Chapter 89




A brilliant flash illuminated the deserted courtyard as countless translucent cubes materialized in its center, revealing a figure with deep crimson eyes fixated on the transparent screen before him.




Congratulations to all challengers! You have successfully adapted and passed the first five floor challenges from the Tower of God!




[!] As a reward, the next tower challenge will start in three months!





The world of 'Jianghu' has been detected to have lost more than 100,000 challengers in total! 100 dungeons will appear randomly!



"Dungeons, huh?" Ji Wuye's crimson eyes reflected a myriad of emotions as he scrutinized the transparent screen, the remnants of past memories flickering across his gaze. He had anticipated this occurrence, yet witnessing it firsthand evoked an uncanny sensation.


"The world of Jianghu will surely be in uproar now," he murmured, his voice carrying a tinge of solemnity.


The shackles that once restrained the movements of all factions had finally been severed, paving the way for a new era where enhanced powers and magical skills possessed by non-martial artists would render the old rules obsolete.


Yet, for heroes like himself, the appearance of dungeons signified more than just a training ground; it represented an opportunity to seek fame and renown.


"Countless named warriors would rush to clear the dungeons," Ji Wuye recited, his words echoing the memories of his past lives where the thousand-year genius, Du Chen, had also made his mark through such endeavors.


Striding towards one of the stacked logs, Ji Wuye lowered himself onto the weathered surface, his gaze drawn towards the clouded moon.


The silver light bathed his white hair, casting an ethereal glow upon his features as his crimson eyes pierced through the darkness, gazing deep into the star-studded expanse beyond the clouds.


"By now, the Martial Heroes would have regained their reason to protect normal people, but also be at a loss once they realize those people are no longer the same." His words carried the weight of profound understanding, resonating with the wisdom garnered from countless lifetimes.


A gentle breeze caressed his fluttering white hair, and the distant flap of an owl's wings echoed through the abandoned courtyard. Ji Wuye's crimson eyes unconsciously slowed time as he noticed the wound marring the owl's neck, a grim reminder of the harsh realities that awaited.


"The rule of the jungle will be applied, and people's hearts will change. It will be hard to distinguish evil from virtue." His words rang with certainty, punctuated by the fading flap of the owl's wings as it disappeared into the night.


An image flashed in his mind, a tantalizing glimpse of the coveted items that dungeons would bestow upon their conquerors. Rising from the stacked logs, Ji Wuye began stretching his body, his movements fluid and purposeful.


Yet, a word he had repeatedly heard echoed in his mind, stirring a sense of curiosity: "How did the Elders and Patriarchs manage to find this information?"


The thought lingered momentarily before dissipating, as Ji Wuye's gaze swept across the abandoned courtyard, taking in the stacked logs and boulders that littered the area.


"Come to think of it, isn't this also 'her' time to shine?" A memory surfaced, vivid and distinct, of a certain young lady stubbornly accusing him of being a pervert, her fervent words ringing with conviction.


"But why do I feel like I've said this before?" Ji Wuye mused, a hint of bemusement coloring his tone as a sense of déjà vu washed over him.



With the ominous notification from the tower, the once silent and eerie night erupted into an uproar as cities and villages bustled with cries of joy. However, the atmosphere within the hallowed halls of the Kunlun Sect was starkly different.


A large, rounded table seated the solemn figures of the Elders, gathered once more as soon as they had completed the Tower challenge. Their gazes met, a heavy silence permeating the air as they stared at one another, each contemplating the gravity of the situation.


"Brothers and Sisters," spoke one of the Elders, his white hair and hunched back a stark contrast to the typical build of a martial artist, yet his voice commanded respect, "does any of you have knowledge about what 'dungeon' the Tower mentioned is?"


Despite his frail appearance, the gazes of the other Elders showed neither disrespect nor condescension, a testament to the reverence he commanded.


A muscular Elder furrowed his brows, his chiseled features etched with concern. "The word 'dungeon' carries an ominous weight. Perhaps it refers to some trial or tribulation we must endure?"


"If we're talking about a normal dungeon, it's just a regular prison, right?" opined another Elder, his long black hair partially obscuring the jagged scar that marred his mouth – none other than Elder Tan.


An Elder, shook his head slowly. "I fear it is no ordinary prison the Tower speaks of. The dangers we may face could be beyond our imagining."


"But isn't that simple? Everything from the Tower is extraordinary," commented Elder Fang, known for his keen intellect and razor-sharp wit.


The muscular Elder slammed his fist upon the table, the impact sending tremors through the wood. "Exactly! We must not underestimate this challenge."


"Let's put that aside first. We must discuss whether to continue the assessment or not," interrupted another Elder, her melodious voice cutting through the tension – Elder Qiao. The others nodded in acknowledgment of her words, recognizing the wisdom in her counsel.


"A prudent suggestion," Elder Tan said with an approving nod. The other Elders nodded in solemn agreement, their faces etched with the weight of the decision before them.


"Elder Xia, please give us a report on how many disciples perished in this challe—" As Elder Fang began to speak, his words were abruptly silenced by the loud slam of the door.




A man clad in a white robe adorned with red stripes, his long, flowing brown hair cascading down his back, entered the chamber. His sharp eyes swept over the Elders, his aura commanding silence and reverence.


This was none other than the Kunlun Patriarch, the true Master of Kunlun Mountain.


"Continue the assessment," he declared, his voice resonating with authority. "As for the matter related to the 'dungeon', we will simply wait until the gathering for the alliance to begin."


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