Chapter 130


"Ah?" Song Jia blinked in surprise, her brows furrowing as she glanced between Ji Wuye and the Official Disciple behind the polished wooden counter.


An uneasy tension hung in the air, thick enough to cut with a sword. Ji Wuye's crimson eyes narrowed slightly, regarding Song Jia with a mixture of curiosity and suspicion that made her shift on her feet.


"No, that's Junior Sister Song, right? I cannot allow that." The Official Disciple's words sliced through the stillness as he gave Song Jia a thorough once-over, his gaze lingering on her petite frame.


Shaking his head, he continued, "Even if you two went out together, the danger..." He trailed off, leaving Song Jia utterly dumbfounded, her heart pounding in her ears.


'What? What just happened? What were they talking about?' A torrent of questions flooded her mind as she watched Ji Wuye negotiate, managing only a helpless smile before another towering Official Disciple joined the heated discussion.


The newly arrived disciple, his face carved from stone, whispered something to the one handling Ji Wuye.


Song Jia couldn't make out the words, but she saw the first disciple's expression shift from defiance to pity as he glanced toward Ji Wuye. An unnerving chill ran down her spine, and she sobered up, narrowing her eyes at the Senior.


'What is that?' For some inexplicable reason, witnessing this tense exchange made her stomach churn with discomfort. The air seemed to grow thicker, more stifling with each passing moment.


"Approved. Here is the content of your task." The words cut through the tension like a knife as the Official Disciple thrust a rolled parchment toward Ji Wuye, his voice laced with regret.


"I'm sorry, Junior Brother, this request comes specifically from the Elder Xia. Alas! I can only wish you safety on your journey." He shook his head, disappointment etched into the lines of his face, before turning his gaze to Song Jia.


"No! Who said I wanted to tag along?" Song Jia snapped, the words erupting from her lips before she could stop them. Rounding on Ji Wuye, she fixed him with a fiery glare, her heart hammering against her ribs as their eyes met - his calm and unreadable, hers blazing with indignation.


She had never agreed to anything, yet Ji Wuye had nonchalantly assumed they were teaming up for a sect mission, as if her consent meant nothing.


"Is that so? A pity, then." Ji Wuye's rich voice was smooth as silk as he regarded her coolly, shaking his head in a brief, dismissive gesture. His gaze conveyed a mixture of disappointment and indifference that sent her pulse racing, heat creeping up her neck.


Without waiting for her flustered response, Ji Wuye took the parchment, cupped his hand in thanks to the Official Disciple, and started to leave the hall, brushing past her without a second glance.


'No!' Her heart screamed in protest as she remembered why she had sought him out in the first place. "B-Brother Ji, p-please wait!"


The words tumbled from her lips, catching in her throat as Ji Wuye paused, his back still facing her.


Song Jia bit her lower lip, her delicate features creasing into a determined expression as she regarded Ji Wuye, then flicked her gaze toward the Official Disciple behind the polished wooden counter. The disciple's brow furrowed in confusion at her sudden outburst.


"P-please add me in," she pleaded, her voice wavering only slightly as she mustered her courage.


Her progress in mastering her Master's sword art had stalled, no matter how rigorously she practiced the intricate forms. Her recent humiliating defeat during a sparring match with the famed Kunlun genius - her Senior Sister Mu, rumored to be the next Sect Leader - had dealt a brutal blow to her ego.


She was desperate, aching to unlock the secrets of the second move, and Ji Wuye held the key to achieving this breakthrough.




Noticing the steely determination burning in Song Jia's eyes, Ji Wuye's lips curled into an amused smile as he turned to face her fully.


"Really?" His rich voice caressed the words with a hint of playfulness. "But as you've heard, this mission is dangerous. Are you sure you want to tag along?"


"Yes!" Song Jia replied without an ounce of hesitation, her fiery spirit blazing in her eyes, undaunted by the prospect of peril.


'Well, she's never known fear, after all. She is the sage's disciple,' Ji Wuye mused to himself, appraising her with a lingering gaze. "But what do I gain by adding you to my party?" he asked, tilting his head as crimson eyes bored into her with intense scrutiny.


In truth, adding Song Jia to this mission served two vital purposes for Ji Wuye: firstly, to further master the intricate Pulse of Blade Sword Art, which he had copied from observing her forms.


While he could enhance his proficiency through repetitive uses, observing the original performance would prove far superior.


Secondly, the prospect of accelerating her growth intrigued him deeply.


Now that his physical abilities matched those of a 7th realm martial artist, he had considerable leeway to experiment during this mission. 'What if he could accelerate her progress, helping her reach her peak potential faster than in the previous timeline?'


'There is also the next event,' Ji Wuye muttered inwardly, his mind racing.


He had been the one to indirectly influence how quickly she learned the Rising Gale move during their previous encounters. Should he then strive to help her perfect it this time?


Ji Wuye had pondered this repeatedly before concluding that if the end result was predetermined, perhaps it would be wise to eliminate the obstacles before they fully matured? To nurture the seed and help it bloom brighter than ever before?


Basically his answer was, 'To change without changing, is not to change yet still change the course of time.'


Instead of merely preserving the knowledge of the future, he intended to use it as a tool, to shape events to his design this time around.


However, to do that effectively, he needed a central figure - a main character who would receive heaven's favor and etch their name indelibly into the annals of the Jianghu.


And Song Jia, with her unwavering determination and prodigious martial talents, was the perfect candidate, ideally suited for the next event.


'But, I won't work for free,' Ji Wuye muttered as he noticed the faint flicker of doubt in Song Jia's eyes.


On the other hand, Song Jia's brow furrowed in confusion as she tilted her head, silken strands of maple leave hair spilling over her shoulders. "What else can I offer? I already owe you a favor, and aren't you the one who wants me to tag along?"


A ghost of a smile played across Ji Wuye's lips as he held her gaze steadily. "There is something you can offer..." His words trailed off into pregnant silence…


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