Chapter 88



[>>[The Unbreakable Vajra Form]<<]

Type: Passive skill - Internal/External Art

Stage: Warrior Body (1st Stage)

A martial art that originated from a secluded monastery deep within the awe-inspiring Himalayas, where ascetic warriors have dedicated their lives to tempering their bodies into indestructible vessels through rigorous training and unwavering discipline.



Ji Wuye's eyes narrowed as he studied the information before him, his brow furrowing in contemplation. "So this can be considered both an internal and external art?" he murmured, the words escaping his lips in a hushed whisper.


He had long prepared a spot for an internal art to complement this martial art, which was another reason he hadn't bothered to purchase another one. However, as he read the details, a flicker of skepticism crossed his features. "Isn't this the same martial art used by those monks?"


The image of a towering hundred Li golden pagoda and a bald martial artist, clad in the robes of a Buddhist practitioner, flashed vividly in his mind's eye.


All of them possessed formidable physiques, their bodies honed to near-indestructible levels, much like the secluded monastery's warriors.


A realization dawned upon him – they were located far in the eastern Jianghu, precisely near the Himalayas mountain range.


Yet, as the memory of the man who had introduced him to this martial art resurfaced, a bald figure etched itself into Ji Wuye's consciousness.


"Don't tell me..." A look of hesitation flickered across his eyes, his lips pursing as relief washed over him that he had not yet committed to purchasing this martial art.


Lost in deep thought, Ji Wuye delved into the recesses of his past life's memories, words spoken by different individuals echoing in his mind.


Fragmented images flitted across his consciousness, some blurry and indistinct, while others were only partially visible.


The limitations of the human brain eventually forced him to abandon his efforts, and he sighed, the sound carrying a hint of resignation. "I can't remember."


Biting his lower lip, Ji Wuye turned his gaze back to the transparent screen before him. This martial art sounded suspiciously similar to the teachings of the Shaolin Temple; the practitioners were renowned for their bald pates...


The person or genius known for his monstrous Qi, who also practiced this martial art, was bald...


Did that mean if he practiced this martial art, he, too, would become bald?


The mere thought sent a shiver down his spine, raising goosebumps along his flesh. For someone who had relied on and been born with the privileges of physical beauty, the prospect of practicing such a cursed martial art filled him with trepidation.


"It's very hard to choose..." Ji Wuye's eyebrows furrowed, and deep wrinkles creased his forehead as he unconsciously bit his finger, his gaze circling downward in contemplation.


Strength or beauty? One was the pursuit that drove him, the other a gift he already possessed.


For a fleeting moment, these conflicting desires waged an internal battle within his mind until another transparent screen flashed before him, its brilliant glow demanding his attention.



[!] You have 10 minutes remaining before being transported back to your world!



"The time surely went fast when it wasn't needed," Ji Wuye remarked, cursing inwardly. Yet, thanks to this reminder, he finally made a choice, his hesitation evaporating like morning mist.



[!] You have purchased skill The Unbreakable Vajra Form (C)!



He chose to keep practicing, after all, this was the technique he had aimed for from the start.




"That's just my assumption; who knows, 'he' might have actually been from the Shaolin Temple from the beginning," he shook his head, assuring himself or trying to convince himself of this possibility.



Now, eyeing the remaining coins, Ji Wuye felt a sense of newfound freedom, the restraints that had bound him previously released. His eyes began to squint as he once again perused the skills section from the top. "Let's see... Let's see..."


"Cloud Stepping Technique," he murmured, the name suggesting a martial art related to Qingong or movement techniques.


Skipping to the next entry, Ji Wuye's gaze fell upon "Runic Inscription: Elemental Warding..."


Judging from its name alone, it was a skill that hailed from another world, sharing the same origin as Slash Breaker, Feline Reflex, Quick Adaptation, and Deflecting Blows, which he already possessed.


"It has a long name, it's C rank, but..." The price proved too steep for him to gamble on, though he could have clicked on the skill to reveal more information. However, time was once again working against him.


Skipping over the skill, Ji Wuye began scanning the list one by one until...


A few moments later, a transparent screen finally flashed before him, its radiant glow catching his eye.



[!] You have 5 minutes remaining before being transported back to your world!



However, at this point, his gaze froze on a certain skill name. It lingered there for a couple of moments as he blinked, as if to confirm what he was seeing. "I-Is this real?"


To confirm his assumption, he selected the skill, and another transparent screen materialized before him, its contents drawing a sharp intake of breath.



[>>[Heavenly Dragon Fusion Gongfa]<<]

Type: Passive skill - External Art

Stage: Upper Dantian (1st Stage)

Legend has it that this martial art was created by the first Immortal for their beloved disciples. It helps the martial artist break the rules and limitations, and follow their Shifu's steps to become an immortal.




[!] You have purchased skill Heavenly Dragon Fusion Gongfa (C)!



Ji Wuye didn't hesitate. Once his crimson eyes rapidly read and skimmed through the vital information about this skill, he had already made his choice and instantly purchased it.


His heart pounded loudly in his chest, but then, a surprising transparent screen appeared – one he had never seen before.



[X] Your purchase for Heavenly Dragon Fusion Gongfa (C) has been aborted!




[!] The price for the skill Heavenly Dragon Fusion Gongfa (C) has been increased!




[*] SKILLS // TOG COINS: 50,210


14. Heavenly Dragon Fusion Gongfa (C) - 45,000 coins



Ji Wuye's frown deepened, and once again, he purchased the skill.



[!] You have purchased skill Heavenly Dragon Fusion Gongfa (C)!



He stared wide-eyed for a few moments, but after confirming there were no other screen reminders like before, the frozen stare softened, and his tightened lips curled into a wide grin. A faint chuckle escaped from within before his lips parted, revealing a brilliant smile.


"Hahah, I didn't expect this skill to actually be here!" The frustration he had harbored about how to increase his strenght while keeping the plot line the same as in his past life had finally borne fruit!


With a few more laughs, his body transformed into countless blue cubes as he vanished from the lobby, the sound of his mirth echoing in the room.


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