Chapter 85


A wave of shock rippled across the faces of the warriors, their hands clutching their heads as they suppressed agonizing headaches. Eyes widened in disbelief as they fell upon Ji Wuye, the lone figure unaffected by the mysterious affliction.


"What trickery is this, Warrior of Kunlun!" The Blind Twin from Jiangsu bellowed, his voice thundering with rage as he addressed Ji Wuye. Tremors coursed through his body as he forced himself upright, jian unsheathed and pointed menacingly.


"Ugh... To think the renowned Kunlun sect would stoop to such depths..." The Solitary Tiger, a one-handed swordsman, gritted his teeth, veins protruding from his temple.


Beads of sweat trickled down his matted hair, complexion flushed as he battled the searing pain assaulting his mind.


He too brandished his jian, assuming a bent stance, poised to strike at Ji Wuye's slightest provocation.


Unfazed, Ji Wuye approached them with measured steps, his own jian gripped firmly in his right hand.


'Impressive, as expected from named warriors. Their sheer power is extraordinary, but...' His thought trailed off as a transparent screen flickered into existence before them all.

‎ ‎ 


[!] Your mind has been affected by the Heart of War Song!


[!] All restraint and rational thinking have been greatly affected!


[!] Your body is trying to break free from the brain's command!



"Ugh!" The Solitary Tiger and the Blind Twin groaned in agony, half-kneeling as the others crumpled to the ground, assailed by the same torment.


"First, their primal desire. The primitive, unconscious part of the personality that seeks immediate gratification of basic desires and urges, without considering consequences or reality. It operates based on the pleasure principle."


Ji Wuye's words reverberated among the defenseless warriors sprawled before him. Simultaneously, his crimson eyes detected a shift in their gazes, a hazy, bloody mist shrouding their vision.


Unlike them, he remained truly unaffected, as another transparent screen flashed before his eyes.



[!] The Soul Anchor Amulet has been protecting your mind!



"Second, the restraint, the rational part that mediates between the desires of the primal desire and the constraints of reality. It operates based on the reality principle."


Advancing upon the nearest challengers who writhed in anguish at his feet, a flicker of hesitation clouded Ji Wuye's crimson gaze. The weight of the jian in his grasp seemed to intensify as he met the slowly reddening eyes of the warrior beneath him.


"Forgive me, Heroes," Ji Wuye cupped his hands and bowed to the fallen figure before a blinding flash severed the warrior's neck. For a fleeting moment, the body froze, then a crimson fountain erupted.





[!] You have killed Level 10 - Qian Shi!



"May you be reunited with your ancestors in the afterworld." Ji Wuye uttered a solemn prayer over the decapitated corpse before shifting his gaze towards the remaining warriors.


By now, their eyes had cleared, resembling those of lucid individuals. They rose to their feet, casting bewildered glances at one another.


"Heheh..." However, a collective, unsettling giggle escaped their lips, laced with an unmistakable tinge of madness.


"The last personality was the moral component that internalizes societal standards and strives for perfection, in contrast to the id's amoral urges. It operates on the morality principle. But what would happen once it's gone?"


Ji Wuye's voice carried a grim weight as he surveyed the unraveling chaos. "They are no different than killers. The primal desire that held their real personality has been unleashed, leaving only their true, unchecked desires."


One warrior leered lecherously at a woman, madness glazing his eyes. "You look radiant, sister," he slurred, tongue licking cracked lips as he advanced on her with clear intentions.


But his advance was cut brutally short.




"Argh!" The man's scream pierced the air as the woman he'd accosted smiled wickedly, plunging a blade deep into his neck.


"Hehe, you men are no different than beasts. Let me send you all to the afterlife!" She cackled, repeatedly stabbing his writhing body as blood erupted in crimson fountains.


The man's agonized struggles proved futile against her relentless assault.


"Ah... it's pointless... there is no hope for people like me who only had one arm..." The Solitary Tiger, the one-armed swordsman, muttered amidst the unfolding madness. His gaze drifted skyward for a moment before settling on the nearest person with chilling intensity.


"Ah, you, how could you have two arms? HOW! I can't TOLERATE THIS!" His enraged bellow shattered the air as he slashed viciously at the dazed figure beside him.




Chaos reigned as similar frenzied outbursts erupted throughout the arena. Some tore off their clothes, leaping over the edge with crazed laughter.


"I'm free! My Martial Art can fly! Don't worry! Haha, I'm finally free from the burden of being a father!" One voice trailed off into the distance as a body plummeted earthward.


"Ah... Sister... you are so beautiful... shall we unleash our deepest regret?"


"Ah... Brother... Ah..."


The air grew thick with guttural moans and animalistic cries as maddened figures groped and clawed at each other.


Reason was abandoned as long-suppressed carnal impulses overcame any remnants of societal shame. Fevered coupling erupted between some warriors, taboos cast aside as they lost themselves in base, primal lust.



Ji Wuye retreated, distancing himself from the unfolding pandemonium as the warriors descended into primal madness, turning on each other with bared blades and bared flesh.


Severed limbs and torn bodies littered the ground as some clashed savagely, clothes discarded as they reveled in their basest impulses. Peals of manic laughter accompanied each gruesome dismemberment.


The Solitary Tiger forced others to emulate his one-armed state, roaring with deranged glee each time he succeeded in his twisted quest for "equality."


The chubby-faced Twin Blade had become a vision of bloody insanity, slashing wildly as he bellowed like a feral beast, his corpulent features slick with gore.


As Ji Wuye observed the carnage, another transparent screen flickered before him.




You have reached the 5th floor of the Tower of the Gods!

[>] Objective: ^!@%!@&!@& #^@#^

[!] Consequence: DEATH!



The previous garbled objective resurfaced momentarily before reverting to clarity.




You have reached the 5th floor of the Tower of the Gods!

[>] Objective: Survive for 1 hour and Eliminate a challenger (1/1)!

[!] Consequence: DEATH!



But as Ji Wuye absorbed the quest details, a looming shadow in the distance caught his eye, steadily drawing nearer.


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