Chapter 140: Tilly's Invitation

Elias, mulling over Luna's description of the Witch Lady, couldn't help but picture her in his mind.

 She was a young witch with long black hair and mysterious purple eyes, a high-ranking member of the notorious 'Magic Hermitage,' an organization of black witches targeted by the Church as heretics. 

These remnants of an ancient magical empire were committed to uncovering the ultimate secrets of magic and unraveling the truths of the world—a lofty goal indeed. 

However, their methods were dangerously extreme, even more so than some cults. 

Elias shuddered, remembering their heinous acts against innocent villagers in the name of research during his first encounter with them. 

In comparison, the 'Truth Cult' that started as drug traffickers seemed almost benign, motivated by profit rather than the twisted pursuit of 'truth' like the Magic Hermitage.