Chapter 81


The stillness of the silent night was shattered by the rhythmic thud of marching footsteps as a trio gasped for air, their lungs burning from the exertion of fleeing the Outer Disciples' Courtyard.


"That bastard, they dare to summon the other Brothers!" the chubby-cheeked fatty complained, spittle flying from his mouth as he gulped down ragged breaths.


"Anyway, I heard that bastard lives up here, huh? Pretty close to the creek, no wonder we always see him crossing the bridge,"


The pointy-nosed one muttered, his eyes scanning the view before them where a lone abandoned courtyard stood sentinel amidst the surrounding bamboo forest.


This secluded place, once home to servants ranked below the Outer Disciples, formed the sect's backyard, nestled near the exit gate.


"Hmm, it seems their words ring true," Qin Bai replied, his narrowed eyes spotting a solitary figure engaged in exercises on the floor, the sound of labored breathing audible in the hushed atmosphere.


However, as they drew nearer to the derelict courtyard, the sight that greeted them was shocking.


"What the..."


"What did he do?"


Before their disbelieving eyes lay rows of meticulously arranged logs and boulders, and the man himself, the renowned flower boy Ji Wuye, performing push-ups with a massive boulder weighing upon his back.


Sweat glistened on his flushed cheeks, visible veins protruding with the strain, while his crimson eyes, wide and glaring, remained fixed on the ground. His martial robe, tied around his waist, exposed a well-sculpted upper body.


The sight of Ji Wuye bearing a boulder the size of a bison, weighing over 400 jin, gave the fatty and the pointed nose pause, their gazes turning towards their Brother Qin, whose eyes remained squinted, focused on Ji Wuye's training regimen.


"What an ex-xarage training, ri-right Brother Qin? B-but it seems h-he's engrossed, s-should we return later?" The fatty muttered in a hushed tone, as if fearing Ji Wuye, lost in his exertions, might overhear his words, his stutter betraying his rare case of nerves.


"May-maybe we could-" The pointed nose joined, attempting to persuade a retreat as they reconsidered their intention of teaching the brat a lesson.






A thunderous thud echoed, the ground trembling beneath their feet as the boulder Ji Wuye had borne upon his back crashed to the earth.


"Hmm? Guests?" Unfortunately, the monster himself, Ji Wuye, had taken notice of their presence, approaching them with an air of menace.



With jians hanging from their waists and bloodied knuckles, the two gazes fixed upon Ji Wuye were shaken, as if witnessing a predator for the first time in their lives.


The last, belonging to Qin Bai, was narrowed, burning with an intensity akin to one who had seen their ancestor slain.


"Oh, Brother Qin! What an honor to receive a guest like you at my humble abode?" Ji Wuye spoke, a small smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth.


There was no mistaking the ill intent behind the trio's presence. As he approached, they flinched, gripping the hilts of their jians, poised for battle.


His eyes flickered toward the pointy-nosed one and the fatty before settling on Qin Bai, who had remained ominously silent.


"Ji Wuye... how dare you..." Qin Bai's voice was laced with venom, a deep frown creasing his brow as he reached for Ji Wuye's shoulder, fingers curling into a white-knuckled grip, fury simmering beneath the surface.


Yet, as he made to strike, his expression froze, his arm refusing to budge, stiff as a statue. Cold sweat beaded on his brow, and he noticed the smile playing on Ji Wuye's lips.




But before he could utter another word, blood rushed into his vision, blinding him momentarily before darkness enveloped him.




Simultaneously, the rest of Qin Bai's subordinates crumpled to the ground, their heads flushing a deep crimson, as if they had just fled for their lives.


The smile faded from Ji Wuye's lips, his amused gaze turning flinty as he surveyed their unconscious forms.


"Another change," he muttered, gazing skyward where the moon shone brilliantly, the stars blazing like beacons in the night.


Ji Wuye frowned, "There is not much time, but I cannot just leave them here." Grasping the trio's limp bodies, he dragged them to the flowing creek and unceremoniously tossed them into the waters.


Once done, he immediately retreated to the abandoned courtyard, bolting the door behind him.


A screen flickered to life before him.


[!] Time's up! You will now be forcefully transported into the Tower of God!


"Let's test how significant the change is after I did that to them," he muttered, his corporeal form dissolving into countless cubes.


If proven that the main event had impacted him, then he would proceed with his current plan. But if unaffected, he might need to adapt his approach accordingly.


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