Chapter 102


The midday sun cast a warm glow over the serene Kunlun Sect grounds as Ji Wuye emerged from the crumbling archway of the abandoned courtyard.


His unhurried footsteps carried him across the arched stone bridge spanning the small creek, whose crystal waters trickled musically on their ceaseless journey down from the misty peaks of Kunlun Mountain.


As he neared the cherry blossom grove, the gentle breeze stirred the pale pink petals into a swirling dance, their floral fragrance mingling with the earthy scent of damp soil and moss.


Ji Wuye's sharp ears easily discerned the hushed tones of gossip rippling through the gathered cluster of outer disciples beneath the blossoming canopy.


"Did you hear? Apparently, Sister Song is rejecting the offer to become an Inner Disciple," a melodious voice carried on the breeze.


"Eh? Is that true? I thought it was just an idle rumor overheard while bathing in the hot springs," another disciple responded with disbelief.


"Yes, I can scarcely believe it myself," a third chimed in. "Sister Song's talents are renowned. With my meager talent, I would leap at such an opportunity from Elder Qiao."


Word of Song Jia's alleged refusal to ascend to inner disciple status clearly dominated the grounds that day, the whispered exchanges echoing from group to group as Ji Wuye meandered by.


His expression remained an unruffled mask, betraying none of his inner thoughts on the matter.


"Oh, Brother Ji!" A few of the gathered young ladies noticed his approach, their faces lighting up with delight.


"Junior Ji, long time no see!" The welcoming calls quickly drew the attention of the other young disciples idling nearby.


Like a swarm of iridescent butterflies, they congregated around Ji Wuye, surrounding him with the intoxicating bouquet of fresh meadow flowers and youthful femininity.


Their smiling faces formed a kaleidoscope of beauty - porcelain skin, rosebud lips, eyes sparkling with admiration for their respectedsenpai.


"Greetings, Sisters." Ji Wuye bestowed them with his trademark warm smile, his piercing gaze sweeping over each lovely visage.


Yet the face he subconsciously sought was not among them. Of course not, he reminded himself - this flock consisted solely of Outer Disciples between the third and fourth realms.


Though undoubtedly striking in their own rights, their charms paled in comparison to the ethereal beauties that had previously captured his interest.


"Ah, this Big Sister wished to properly thank you for your previous warning, Brother Ji," one of the bolder girls piped up, clasping her hands reverently.


"Yes, speaking of which...your counsel undoubtedly saved me from disaster, Junior," another echoed with a dip of her head.


"We remain in your debt, Junior Ji." More voiced their gratitude, bowing respectfully.


"Please, raise your heads, Sisters. It was but a trifling matter - you have all aided this Ji on countless occasions," he demurred with a gentle smile, reaching out to tenderly lift each downturned chin.


The solemn atmosphere swiftly dissolved under the radiant warmth of his kindly regard. The disciplined Outer Disciples swiftly reverted to their usual sunny dispositions in Ji Wuye's presence.


"Ah! It's been an age since Brother Ji last indulged us with his company," one particularly bold young beauty ventured with a maidenly flush.


She shyly tugged at the hem of his martial robe as if to impede his progress. "Now that the Tower challenge has postponed temporary, there's no need for such constant training. Why not relax with a nostalgic tea party like in days past?"


Before Ji Wuye could respond, another disciple sidled up and brazenly draped her lithe arms around his neck from behind. "Or perhaps Junior Ji would treat us to a few games of chance?" she wheedled, batting her long lashes at him coyly. "Like the good old days?"


"Come now, Brother Ji..."


"Indulge us, just this once..."


Their pleading voices overlapped in an enticing chorus, compounded by the innocent yet smoldering looks they aimed his way.


The intoxicating blend of floral fragrances and feminine wiles would have overwhelmed even the most stalwart of men. Yet these deceptively delicate flowers were, in reality, formidable martial artists to be reckoned with.


In his past life, the same scenario may have seen Ji Wuye inwardly lamenting how easily their guileless femininity had ensnared his softer sensibilities.


But those days of idle indulgence were long past. His all-consuming drive to grow stronger crushed any fleeting temptation before it could take root.


