Chapter 186: A Fragile Peace

As Elias opened his eyes, he found himself back in the pristine underground laboratory.

[Chapter 3: The Gloom of Hecrales]

[Save Point: Deity Research Institute, Sublevel 2]

[Remaining Reloads: 3/5]

Tilly, perplexed, stopped in front of the table. Then, just like the previous two times, she dispelled the illusion magic, and the table reverted to the small box she had left earlier.

While Tilly was merging with her memory body, Elias quietly left his original spot.

He headed straight to the operating table of the "Soul Stripping Technique," immediately rummaging through the cabinets.

Soon, he found several vials of anesthesia, stuffing them all into his pockets. The potent drugs, specially crafted by the Magic Covert Association, felt like they could knock out a herd of elephants...

With all the steps of his plan prepared, and Tilly still not finished, Elias even had time to worry about the situation outside.