Chapter 185: Liar! Big liar

Elias and Tilly walked side by side in this desolate world.

Time seemed to lose its meaning as they traversed unknown distances for an indeterminate duration.

Freed from the constraints of a frail body, Elias realized he could continue this journey indefinitely, to the very end of time itself. 

But such a journey seemed utterly pointless.

Beneath the eternally scorching sun, the landscape was a vast expanse of reddish-brown wasteland, tormented by relentless, horrifying sandstorms. 

Rocks and gravel were all this world had to offer.

Desolation and solitude defined this dead world.

Elias glanced silently at Tilly beside him.

Throughout their journey, her initial excitement had given way to silence, and now her eyes were filled with confusion and aimlessness.

"Do you want to keep going?" Elias asked.