Chapter 107


After entering through the sect gate and arriving at the sect grounds, "Ah! Why does time pass so quickly?" the innocent-looking female disciple sighed wistfully, her delicate brows furrowing as she glanced up at the orange-streaked sky.


"It's fun, Junior, hehe." another female disciples giggled, her eyes crinkling at the corners with mirth.


The group had unintentionally whiled away nearly a full day in Kunlun Qiuxiu Village, chatting and laughing as the brilliant azure sky gradually transitioned to vibrant sunset hues.


The morning sun's golden rays had given way to the afternoon's warmer, honey-tinted light, which was now retreating as tendrils of darkness began to encroach from the east.


They had been flitting between stalls, eagerly inspecting and trying on numerous outfits in a flurry of swishing fabric and excited exclamations.


Now their hands were laden with carefully wrapped white parcels containing their new wardrobes - except for the serene Qiu Xia, who had acquired only a few delicate hair accessories.


"But Junior, you don't seem exhausted at all," remarked another female disciple, her gaze sweeping over Ji Wuye's tall frame as he dutifully carried only one clothing set. A teasing lilt entered her voice as she gestured at his impassive expression.


"What do you mean, Senior Sister? Of course I'm exhausted." Ji Wuye allowed the forced smile to slip from his face, squinting his eyes in an exaggerated display of fatigue.


The tightness in his features loosened, and even his crimson eyes took on a sleepy, hooded appearance momentarily stunning the women before they dissolved into peals of laughter, their tinkling mirth filling the empty street.


"Anyway, thank you for letting us accompany you, even though you said you didn't have time," another disciple whispered mischievously once their giggles subsided, eyes sparkling with lingering amusement.


Ji Wuye cupped his hands respectfully while carefully balancing the clothing parcels. "It's not a problem, also thank you for buying this Ji cloth, Seniors and Big Sisters."


These outfits were gifts brought by the female disciples for him, reasoning that it had been too long since they had the chance to enjoy some frivolous fun together. Not only clothes, but they also paid for the meal and drinks when they were in the tea house.


"Let's have fun again later, Junior."


"See you, Brother Ji."


Once their melodic voices and retreating footsteps faded into the dusk, only Qiu Xia and Ji Wuye remained standing amid the bustling sect grounds.


Qiu Xia's typically composed demeanor slipped slightly, a faint worried crease appearing between her elegant brows as her gaze roved solemnly over Ji Wuye.


"Just tell me if you need any help," she murmured, the soft lilt of her voice unable to fully mask the undercurrent of concern.


"Yes, yes, Senior Sister," Ji Wuye nodded repeatedly, having grown weary of her oft-repeated platitudes.


As Qiu Xia turned to leave, he leaned in close, his next whispered words causing her spine to stiffen. "Also, you need to be careful, Seniors. Remind the other Sisters too—the sect is no longer safe."


Without awaiting her reaction, Ji Wuye immediately turned and headed towards the secluded abandoned courtyard, leaving Qiu Xia staring after his retreating back, her eyes narrowed with suspicion.



Arriving at the abandoned courtyard, Ji Wuye deposited the cloth-wrapped parcels onto the worn wooden floor with a muffled thump.


He drew in a deep, steadying breath before expelling it in a heavy sigh, the tension seeping from his body.


"So tiring..." He sank down onto the raised living quarter platform, stretching out his long legs as his crimson gaze drifted back over the day's events.


He faintly snickered at the memory of the Senior Sisters persistently cajoling him to try on outfit after outfit in a kaleidoscope of rich hues and opulent embroidery before he finally acquiesced to a plain black hanfu.


"They're so silly," the corners of his eyes crinkling with rare amusement as he recalled their childishly insistent behavior.


His gaze fell to the one remaining parcel, containing the set of unadorned black hanfu garments and sheer veil he had selected surreptitiously earlier. "Especially when I brought this."


But then, Ji Wuye's expression sobered as his thoughts turned to the ominous words he had murmured to Qiu Xia, his gaze lifting to trace the waning crescent moon's pale arc flickering into view amid the velvety sweep of the night sky.


"With my warning, I just hope the casualties aren't too many," he muttered. Though of course, he truly only held concern for his cherished Senior Sisters' well-being - that's why he had cautioned Qiu Xia and instructed her to alert the others.


As for Song Jia or even his own Senior Sister Lian, based on their role in the previous time line and their current formidable martial power would undoubtedly ensure they remained as untouched by the coming turmoil as the moon shimmering aglow in the heavens.


"Right, I cannot waste more time," Rising fluidly to his feet, Ji Wuye began methodically unwrapping and changing into his newly acquired undercover attire, the whisper of fabric the only sound in the still courtyard as the last traces of sunset finally bled away, swallowed by the encroaching night.




A moment later, Ji Wuye emerged from the abandoned courtyard draped in the flowing black hanfu and sheer veil he had procured earlier.


His stark white hair was bound in a sleek ponytail at the nape of his neck, a few wispy strands escaping to frame his striking features.


He gripped the hilt of his jian tightly, the ornate metalwork glinting dully as his crimson gaze swept their surroundings with calculating intensity.


Seemingly satisfied they remained unobserved, his figure blurred for the briefest of moments before reappearing under the arched wooden bridge spanning the familiar creek he usually crossed.


'If I remember correctly, this creek is the right path...' Ji Wuye's inward murmur was the only sound apart from the gentle burbling of the narrow stream as he followed its winding course unhurriedly.


The trail eventually culminated at the sheer face of a towering cliff, its dizzying heights obscured by roiling banks of silvery mist.


The once-placid creek transformed with a thunderous roar into a breathtaking waterfall that plunged over the precipice, the torrent's sparkling veil of water droplets swiftly obscuring the depths below from view.


Kunlun Sect were nestled against the soaring mountainside far above, perched high enough to make the descent nearly impossible for even the most skilled of martial artists to simply...jump.


The proof was laid out before him; the misty veils still shrouding the stream's terminus meant this waterfall descended a staggering height of at least 4500 zhàng.


Even a 7th realm martial artist would be dashed to bloody ruin against the unforgiving rocks far beneath.


Only 8th martial artist or beyond could hope to survive such a plummet - though they would still face grievous injury.


But of course, Ji Wuye would not have sought the end of this path so determinedly just to give up at the precipice.


'Found it,' he smiled faintly, the expression one of grim satisfaction rather than warmth. There were two primary waterways flanking Kunlun Sect's lofty vantage; one stream curved off to the west, ultimately spilling out the opposite side of the great mountain.


But this creek...this led directly into the lower regions of the Qinhai.


Ji Wuye's fingers tightened around the jian's hilt as he cast one last sweeping look across the cloud-shrouded vista before him.


With a slight narrowing of his crimson eyes, he stepped forward unhesitatingly and plunged over the thunderous falls, swallowed by the misty veils as sure and unyielding as the torrent itself.

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