Chapter 86


The rhythmic tapping of sandals against the rain-drenched ground reverberated through the air.


Ji Wuye's gaze followed the approaching figure, a looming presence shrouded by a large bamboo hat. As the distance closed, the metallic scent of blood wafted from the dripping jian gripped firmly in the stranger's hand, leaving a crimson trail in their wake.


"Why didn't you tell us beforehand?" The melodious voice of a woman, unmistakably the renowned warrior known as the Whispering Willow, cut through the tense atmosphere.


Ji Wuye tightened his grip on his own jian, his eyes narrowing at the advancing figure. The Whispering Willow strode toward him with wide, purposeful steps, the blade in her grasp sweeping the marble floor, eliciting a sharp clang that reverberated through the air.


"Why did you kill that innocent person? Why would someone like you from the renowned Kunlun sect commit such a petty act?" she shouted, her voice carrying the paradoxical quality of a whisper amidst its volume, loud yet quiet.


Ji Wuye remained silent, his gaze holding a myriad of unspoken answers as his lips tightened, refusing to utter a word for a brief moment before finally breaking the silence.


"That man... the one you deem innocent..." His words trailed off, his mouth sealing tightly once more, his expression shifting from a conflicted mix of emotions to calm indifference.


The distance separating them spanned a hundred zhang, as vast as a great river.


Piercing bloodshot eyes, shrouded by the shadow cast by her bamboo hat, fixed their unrelenting gaze upon Ji Wuye. Her blood-stained hanfu stood in stark contrast against the blinding sky.


Gripping his jian with both hands, Ji Wuye began to assess his enemy. His focus initially fell upon the blade she wielded, the metal glistening with freshly spilled blood.


'She has taken a life as well...' he observed, noting the absence of any strange liquids or substances.


'Her eyes are clear, indicating her mind has regained rational clarity.'


Another change, though unsurprising to him. Previously, challengers had engaged in mindless battles, beating and fighting themselves to the brink of death, yet now...


"Tsk," A low groan escaped the Whispering Willow's lips as she bit down on her lower lip, her gaze intensifying into a piercing glare directed squarely at Ji Wuye.


"So that is your answer, Master of Kunlun. Then you are no different from those lawless warriors of the Unorthodox factions. I will ensure the world bears witness to the current prestigious status of the Kunlun sect," she declared.


"My name is Mu Xinyan! I am a warrior hailing from Hubei!" Her shout reverberated with a strange, whisper-like quality, fading into a soft echo.


"You have not only tainted the name of Kunlun but also employed cowardly tactics, unfairly slaying your enemies. In this life, I, as a warrior from Hubei, swear to end your existence, cleansing the reputation of Six Protectors!"


Mu Xinyan's stance and grip on her sword seemed unconventional, her feet lacking the firm footing typically associated with such a confrontation, in contrast to Ji Wuye's slightly bent knee, poised for action.


Yet, as soon as her declaration concluded, her figure vanished in an instant.








The sudden disappearance of her form coincided with an inexplicable crescendo of wind, stirring fallen leaves into a whirlwind that manifested around Ji Wuye.


The number of leaves multiplied rapidly, escalating from one to two, from two to ten, as the wind grew increasingly turbulent.


"That's how she gained the nickname the Whispering Willow," Ji Wuye mused, observing the scene unfolding before him.


As he glanced beyond the raging winds, he noticed that by now, all the remaining challengers lay lifeless, each with a jian protruding from their hearts, leaving only Ji Wuye and Mu Xinyan as the final combatants.


It was evident that Mu Xinyan had taken a life, fulfilling the condition necessary to break free from the War Drum's overwhelming effect. All that remained was for them to endure and complete the challenge of the tower.




'This is why these orthodox people have such narrow minds and ultimately fail in battle.' The thought crossed Ji Wuye's mind as the wind grew stronger, the increasing number of swirling leaves obstructing his vision. His crimson eyes glowed with a fierce intensity as he prepared to adapt.



[!] Your passive skill, Quick Adaptation (E), has been triggered!



Mu Xinyan's figure became visible once more, her form swaying left and right, following the path of the wind. Her movements and grip on her jian resembled a mesmerizing sword dance, akin to those performed in the most prestigious brothels.


Yet, not a single sound accompanied her motions as she tiptoed on slender feet, executing graceful leaps that brought her ever closer to Ji Wuye.


Moreover, her jian seemed to transform into seamless water, flickering as if about to fade, yet without casting a single reflection, a truly remarkable display of martial artistry.


At times, she moved with lightning speed, while at others, her pace slowed to a crawl, all amidst the raging winds.


But to Ji Wuye, whose stats rivaled those of a 4th realm martial artist, such techniques held little significance, as he could discern her every movement with crystal clarity.


Amidst the whirlwind of leaves and gusts, Ji Wuye detected a series of cuts – hidden attacks infused with Mu Xinyan's Qi, manifesting as sharp, invisible blades that threatened to slice any who dared encroach upon her territory.


Cloudsoaring step, Cloud Walking...


The Qi gathered around Ji Wuye's feet, allowing him to glide effortlessly, dodging these trivial tricks with ease. Simultaneously, time itself seemed to slow around him, the leaves concealing the hidden, razor-sharp Qi becoming more visible and lethargic in his heightened perception.



[!] Your passive skill, Feline Reflexes (E), has been triggered!



Passing through layer after layer of Mu Xinyan's defenses, Ji Wuye found himself directly before her, her eyes closed as she continued her entrancing dance with her jian.




His sword effortlessly pierced her chest, aimed with surgical precision at her heart. Mu Xinyan's eyes snapped open, wide with shock and pain. Abruptly, the raging wind and the thousand falling leaves ceased their relentless assault, vanishing into stillness.


She fell into Ji Wuye's arms, the jian sinking deeper as she coughed a mouthful of blood onto his martial robe.


"Ugh... M-Master of Kun-lun, just ho...w?" she uttered, her once bloodshot and glaring eyes losing their vibrant hue as the bamboo hat concealing her face slid aside, revealing the visage of a young woman marred by blade wounds across her features.


The dark hanfu she wore shifted, exposing her neck and chest, which bore numerous scars – the unmistakable marks of human cruelty and abuse.


Ji Wuye gazed upon Mu Xinyan's broken form with a profound sense of pity. He slowly lowered his stance, bringing them both to the ground as he cradled her dying body.


"The famous Whispering Willow turned out to be someone from a brothel..." he said.


"But you fought valiantly. Your name will be known throughout the entire Jianghu, so rest assured..."


As Ji Wuye spoke these words of solace, he moved to gently close Mu Xinyan's eyes, only to find them already shut, a faint smile etched upon her lips as she exhaled her final breath.



[!] You have killed Level 13 - Mu Xinyan!



"As for the reason why, it's simple – I do not seek fame like you all," Ji Wuye declared, gently laying Mu Xinyan's lifeless form upon the marble floor before rising to his feet.


His gaze swept across the distant corpses.


The sound of the war drum had long since ceased, leaving only the tranquility of a gentle breeze and the haunting howls echoing from the stones of the distant thousand mountains.




Challenger Ji Wuye,

Congratulations on successfully clearing the fifth floors!



As the transparent screen materialized before him, Ji Wuye found himself devoid of joy, his heart filled with a maelstrom of conflicting emotions as he looked upon Mu Xinyan's corpse.



[!] The way you handled the War Drum effect managed to gain the impression of the gods and achieved an amazing feat!




[!] Some gods began placing their suspicions on you!




[!] You have managed to clear the challenge without injury! You are among the small portion of challengers that managed to achieve this amazing feat!





• …



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