Chapter 103


"Ah! Sister Qiu!"


A chorus of delighted voices rang out as a group of young female disciples caught sight of the newly arrived Qiu Xia. They swarmed around her, eyes sparkling with admiration as they took in her flawless porcelain skin and graceful poise.


"Your skin is still so smooth, how enviable!" one disciple gushed, reaching out to gently touch Qiu Xia's unblemished cheek before pulling her hand back shyly.


Qiu Xia waved her delicate hands dismissively, a humble smile gracing her lips. Her eyes flickered towards the male disciples guarding the sect gate.


"So..." Her musical voice trailed off, but the meaning behind her imploring gaze was clear.


"Of course, if you're an Official Disciple, entry is allowed," the humble male Outer Disciple replied, cupping his palms deferentially.


He winked surreptitiously at Ji Wuye while discreetly giving him an enthusiastic thumbs, as if passing a silent message of encouragement.


"That's great to hear. Then please excuse us," Ji Wuye said politely, cupping his hands in a respectful gesture as he and the rest of the group prepared to pass through the imposing sect gate.


However, one of the guarding male Outer Disciples leaned in and whispered something to him, eyes alight with youthful longing.


"Ah... Brother Ji, teach me too... please..." The whispering disciple's hushed plea carried despite his attempt at discretion.


His foolish words hung in the air, prompting disgusted scoffs and derisive snorts from the ladies who had been advancing. They turned back to glare at the hapless disciple, delicate features contorted into expressions of disdain.


"Hmph! Let's go, Brother Ji!" one of the ladies huffed indignantly, tossing her lustrous hair over her shoulder as she pivoted on her heel.


The male Outer Disciple flushed crimson, struck dumb by the icy reception. A melodious giggle drifted from the side, where Ji Wuye walked alongside Qiu Xia, who had been calmly observing the situation with an enigmatic smile playing about her full lips.




Kunlun Qiuxiu, the bustling village or market Ji Wuye currently visited, greeted them with a lively cacophony of sounds and aromas as they descended from the mountain stairs.


Stalls brimming with colorful wares lined the cobblestone paths, remarkably free of mud stains or puddles despite the foot traffic. Two-story buildings adorned with sloping bamboo roofs had delicate paper lanterns swaying gently in the breeze at each corner.


"Ahhh~ I don't know, but seeing this feels so refreshing!" one of the female disciples exclaimed with a contented sigh, drinking in the vibrant sights and tantalizing scents wafting through the air.


"You're right, Sister! Although I just went out yesterday, maybe it's because we have a special guest today?" Another disciple giggled conspiratorially, sneaking an admiring glance at the slightly dazed Ji Wuye as they strolled down the bustling thoroughfare.


Colorful banners fluttered overhead, and the murmur of conversation blended with the occasional bray of a beast of burden and the melodic tinkle of wind chimes.


The air was redolent with the mouth-watering aromas of sizzling meats and fragrant spices from the food stalls.


"Speaking of which, when was the last time Brother Ji went out?" All the female disciples turned their gazes towards the entranced Ji Wuye, curiosity shining in their eyes.


Meanwhile, Ji Wuye himself was deeply moved, assailed by a torrent of nostalgia as flashes of long-buried memories resurfaced.


 'Ah... Kunlun Qiuxiu Village... how long has it been?' he pondered inwardly, drinking in the familiar yet alien sights and sounds.


Even though the Jianhu realm was surely in chaos after the emergence and temporary beak of the Tower, this village retained its original rustic charm and tranquil atmosphere.


Kunlun Qiuxiu was essentially a village created long ago when Kunlun was still a revered Taoist Sect.


It was said to be the dwelling place of immortal Xia and the legendary location of the fabled Penglai paradise.


This village once stood a prosperous village inhabited by cultivators and disciples who served the mighty Kunlun Sect with unwavering devotion.


Yes, a cultivator...


Unlike the Shaolin Temple which practices the ways of Buddhism, Kunlun's disciplines were rooted in the ancient philosophies of Taoism.


Despite this divergence, their ultimate goals aligned - the former seeking enlightenment to transcend the cycle of Samsara, while the latter yearned for harmony within the natural order itself.


Because of this intrinsic connection, the permeating influence of Taoism was deeply ingrained into the very fabric of this village from ages past, before the current Patriarch ushered in a new era of change.


'But still, most people here are by no means ordinary,' Ji Wuye mused, crimson eyes surveying the bustling street.


Beneath the deceptively quaint facade, he could sense the undercurrents of profound energy, a tangible hum that betrayed the village's true nature as a nexus of cultivation.


When normal people gained magical arts from the Tower, fulfilling their hidden desires and abandoning their original roles, the strong presence of the Kunlun Sect in this village was enough to dispel such thoughts from the villagers.


"Look, I managed to grow ginseng faster than before! Hahaha!" One villager laughed heartily, a glittering green light emanating from his body, enveloping the abnormally large ginseng in his hand.


"Ha! To view oneself too highly, those magical arts are just a speck of dust! Look at mine!" Another villager retorted, showing a basket of golden eggs. The surrounding villagers gaped at the sight.


Seeing them surprised yet using skills or martial arts from the Tower to improve their lives instead of killing and raiding, despite the temptation, was quite heartwarming.


"It's peaceful, isn't it?" Qiu Xia's voice snapped Ji Wuye's thoughts back to reality. She had been calmly observing him and his line of sight.


"Indeed," Ji Wuye replied modestly, shaking off those thoughts to find the rest of the ladies accompanying him gazing at him.


"Hehe~ look at Brother Ji's dazed gaze... how could such a perfect face exist?!"


"Is this your first time descending from the sect this year? I bet you have no money! How about this Big Sister lending you some?" One female disciple offered mischievously.


"But of course, there is a price - how about watching the moon together? Oh! Right, your two-year agreement...then how about training with this-"


"Please, Sister," Ji Wuye waved off their hungry gazes as most flushed crimson, drowning in fantasy. "This Ji only wanted to check some items...not buy."


But as they strolled, unknowingly the rest of the wandering people froze for a moment, their attention fixed on him and his group.


"Then, instead of checking, I could lend you money... after all, this Big Sister is quite rich. How about it, Brother Ji?" Qiu Xia asked composedly, bravely meeting his gaze.


Just after she spoke, they arrived at a two-story building with a wooden sign: 'Medicinal Herb Shop'.

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