Chapter 129


The endless azure sky remained a brilliant, untarnished blue, without a single cloud to mar its flawless expanse. The radiant morning sun continued its steady ascent, casting long, warm rays of golden light that bathed the Kunlun sect in a ethereal glow.


Ji Wuye and Song Jia walked in silence along the winding path toward the imposing Hall of Order and Discipline, their footsteps muffled by the chatter and cries carried by the passing wind.


Ji Wuye strolled at an unhurried, casual pace, his eyes roving left and right to admire the breathtaking scenery around him.


Towering plum blossom tree stood as timeless sentinels, their needles softly rustling in the gentle mountain breeze.


Vibrant peonies and orchids bloomed in meticulously in the path, their delicate petals unfurling to reveal intricate patterns and releasing a sweet, intoxicating fragrance into the crisp air.


In stark contrast, Song Jia walked beside him, her gaze lowered and fixed on the path ahead. Her warm maple brown hair framed a face filled with worry, her brow furrowed as a myriad of complex emotions churned within.


The memory of her accusing him of committing indecent acts toward her Senior Sister weighed heavily, an invisible burden casting its shadow.


'Will he forgive me?' The thought gnawed incessantly, causing her to nervously clasp and unclasp her hands as she stole furtive glances at him.


Ji Wuye's signature white hair danced and fluttered with each measured step, yet his demeanor remained outwardly calm and composed. The silence between them stretched on, thick with unspoken tension.


Suddenly, the stillness was shattered by a cheerful voice calling out, "Good morning, Sister Song!" Song Jia turned to see a male Outer Disciple approach, clad in a crisp white martial robe with aqua stripes.


He greeted Song Jia with a wide, toothy smile, his eyes gleaming as he boldly drank in the rare sight of the usually spirited Song Jia appearing so uncharacteristically subdued and despondent.


"Thank you for dispelling the chill of the night and bringing warmth and happiness to this new day," he continued, his tone overly familiar and warm as he completely ignored Ji Wuye walking ahead.


Song Jia started slightly at the unexpected interruption before replying in a distinctly cooler, more formal tone than her greeter, "G-greetings, Fellow Martial Brother." She forced a tight smile, her lips a taut line as unease flickered across her features.


Undeterred by her indifferent response, the male disciple plowed ahead obliviously. "Where are you headed? Do you want to train together?" he pressed eagerly.


"The morning exercises have been postponed. How about we appreciate the flowers and enjoy this beautiful time instead?" He gestured expansively at their surroundings, his voice rich with invitation.


While Song Jia's smile became increasingly strained under the disciple's effusive attentions, Ji Wuye observed the entire exchange with an inward chuckle.


'This girl is so persistent, her pride as immovable as Mount Tai itself,' he mused.


He knew Song Jia was wracked with guilt over her past mistakes in accusing him, but what recourse did he have if she remained as stubbornly closed off as a castle gate, unwilling to acknowledge her errors?


Furthermore, her unannounced visit suggested that she likely needed something from him again, possibly assistance related to her martial arts.


This led to the silence between them. Logically, Song Jia should be the one apologizing first, especially since he had greeted her kindly. But as the pupil of the sage, her pride stemmed from her Master.


Ji Wuye continued his measured stride without pausing or waiting for Song Jia, seemingly unfazed by the male disciple's persistent attempts to engage her.


After a momentary hesitation, Song Jia hurriedly fell into step behind him once more, trailing silently like a lost lamb unwilling to be left behind.



They soon arrived at the entrance of the imposing Hall of Order and Discipline, where disciples bustled in and out in an constant stream of activity.


Most were Official Disciples garbed in crisp white martial robes adorned with dark blue stripes denoting their elevated rank. As Ji Wuye had anticipated, his arrival immediately drew curious looks and hushed whispers.


"Isn't that flower boy? What is he doing here?" One Official Disciple murmured the words under his breath as he emerged from the hall's heavy wooden gates and noticed Ji Wuye at the entrance.


His gaze then slid over to land on the familiar figure of Song Jia, the well-known Outer Disciple, trailing closely behind Ji Wuye. Without a shred of hesitation, the man brushed past Ji Wuye and made a beeline for Song Jia instead.


"Greetings, Junior Sister," he called out, his tone adopting an overtly familiar lilt as he attempted to catch her attention. "May I ask what brings your fairy steps here today?" He flashed what he clearly hoped was a charming smile.


However, unlike before, Song Jia's expression hardened into one of thinly veiled annoyance. Cupping her hands formally, she fixed the overeager Senior Brother with a piercing look.


"Please pardon this Junior Sister's impudence," she stated in clipped tones, "but I truly have no time for idle pleasantries." Her rebuff left the man looking stunned and forcing an awkward, wry smile.


