Chapter 82


Translucent blocks of vivid blue cubes materialized from nothingness, rapidly multiplying and interweaving to construct a human form. As the ethereal blocks solidified, they unveiled Ji Wuye, his eyes tightly shut.


When his eyelids parted, crimson irises pierced the encompassing cubic emptiness with a penetrating glare. Simultaneously, a radiant emerald aura emanated from his body, enveloping him in a warm, verdant cocoon.



[!] All temporary injuries have been healed!



Ji Wuye extended his neck from side to side, rolling his shoulders as a transparent pane shimmered into existence before his eyes. 



[!] You have 30 minutes remaining before being teleported to the fifth floor!



"Status," he commanded, his voice resonating with authority. His crimson eyes studied the screen, emotionless.





[->] Name: Ji Wuye


[->] Level: 15


[->] Strength: 82

[->] Agility: 76

[->] Qi: 76


[*] Skills:


- Quick Adaptation(E)

- Healing Art Primer(1st)(E)

- Cloudsoaring Steps(2nd)(E)

- Pulse of Blade Sword Art(1st)(??)

- Deflecting Blows(E)

- Feline Reflexes(E)

- Pressure Form Perfection Style(D)

- Slash Breaker (E)

- Qi Training(???)



"Another addition of ten points to each attribute. With these enhancements, my stats now equal those of an average martial artist in the fourth realm," Ji Wuye's voice reverberated, his crimson eyes calmly appraising the comprehensive display of his stats.


With a casual wave of his hand, the status screen dissipated, replaced by another shimmering pane materializing before his impassive gaze. 



[*] SHOP


[>] Skill [<] | [>] Items [<]



"Item," Ji Wuye stated. 



[*] ITEMS // TOG COINS: 55,210


- Heavenly Jade Sword - 5,000 coins

- Elven Moonlight Bow - 3,500 coins

- Lingzhi Mushroom of Vitality - 1,200 coins

- Ethereal Unicorn Horn Powder - 4,800 coins

- Yin-Yang Harmony Bracers - 4,200 coins

- Healing Salve - 50 coins

- Sturdy Rope (50 ft) - 20 coins

- Flint and Steel - 10 coins

- Torches (Bundle of 10) - 15 coins

- Rations (1 week's supply) - 35 coins

- Waterskin - 8 coins

- Camping Bedroll - 25 coins

- Simple Lockpicks - 40 coins

- Whetstone - 5 coins

- Soul Anchor Amulet - 1,000 coins



"As expected, neither the coveted Elixir of Growth nor the Grasp of Longevity grace this realm's offerings," Ji Wuye remarked, his crimson eyes narrowing as they scanned the list before him. 


Yet, when his gaze fell upon the three unfamiliar items perched atop the catalog, his brows furrowed in contemplation.


"Curious... Unknown artifacts, yet their prices soar," he murmured, recalling the foreboding challenges that awaited him on the fifth floor. 


Though these enigmatic items piqued his interest, he swiftly dismissed the temptation, shaking his head resolutely. "My immediate need lies in an item to fortify the mind."


Ji Wuye meticulously scrolled through the catalogue, scrutinizing each item's description for any indication of its ability to influence the psyche. 


The sterile scent of the cubic chamber hung heavy in the air as arcane whispers resonated through the ethereal space.



[>>[Yin-Yang Harmony Bracers ]<<]

Type: Equipment

The Yin-Yang Harmony Bracers are revered artifacts crafted by the ancient sages of the Celestial Sect. Legend has it that these bracers were created using the essence of the primordial Taiji, the cosmic symbol of yin and yang.

When worn, the wearer is enveloped by a faint white energy, acting as a barrier and shield that repels any attack.



"Celestial Sect... yin and yang..." Ji Wuye muttered, his mind racing with possibilities. The artifacts on offer hailed from realms unknown, yet the very mention of concepts like Taiji and the duality of yin and yang hinted at a world strikingly similar to his own realm of Jianghu.


"I've heard such phrases uttered often," he mused, "perhaps this realm exists on a higher plane than Jianghu itself? Either the forger was a sage – a being of immense power in my world – or the Celestial Sect dares to adorn itself with the mantle of the heavens themselves."


His crimson gaze flickered over the bracers' description once more. "But its effects merely provide an additional defensive barrier. For one who has amassed a fortune to acquire that 'thing', such an item would be a wasteful indulgence."


Dismissing the screen with a casual wave, another translucent pane shimmered into existence before his impassive stare.



[>>[Soul Anchor Amulet ]<<]

Type: Equipment

The legend of the Soul Anchor Amulet is whispered among the descendants of kings and heroes. Forged by the skilled hands of dwarven smiths in the depths of their mountain strongholds, for a long-forgotten human king by the finest dwarven artisans.

Each link of its chain is wrought from mithril, mined from the deepest veins of the earth, while its pendant is carved from a single flawless gemstone, imbued with the power to anchor the soul and shield the mind from malevolent forces.

When worn, the Soul Anchor Amulet forms a shimmering barrier around the wearer's mind, warding off psychic intrusion and protecting them from the subtle manipulations of dark forces. Its mithril links resonate with the wearer's essence, bolstering their mental defenses and fortifying their resolve in the face of adversity.



After absorbing the amulet's lengthy description, his thoughts briefly strayed to the peculiar mention of "dwarven" artisans. 


However, the artifact's profound ability to safeguard the psyche promptly refocused his attention. A faint smile tugged at the corners of his mouth as he nodded in satisfaction. "It seems I've uncovered the instrument I require." 



[!] You have purchased item: Soul Anchor Amulet!



With the item secured, Ji Wuye wasted no time in summoning forth the Soul Anchor Amulet from his extradimensional inventory. As the gleaming chain slipped over his head, the flawless gemstone pendant came to rest against his chest, emitting a faint, radiant shimmer.


"So, it's merely a typical chain pendant," he remarked, eyeing the purported dwarven craftsmanship with a hint of skepticism. No sooner had the words left his lips than a translucent screen materialized before him, prompting a satisfied smile to tug at the corners of his mouth.



[!] All negative effects affecting your mind have been repelled! 




[!] The Soul Anchor Amulet's protection is now active! Your mind is now immune to any attempts at mind control, manipulation, or buffs! 



Though the screens heralded the amulet's activation, Ji Wuye detected no tangible shift within himself – no surge of energy, no heightened perception. Yet, one certainty resonated deep within his core: the amulet's mystic properties now shielded his psyche from malign influences.


"Well, shall we proceed, then?" he inquired aloud, his voice reverberating through the sterile cubic chamber.



[!] With 20 minutes remaining, are you certain you wish to face the challenge earlier? 



"Yes," Ji Wuye affirmed without hesitation. 



[!] You will now be transported to the fifth floor! 



Yet, instead of his form dissipating into a kaleidoscope of ethereal cubes, another translucent pane flickered into existence before his crimson gaze. 



[!] Waiting for other challengers (2/15) 


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