Chapter 84

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Kunlun was once a Taoist sect that embraced benevolence and avoided mortal conflict, yet everything transformed after 'that' incident. 

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Nowadays, people exhibited respect towards Ji Wuye, or rather the Kunlun sect he was affiliated with, despite not knowing his name.

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During the conversation, after Ji Wuye greeted them...

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"Especially the Solitary Tiger from Hubei," Ji Wuye continued, his gaze settling on the one-handed swordsman, who was the first to approach him.

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Upon hearing Ji Wuye's words, the people surrounding the one-handed swordsman also cupped their hands and greeted him, while the man himself nodded in acknowledgment, his eyes betraying a hint of curiosity.

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"The Blind Twin from Jiangsu," Ji Wuye shifted his gaze to the portly man, who had twin blades on his waist and sharp, eagle-like eyes that seemed to pierce through any illusion. Wearing a richly adorned hanfu, he smirked at Ji Wuye's words, the embroidered silk shimmering in the faint light.

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"Hehehe, that title is nothing more than a fancy name," the portly man with twin blades laughed, his booming voice echoing through the chamber, as he shook his head, the beads in his hair clinking together.

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"The famous Whispering Willow," Ji Wuye changed his gaze toward the mysterious woman in a bamboo hat, her face partially obscured by the woven fibers. She offered only a nod of agreement, the bamboo strands gently swaying with the movement.


"And lastly, the heroes of Qinghai," Ji Wuye smiled politely at the remaining crowd beside the three, who nodded in response, lifting their heads to look at him, their eyes filled with a mixture of curiosity and respect.


Martial artists in the jianghu respected each other, even strangers, which was common as the jianghu was still in chaos after the Emperor's decree. None of them were competing, as each came from different regions, their paths crossing by chance in this mysterious tower.


Except for the people from Qinghai, who shared the same region as Kunlun. However, these people had likely wandered into Qinghai province, or else they would have known Ji Wuye before, his reputation preceding him like a lingering fragrance.


"Oh my, what an otherworldly appearance for a warrior from Kunlun," a woman chuckled, covering her mouth with a delicate hand as she gazed intently at Ji Wuye's face, her eyes lingering on his chiseled features.


"Indeed, I wonder if the Master already has a sparring partner?" another voice added, laced with a hint of mischief.


Invitations and murmurs mixed among the crowd, their talking as if they were outside the Tower, completely forgetting about their missions for a brief moment, the air filled with the sound of hushed whispers and the occasional chuckle.


Some even introduced themselves to each other, and Ji Wuye noticed that none of them seemed nervous, their postures relaxed and their voices confident, as if they were among old friends.


"You flatter us, Master of Kunlun. We do not deserve that title; we are just the passing wind," replied the fragile, portly old man with a long beard, his voice carrying a hint of humility tinged with wisdom.


"We are surprised you know all of us, but may we have the honor of knowing the true name of your Hero of Kunlun?" asked the Solitary Tiger, the one-handed swordsman, looking at him with fixed gazes, his eyes betraying a hint of curiosity beneath the gruff exterior.


Upon his question, all attention was once again placed on Ji Wuye, the air thick with anticipation.


"I am no one but nobody," Ji Wuye calmly replied with a smile, catching the rest off guard as they looked at him in disbelief before frowning, their expressions shifting from curiosity to disappointment.


"But Master-" As one of them wanted to reprimand Ji Wuye for his disrespectful answer, a hand stopped him. It was none other than the Solitary Tiger, who squinted his eyes at him, a silent warning passing between them.


"So be it. If the Hero of Kunlun is unwilling to reveal his true name, let's discuss how to clear this challenge and what kind it is," one of them said, their voice carrying a tone of resignation. 


The people shook their heads while looking at Ji Wuye before distancing themselves, their footsteps echoing in the chamber.


Even the respect in their eyes before revealed heavy disappointment, while Ji Wuye himself showed no reaction, his expression remaining impassive, as if carved from stone.


The vast arena dwarfed those people's figures, their forms appearing blurry and indistinct in Ji Wuye's crimson eyes. 


Holding his jian in a tight embrace, he gazed at the thousand cliffs surrounding them, the towering peaks reaching towards the heavens. Time seemed to thicken, the air heavy with anticipation.


'No opponent to kill, no events to react to, and no goals to defend. Will you all act the same as in the past, or will something change?' Ji Wuye thought inwardly, his gaze sweeping over the groups engrossed in discussion, their voices mingling as they tried to unravel the challenge's content.


Some even began climbing down the cliffs, their movements agile and precise, while others slashed the clouds with their attacks, the air reverberating with the clash of blades. It was unsurprising to Ji Wuye, for he had witnessed such behavior before.


It was the same as before. They had also discussed like this and greeted him, but the only difference was his answer. "Yet, the outcome is still the same whether I reveal my name or not," he murmured, his words carried away by the faint breeze that caressed his face.


Ever since Qin Bai's sudden arrival at his abandoned courtyard, the changes in the person who helped prevent his expulsion from the sect, and Song Jia's earlier development had brought an idea to Ji Wuye's mind.


'What if I changed from passive to active?' But as this thought crossed his mind, Elder Qiao's words struck him like a bolt of lightning, their weight giving him pause.


"Enemies... another shocking fact..." His expression turned into a frown as he shook his head, denying the thought of becoming active, his brow furrowed in contemplation.


'Let's gather some strength first.'



After a moment, the frustrated crowd's wait ended as a transparent screen Ji Wuye anticipated finally appeared before him, its surface shimmering like a mirage.



[!] The War Drum has been deployed!



'Ah, they are good people indeed, but...' Ji Wuye thought inwardly while observing the people and the view of thousand mountains, his gaze lingering on the jagged peaks that pierced the sky.




Along with the screen's appearance, an echoing drum vibrated the entire area from every side, its resonant sound reverberating through the very earth beneath their feet.


"What? Where is that coming from?" The crowd began looking around, their eyes wide with confusion, before their gazes settled on Ji Wuye, suspicion flickering across their faces.




Yet, as all eyes were on Ji Wuye, another drum smacked, echoing loudly, the sound seeming to emanate from nowhere and everywhere at once.








Suddenly, a series of drums smacked, echoing from all sides, their thunderous beats assaulting the senses. The people's bodies heated as if in deep danger, their minds felt dizzy, and their lungs suffocated from lack of air, the atmosphere thick and oppressive.


"Humans have three personalities..." While the crowd felt the uncomfortable situation's mix, Ji Wuye looked unaffected as he held the jian in his hand, his expression impassive, his voice ringing out clear and unwavering.


As Ji Wuye's words vibrated through the arena, another transparent screen appeared before him, its surface flickering with strange symbols and distorted text.




You have reached the 5th floor of the Tower of the Gods!

[>] Objective: ^!@%!@&!@& #^@#^

[!] Consequence: DEATH!



The objective began changing, distorting with countless numbers and strange words floating around the text until...




You have reached the 5th floor of the Tower of the Gods!

[>] Objective: ELIMINATE all other Challengers (0/14)

[!] Consequence: DEATH!



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