Ji Wuye, for his part, appeared utterly disinterested in the entire interaction playing out behind him. He had already entered the cavernous hall, greeted immediately by its soaring vaulted ceiling supported by massive stone pillars.


The vast chamber's immaculate white marble floor was inlaid with a striking black ink illustration of a towering mountain at its center.


Ahead, a long wooden counter extended the length of the wall, numerous disciples hunched behind it meticulously organizing stacks of parchments and scrolls.


On the each side, floor-to-ceiling shelves brimmed with even more neatly stored records. Ji Wuye's entrance briefly drew the attention of the hall's occupants, but their focus quickly returned to their duties.


"Ugh, here is proof that the task of clearing the strange creature has been completed," an Official Disciple groaned wearily as he leaned his entire dirt and grass-stained frame against the counter.


His tattered white robe bore the unmistakable signs of a difficult ordeal. "Please, have mercy, Brother," he added in an exhausted tone, weakly proffering some token as evidence of his accomplishment.


"Great work, Brother! May heaven bless you!" The Official Disciple manning the counter called out in response as he accepted the proffered token of proof. He examined it closely before making a notation on a long parchment scroll with an ink brush.‎


The relative calm was suddenly shattered by an enraged shout erupting from another section of the counter. "Why is my task deemed a failure?"


A woman's furious voice rang out as she stalked forward, white martial robes with dark blue trim billowing behind her. Her long black hair whipped about her face, eyes blazing with indignant fury directed squarely at the hapless disciple before her.


The broken remnants of a jian's hilt hung at her waist, the shattered blade nowhere to be seen.


"Ugh, Senior Sister, please be considerate," the disciple pleaded, shrinking back slightly. "The mission was to deliver the goods safely, yet not only did you fail that objective, but the client is also requesting a full refund."


The cavernous hall was consumed by a constant low din of chaos.


Ji Wuye observed the pandemonium with an enigmatic smile playing about his lips. 'At least this whole situation looks better than being deserted and forgotten,' he mused inwardly, before squaring his shoulders and approaching the counter himself.


"Greetings, Senior Brother. I am Ji, an Outer Disciple," he announced with a respectful cup of his hands.


He was met by a wan, weary-looking man, his face lined with stress and fatigue, dark circles like bruises beneath his eyes. The constant influx of new missions arising from the appearance of the Tower, coupled with the disruption to their normal duties, had clearly taken its toll.


"Greetings, Junior Brother," the disciple replied automatically, his voice hoarse and parched, cracked lips struggling to form the words before a jaw-cracking yawn overtook him.


But then, the disciple's gaze sharpened, eyes narrowing as he finally seemed to register Ji Wuye's striking features. "Ah, the mission, right?!" he exclaimed, as if struck by sudden realization.


Ji Wuye merely responded with a faint, enigmatic smile and the slightest of nods to confirm.


The harried Official Disciple frantically flipped through towering stacks of parchment, sending loose sheets flying haphazardly about before finally locating the one he sought.


"Ji Wuye, 1st realm martial artist, Outer Disciple, has been tasked to collect and gather herbs in Baiyun Village," he read aloud, brow furrowing as confusion creased his weathered features. "But didn't you already open your Lower Dantian? Why is this data outdated?"


Mumbling under his breath, the man quickly scratched a notation on the parchment before raising his head to fix Ji Wuye with a concerned look. "Junior Brother, I don't know how you were assigned this mission, but please, do not accept it," he cautioned, tone turning apologetic yet firm.


It seemed not all male disciples antagonized Ji Wuye without just cause - the Official Disciple's courteous manner hinted at a fair-minded Senior mindful of proper decorum.


"You may not be aware, but the situation in the Jianghu is increasingly dire right now. Strange, dangerous creatures are running rampant, and the surviving common folk have resorted to violence due to possessing immense power thanks to the Tower's existence."


The disciple leaned forward slightly, wanting to impress the gravity of the situation. "Thus, I must strongly recommend you decline this mission. Allow your Senior Brother to handle it instead." He spoke carefully, patiently explaining the precarious state of affairs.


Ji Wuye, however, appeared decidedly unruffled and merely shook his head. "But Senior, you may then face the wrath of the Elder if you assume this task instead of me," he pointed out pragmatically.


A faint smile played about his lips as he added, "Also, please rest assured that this Ji has a plan."


As he spoke, Ji Wuye's gaze slid past the disciple to land on the familiar figure of Song Jia, who had just entered the expansive hall and now lingered behind him, seemingly lost in pensive thought as she awaited her turn.


"Right, Sister Song?" Ji Wuye called out, snapping the young woman from her dazed reverie. She blinked owlishly at him, confusion writ large across her delicate features.


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