Chapter 79


Returning to the abandoned courtyard, Ji Wuye's hands were laden with weight. A resounding boom echoed through the space as he dropped a couple of logs, each weighing over 200 jin, onto the ground.




The impact sent tremors through his arms, but Ji Wuye shrugged it off, stretching and rotating his limbs before taking a deep breath.


His gaze settled on the four logs before him, their combined mass an imposing 400 jin. "Perfect, now only the rock remains," he murmured, pausing to recover his energy.


He tilted his head toward the radiant sun hanging high in the sky, showing no signs of descent. Simultaneously, a luminous screen materialized.




Without hesitation, he selected an item, and a familiar glass potion, the Elixir of Growth, appeared before him.


In one fluid motion, he downed the entire contents.


[!] You have consumed item: Elixir of Growth!


[!] For the next 2 hours, your muscles, tendons, and natural healing capacity are now amplified twofold!


The liquid trickled down his throat, radiating a soothing energy through his veins and meridians. His eyes slipped closed as his mind recalled the knowledge of the Pressure Form Perfection Style.


The Baihui point, located atop his head, was the convergence of all Yang channels. Guiding his hand, he applied pressure to this point, stimulating the flow of Qi throughout his body and promoting better absorption during his training.





The proficiency of your passive skill has slightly increased!


A sharp pang of pain spread through his head, as if a needle had stabbed and tickled his brain, causing his whole skull to twitch.


"Tsk," Gritting his teeth and smacking his lips, Ji Wuye endured until the flow, like a dam releasing water, poured into the meridians below.


"Huff…" Without wasting momentum, his hand moved to the Yongquan point on the soles of his rough feet, contrasting with the smooth skin.


By applying pressure here, he could establish a stronger foundation, maintaining the farming stance for extended periods without compromising his balance and stability.





The proficiency of your passive skill has slightly increased!


Another pain assaulted him, this time akin to a thousand ants crawling and circling around his feet, causing an almost unbearable tickle that nearly made him laugh and lose concentration.


Yet, once accustomed to the sensation, he massaged the next point.




The Zusanli point, located on the outer side of his leg, increased his endurance and stamina, enabling him to perform the demanding farming stance for longer durations without fatigue.



The proficiency of your passive skill has slightly increased!




The Laogong point, centered in his palms, ensured a smooth and uninterrupted flow of Qi, maximizing the effectiveness of his training.



In less than five minutes, all preparations were complete, marked by the opening of Ji Wuye's crimson eyes as he surveyed the abandoned courtyard's surroundings.


His entire body felt fluid, a temporary buff allowing the Qi to flow smoothly through his meridians. Bending his form, Ji Wuye began lifting two logs, one in each hand, to carry them at his sides.


Yet, as he raised them, his body jolted in surprise, muscles tensing.






"Ugh," he groaned softly as the logs dropped again, clattering loudly as they rolled onto the ground.


Ji Wuye squinted at the fresh scratches on his palms. "I need a lot of workout," he chuckled wryly before grasping the 200 jin logs once more, this time with his left hand.




Unlike before, he was now accustomed to the weight, managing to bear the logs with ease. His right hand swiftly snatched up the remaining pair before he began walking in the farmer's stance.



The sun's orange light filtered through the cherry blossom leaves in the Outer Disciple Courtyard as Ji Wuye's log-laden figure drew attention, passing the small creek to arrive at the spacious training grounds.


"Brother Ji~!"


"What are you doing, Brother Ji~?"


"Training? That's unlike you! Let's play!"


Different groups of female disciples swarmed around him. Most of them looked excited and eager upon seeing him, it seemed the previous gloomy atmosphere had dissipated in less than ten minutes.


The sweet, floral scents of the female disciples mingled with Ji Wuye's nostrils as their long tresses brushed against his sweat-damp skin.


Most were Outer Disciples like Qiu Xia, 4th realm cultivators who had yet to accumulate the 200 contribution points required to advance. The others, however, were one realm higher than his current standing.


However, Ji Wuye, focused on his training, could only smile and shake his head, pleading, "Big Sisters, please make way for me."


His skin reddened, hands trembling as each word consumed precious breath. The female disciples admired his sweat-dampened martial robe, some poking at his muscles much to his annoyance.


"Ah! Sorry, Brother Ji~" Yet, unlike the males, they swiftly cleared a path at his warning.


"Keep it up, Brother Ji~"


"You can do it!"


Surprisingly, instead of irritation, they cheered him on, some even wiping the sweat from his brow with handkerchiefs, prompting an appreciative nod.



Several moments later, the sun had set, replacing the blue sky with inky blackness. Ji Wuye's calm, composed crimson eyes surveyed the abandoned courtyard after finally finishing his grueling training regimen.




The logs dropped to the ground as his muscles twitched in pain, Ji Wuye collapsing and breathing heavily.


"I'm getting carried away."


He had trained for over two hours, nearly three. Signs of bleeding marked his shredded palms.





[->] Name: Ji Wuye

[->] Level: 15

[->] Strength: 72

[->] Agility: 66

[->] Qi: 66

[*] Skills:

- Quick Adaptation(E)

- Healing Art Primer(1st)(E)

- Cloudsoaring Steps(2nd)(E)

- Pulse of Blade Sword Art(1st)(??)

- Deflecting Blows(E)

- Pressure Form Perfection Style(D)

- Feline Reflexes(E)

- Slash Breaker (E)

- Qi Training(???)


"Finally Agility, huh," Ji Wuye muttered while narrowing his eyes on the Strength and Qi. Somehow, besides agility, his strength and Qi had also increased, which of course was also a good sign for him.


Satisfied with the result, he then sat cross-legged and began using the Healing Art Primer.


Little did he know, a shadow observed his courtyard from afar, and once he closed his eyes, their footsteps that were about to approach halted, and the figure kept biting its nails.


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