Chapter 80


Meanwhile, under the inky blanket of the night sky, a young man stood motionless, his narrowed eyes fixed intently on the door before him.


His rugged, jet-black hair, cascading past his ears, danced restlessly against the fluttering wind's caress. His obsidian eyes remained laser-focused on the door handle as his hand clenched into a tense fist, knuckles protruding like small mountains.


"Brother Qin, should we just barge in?" A gruff voice interrupted his train of thought, revealing a young man with a stocky build, his calloused hand gripping a gleaming jian tightly.


Before Qin Bai could respond, another figure interjected, "Let me just open the door," as he immediately pushed it open with a forceful shove.




The door swung wide, unveiling rows of neatly arranged beds lined up within, startling the disciples who caught sight of their abrupt appearance.


"Huh? Qin Bai, what are you doing here?" one disciple blurted out, his brow furrowing in confusion.


"Where is him…" Qin Bai's voice trailed off as the disciples exchanged bewildered glances, trying to make sense of the trio's sudden visit.


Suddenly, one of them spotted the stocky man clutching the jian, his eyes widening in alarm.


"Q-Qin Bai, and you, Lin Bei, why are you holding the jian right now?" the disciple shouted, unconsciously backing away, his body trembling as he pointed a shaky finger at the sight of the blade.


The pointy-nosed man and the stocky one, however, wore smug expressions, their lips curling into sneers at the disciples' responses. The air hung thick with tension, the scent of apprehension palpable.


"What? Are you afraid?" the stocky man taunted, his voice dripping with condescension. "Relax, just tell me where that moron went, and we will surely grant you all mercy."


He punctuated his words by nonchalantly playing with the edge of the jian, bringing it dangerously close to one of the petrified disciples, the metallic blade gleaming in the dim light.


"Don't act mighty just because you have a jian!" one of the disciples suddenly shouted, his voice laced with defiance as he brandished another jian, charging at them with widening, bloodshot eyes.




Simultaneously, a blaze of fire began enveloping his entire jian, the flames licking at the air as he slashed toward the trio with reckless abandon.






"AGH!" The charging disciple was violently flung back, spilling a mouthful of blood from his lips as he slammed against the wall with a sickening thud, rendered unconscious. His blazing jian lay broken in two pieces on the floor, the flames slowly dying out.


The remaining disciples recoiled in shock, their eyes shifting towards the trio, where the stocky man's entire hand was now encased in a metallic skin, his metal-coated fingers dripping with the disciple's blood.


His eyes narrowed, his brow furrowed with grim determination after deflecting the attack, his previously harmless look replaced with solemnity.


The acrid scent of blood mingled with the metallic tang of the jian, adding to the palpable tension in the air.


"You broke the sect's rules! Attacking your martial brothers!" a disciple shouted accusingly, his voice trembling with a mixture of anger and fear as the rest began taking out their jians, pointing them at the trio in a display of solidarity.


The air suddenly stirred, blowing with a subtle force as it gathered around one of the disciples, while another disciple's jian glowed like the ethereal light from the stars, humming with an otherworldly energy.


"You think we're pushovers! Come at us! You damned barbarians!" one of the disciples shouted, his voice laced with bravado, attempting to mask his fear.


Most of them were just 1st realm disciples, and not mentioning their dwindling numbers, the room that used to house more than thirty disciples at once was now reduced to less than ten.


As for how they survived the whole challenge, it was obvious they were using quick items such as fireballs or the like to help them, resulting in a lack of skills.


"Teach them a lesson," Qin Bai sneered, reveling in the looks of fear in their eyes and their trembling hands.


'This sensation... that's what I want from all of you!' he grinned inwardly, thinking that just because he lost a duel to that moron, these small fries dared disrespect him.


"I'm Qin Bai! Your Senior!" he declared arrogantly, his voice booming in the tense silence. "Not just some random person!"


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