Chapter 61: Luna's Notebook

A moment's lapse in attention had caused Olivia to miss his return. 

Her oversight, she bitterly realized, was due to the distractions created by her so-called "brother," the third prince. 

She scoffed at herself. Dwelling on such trivial matters was pointless and only added to her existing troubles.

Her gaze shifted back to the figures captured in the photograph before her. 

Yet, throughout her examination, her eyes deliberately avoided the unfamiliar woman in the picture. 

Olivia knew, with unshakable certainty, that she was the sole mistress of the old mansion. It was her realm, her dominion.


On Tuesday, Elias walked into his classroom amidst a hive of animated discussions. 

The expressions of shock and disbelief on his classmates' faces were hard to miss. 

The topic on everyone's lips was the stunning explosion that had rocked the city the previous day. 

The incident's magnitude surpassed all expectations.