Chapter 106


"Just let me know if you need money," Qiu Xia reminded Ji Wuye, her melodious voice carrying a hint of concern as they exited the medicinal herb shop.


 Ji Wuye remained outwardly calm, though his crimson eyes flickered briefly at the mention of the hefty total prices.


"Many thanks, Senior Sister. You've already helped me a great deal by reserving the herbs and even allowing me to leave the sect," Ji Wuye replied, his voice tinged with sincere gratitude. A gentle breeze tousled his white locks as he spoke.


Just as they emerged onto the street, a lithe female disciple from Ji Wuye's group hurried over, her robes swishing.


"Junior Ji~" she called out, tilting her head inquisitively. Her delicate features and the motion drew the admiring gazes of countless passersby, something both Ji Wuye and the elegant Qiu Xia registered with a shared look of bemusement.


"Where are the others?" Qiu Xia inquired, eyeing the solitary disciple. Though pretty, the girl paled in comparison to Qiu Xia's ethereal beauty.


"They said they're buying clothes, Sister Qiu. Then, Junior Ji, have you finished your business?" The disciple's kind eyes reminded Ji Wuye fleetingly of how Song Ji would appear without her fierce, battle-loving persona.


"Yes, he has," Qiu Xia replied for him, her tone authoritative yet tinged with tenderness. "Let's return to the sect and call the others. After all, I'm responsible for your safety."


Unsure why Qiu Xia had replied instead of Ji Wuye earlier, the female disciple leaned sideways, her gaze trailing over Qiu Xia's shoulder toward him.


"Ah, Senior Sister, please wait. This Ji has not yet finished his business; there are a couple of things I need to do," Ji Wuye interjected smoothly. He met Qiu Xia's eyes, adding, "Or you can go back to the sect first. It's okay; I can handle myself."


As the words left his lips, Ji Wuye detected a fleeting shift in Qiu Xia's elegant features, a complicated array of emotions flickering across her porcelain visage.


Her chin dipped slightly, dark lashes lowering over eyes that had taken on a pained depth. Her bosom rose and fell with quickened breaths.


"I'll wait here instead, but you can't go too far or take too long, right?" Her lilting voice regained its usual crisp edge as piercing eyes found his, an undercurrent of solemnity in her gaze - a silent warning not to test her patience.


Ji Wuye's strange crimson eyes squinted momentarily, scanning the crowds that milled about the marketplace.


He knew their striking appearances - his exotic looks, the beguiling beauty of the female disciples, and of course Qiu Xia's regal countenance - drew numerous admiring glances.


Yet remembering the Elder's ominous caution about venturing outside and Qiu Xia's inexplicable overreaction earlier, as though dreading some impending calamity despite their proximity to the sect, an unsettling thought took root. 'Is it already happening?'


"Of course, Senior Sister. Also, please don't treat me like a kid. I'm already seventeen, and despite how I look, didn't I manage to survive until now?" He replied with an easy smile, taking subtle pleasure in the way Qiu Xia's worried frown loosened, her eyes widening almost imperceptibly.


"Right..." she murmured, shaking her head minutely before meeting his gaze once more, a wistful look fleeting across her delicate features. "I almost forgot about that. Then, be safe."


"Just wait for me in the clothing shop. I also need to buy something there." With a casual wave, Ji Wuye turned and headed towards the outer fringes of Kunlun Qiuxiu village, away from the bustling market quarter.


The pungent aroma of incense and roasting street foods began to dissipate as he made his way along the quiet, cobblestone path lined with quaint teahouses and residences.


'It's nice to have people worrying about you all the time, but it can also be...a little annoying,' he mused inwardly, unable to shake a vague sense of restlessness.


Within ten minutes, Ji Wuye arrived at the outermost entrance to the village, the sounds of the lively market now faint in the distance. Before him, a winding mountain trail descended into the vast, mist-shrouded landscape sprawling below.


With a measured inhale, Ji Wuye took in the panoramic vista that unfurled before him.


A grand expanse stretched out without a mountain or cliff to be seen - the once babbling creek that wound through Kunlun Sect had become a mighty river, its waters glittering under the azure canopy.


In the far distance, nestled amidst verdant valleys, lay a sprawling settlement of countless buildings, their hues muted by the gauzy veil of morning mist.


For a fleeting moment, Ji Wuye allowed himself to become lost in contemplation of the breathtaking scenery.


The sounds of the bustling village faded into a tranquil hush, broken only by the faint gurgle of the river's flow. Yet his reverie proved short-lived as a sudden snort from nearby drew his crimson gaze.


"Greetings, Uncle," Ji Wuye intoned politely with a cupped bow towards the unexpected company.


Before him stood a sturdy carriage, the type often employed as transportation by disciples and ordinary folk alike when traversing longer distances.


Its driver, a grizzled middle-aged man clad in well-worn hanfu, jumped slightly at being addressed. He had been in the midst of cleaning his teeth with a tall grass stem, weary eyes blinking owlishly as he registered Ji Wuye's exotic countenance.


"A-ah...young hero of Kunlun...G-greetings!" The carter stammered, calloused hands stilling as he gaped momentarily. Though Ji Wuye's striking looks clearly took him aback, the man rallied quickly enough. "May I be of service?"


Ji Wuye inclined his head respectfully. "May I know how much it costs to travel to Tianjing Village?"



After concluding the brief transaction, Ji Wuye retraced his steps back into the village.


To his mild surprise, the area where his Senior Sister, Qiu Xia had waited was now vacant, save for the same pretty but unassuming female disciple from earlier.


She stood before the entrance of yet another shop, eyes lighting up as she caught sight of Ji Wuye's approach.


"Oh! Junior Ji!" She called out warmly, waving her slender arms high in hopes of being noticed amidst the ambient din.


Returning her smile, Ji Wuye made his way over. "Senior Sister...are the others inside?"


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