danced upon her shoulders with each movement.


Before Ji Wuye could respond, another voice chimed in, belonging to a willowy beauty with almond-shaped eyes and a radiant smile.


"Should I take revenge for you? Rest assured, this matter won't reach the Elders' ears!" she said, rubbing her palms together eagerly.


Ji Wuye exhaled, amusement tugging at the corners of his lips. "What do you mean, Big Sister? I trained not to seek revenge but, as you know, for the Tower..."


His words trailed off as he realized his misstep, the weight of his ambition momentarily dampening the jovial atmosphere.


"Ah... the Tower..." The disciples murmured, their tones hushed as the mood shifted, a somber cloud passing over their youthful faces.


"Let's change the topic. May I know what's happening?" His gaze swept over the gathered disciples, curiosity sparkling in his eyes.


"This... the annual Outer Disciples competition has been postponed," she explained.


It was a petite figure, garbed in an elegant, jade-hued robe that answered his query. Despite her diminutive stature of barely 5.33 Chi, she exuded an extraordinary allure that belied her modest frame.


Shen Bi, an Outer Disciple who had reached the 4th realm but lacked the minimum contribution points, possessed a captivating beauty that defied conventional norms.


Her delicate features were framed by two adorable ponytails, and her robe swayed gracefully with each subtle movement, accentuating her lithe figure.


Ji Wuye's eyes flickered with recognition as he recalled Shen Bi's background. She hailed from a small village that had been raided by bandits, often accompanying him as a protector of sorts.


It was she who had earlier proposed exacting retribution, her Palm strike skills a testament to her martial prowess.


"Ah, is that so..." Ji Wuye mused, his brow furrowing slightly. "Did the Elders mention when the competition would resume?"


"The Elder said two days from now, after all disciples successfully clear the floor five challenge."


This time, it was a regal figure clad in a flowing, dark blue striped martial robe who offered a response. Qiu Xia, one of the Senior Sisters and an Official Disciple, spoke with an air of maturity that commanded respect.


At over 6 Chi tall, Qiu Xia's stature was impressive, matched only by her serene beauty and calm demeanor, akin to the unwavering tranquility of Mu Lan Rou.


Yet, unlike her counterpart, Qiu Xia's personality remained an enigma to Ji Wuye, her intentions shrouded in mystery.


She seemed disinterested in his charm or kindness, preferring to mind her own affairs unless they directly involved him.


As the fragrant petals of a nearby cherry blossom tree danced on the zephyr, Ji Wuye nodded thoughtfully, his mind already processing the implications of the postponement.


'The timeline is still here, but the only change is that I didn't attend the gathering. Well, the changes aren't too significant.'


As Ji Wuye pondered the implications of the postponement, Qiu Xia's measured voice cut through the tranquil atmosphere, her query causing his smile to stiffen imperceptibly.


"Brother Ji, you said you're training for the Tower, which makes sense. However, your behavior has become strange lately."


A flicker of apprehension crossed Ji Wuye's features before he swiftly regained his composure, feigning confusion as he narrowed his eyes thoughtfully.


"What do you mean, Senior Sister?" Of course, his reaction was carefully crafted, for thoughts raced through his mind like a torrent.


'Was it too obvious?' He often donned a smile to maintain his past demeanor, yet most were mere facades, empty gestures devoid of genuine mirth.


'It's hard to even smile after knowing the ending,' he lamented inwardly, his gaze sweeping over the female disciples who eyed him with mounting suspicion.


He knew that once they glimpsed his true, unguarded smile, their concern would deepen, and their persistent inquiries would only escalate, mirroring past occurrences.


Yet, their next words strayed into unexpectedly personal territory, catching him off guard.


"What Big Sister Qiu means is, you often go to, you know..." One of the female disciples ventured hesitantly, her words trailing off as uncertainty clouded her expression.


"Ah... I understand, well..." Ji Wuye averted his gaze, feigning nonchalance as he scratched the back of his head, a carefully orchestrated gesture to deflect the probing question.


The heavy silence was shattered by another disciple's voice, tinged with a melancholic undertone.


"So that's why you always went to her place. After all, both of you were engaged." Her downcast eyes prompted the others to lower their gazes, a palpable sense of disappointment permeating the air.


They had harbored suspicions that their cherished Ji Wuye had already pledged his allegiance to another, a notion reinforced by his frequent visits to a certain lady's abode.


Though none voiced their protests openly, the idea of their revered prince acting like a "dog in heat" before this mysterious woman, while maintaining a calm, composed demeanor around them, felt profoundly unfair, eliciting collective sighs of disillusionment.


Yet, just as the truth seemed to crystallize, another surprise emerged, leaving their emotions in a bewildering state of flux.


"But you know, even if the engagement was called off, you can just visit her, like... usual... I mean..."


Shen Bi, the petite disciple, attempted to offer consolation, but her words became increasingly tangled until her intended meaning eluded even herself, prompting a ripple of chuckles to break the tension.


"What Sister Shen means is-" Another disciple began, but Ji Wuye swiftly halted her with a raised hand.


"That was in the past, Big Sisters. Actually, I was never saddened by the fact, just quite surprised..." His lips curved into his customary smile, yet his eyes grew cold and indifferent whenever that 'woman' was referenced.


Witnessing these women's concern over such a trivial matter prompted a genuine smile to grace Ji Wuye's features, evoking the same warm feeling he experienced when Lian Rougang demonstrated her care for him.


A fleeting thought regarding the impending Tower Challenge flashed through his mind, and for a moment, he contemplated issuing a warning.


Yet, as his mouth parted slightly, the words died on his lips, replaced by a cryptic utterance that left the disciples perplexed.


"Big Sisters... do not trust anyone...."


The solemn words fell like a heavy curtain, and as the disciples gazed at him in bewilderment, they noticed the warmth had drained from his eyes, replaced by the same solemnity he bore when facing Wu Gao in battle.


A tense silence ensued until...


"What do yo-"


"Then, I'll be off. I need to train," Ji Wuye abruptly cut off the disciple's query, prompting a chorus of disappointed groans.


"Ah... Little Brother is no fun...."


"You keep training and rarely play with us anymore!"


"But, Big Sister, can you help-"


All of them offered assistance toward him, yet...


Ji Wuye responded with a nonchalant wave, acknowledging their half-joking protestations that concealed a vein of genuine frustration .


While some harbored palpable irritation at his newfound solitude and lack of camaraderie, they dared not confront him further, keenly aware of the gravity and peril that accompanied the imminent Tower Challenge.


If they, disciples of higher realms, trembled at the mere prospect of such an ordeal, how could they begrudge their beloved junior, whose cultivation lagged behind, from singularly dedicating himself to rigorous training?



As their distant figures faded from view, the warmth drained from Ji Wuye's expression, his eyes narrowing into an icy, indifferent gaze, devoid of the former squinted warmth that had graced his features moments ago.


"Mu Lan Rou... How funny to think I'm still thinking of her," he muttered, shaking his head as if to dispel the unbidden thought.


His decision to withhold the detailed contents of the five-floor challenge from the women stemmed from a desire to safeguard their well-being.


Ji Wuye's recollection painted a vivid picture – these very disciples had survived the ordeal alongside him in his past life.


"But if I tell them everything, they won't grow, and instead, I'll become their obstacle and the cause of their death."


With these somber musings weighing heavily upon his mind, Ji Wuye strode back into the courtyard, wasting no time in resuming his training regimen.


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