"Ah, I'm sorry Sisters, Big Sisters," Ji Wuye said softly, his deep voice laced with regret as he met each pairs of yearning eyes. "You know this Ji is bound by the terms of that two-year agreement." A conflicted, downcast expression shadowed his chiseled features.


Unlike men's propensity for cold rationality, a woman's psyche flowed with the ebb and flow of her emotions.


Seeing the object of their admiration's sudden melancholy, even the most brazenly coquettish of the girls felt her boldness falter. Slender arms reluctantly loosened their possessive drape around his neck.


Their formerly imploring gazes and excitement dimmed, replaced by reflexive compassion and pity awakened by Ji Wuye's soulful countenance and gentle demeanor.


Truly, the path to a woman's heart began with appealing to her nurturing instincts.


" poor Junior..." one murmured, reaching out to caress his arm consolingly.


"P-perhaps this one is bo...thering you overmuch?" another ventured meekly, chewing her lip.


"Fear not, Junior. This Big Sister would be honored to train alongside you anytime you require it," a particularly bold beauty proclaimed, squaring her shoulders determinedly.


While most rushed to offer reassurances, one particularly pragmatic disciple shifted the atmosphere with a probing query.


"Did some trouble befall you that we might offer our assistance? Perhaps a joint training session would provide a good experiences for your growth?"


"'s not...not at all, Big Sisters, Senior Sisters." Ji Wuye rallied with a warm, faint smile, his gratitude evident. "This Ji merely had plans already in place for the day. I'm truly thankful for your kindly concern."


A collective sigh of disappointment stirred the perfumed air. "Ah...what a pity..."


"I see...if that is your wish..."


Most appeared downcast, preparing to disperse, until Ji Wuye's mellifluous baritone arrested their departure.


"Please, wait a moment, Senior and Big Sisters. As recompense for disappointing you, would you permit this Ji the honor of your company on a short outing? I intended to visit the market to purchase a few necessities."


His hopeful words rekindled the girls' previously crestfallen spirits, faces alight with eagerness to prolong their interaction with the admired Junior Brother.


Amid a tumult of girlish giggles and excited whispers debating potential purchases and sights to glimpse, the group made their way toward the sect's main gates.



The two stern-faced male disciples manning the entrance watched in bemusement as the gaggle of tittering girls flocked around Ji Wuye's tall, imposing figure. He approached with hands cupped deferentially.


"Greetings, Martial Brothers. Might you grant us permission to depart the sect grounds for a short excursion?"


Rather than the curt dismissal one might expect from humorless guards, the sentries unexpectedly responded with warm recognition.


"Ah, if it isn't Brother Ji!" one exclaimed delightedly.


"Well met, Brother Ji!" the other echoed in a jovial tone, clearly among the select few privy to Ji Wuye's previous heroic act of foresight.


"However, I'm afraid we cannot oblige your request at this time..." As the first guard prepared to regretfully deny passage, a deafening outburst of indignant squawks drowned out his words.


"What?! How dare you deny our Junior's simple wish?!"


"You reprobates seek to intimidate Brother Ji yet again?!"


"Disallowing disciples from leaving? On whose authority do you act?!"


Even the typically unflappable Ji Wuye found himself stunned into silence by the righteous furor suddenly radiating from the delicate flowers at his side.


Moments earlier they had been demurely debating shopping destinations in hushed, melodious tones. Now, they raged like vengeful Furies against any perceived slight.


"Please, calm yourselves, Senior Sisters," the guard implored, raising his hands in a placating gesture. "We act on orders directly from the Elders themselves."


"Orders from the Elders? What utter nonsense! Yesterday we walked these streets unimpeded!"


"The order pertains specifically to--"


But the hapless sentry's attempt at explanation was drowned out by a fresh torrent of outraged accusations and baseless speculation from the irate girls.


Just as the situation was spiraling out of control, an authoritatively calm voice cut through the clamor.


"Fellow Martial Brothers and Sisters." All eyes turned toward the newcomer - a towering figure garbed in a white outer robe with azure trim striding purposefully down the avenue. "Perhaps I might accompany them on this outing to ensure no troubles arise?"


Qiu Xia's commanding presence and unruffled demeanor instantly defused the confrontation. At six chishoulder-toshoulder with Ji Wuye, her piercing eyes and rock-steady gazed at them.


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