Chapter 62: Mysterious Visitors

After announcing they'd go out to eat, Elias headed towards the front door, putting on his coat. Isabella, still in the kitchen, seemed frozen in place.

"Can I... can I really go outside?" she asked hesitantly.

Elias glanced back at her and mentally commanded the containment facility. A faint light flickered over the mansion's main door. 

[Restriction Lifted]

[Free Attack Mode]

Isabella blinked, disbelief washing over her face. "You're letting me go outside?"

Elias looked back at her calmly and nodded.

Overwhelmed with joy, Isabella bounded from the kitchen like an excited cat, her shadowy form reaching the door in an instant. 

But then she paused, suspicion creeping in. "Wait, you're just letting me go? Am I really free?"

"Aren't you afraid I might seek revenge with my family? With your power, you'd be defeated in an instant."

Isabella narrowed her eyes, sensing something was off. This had to be a plot!