Chapter 282: You believe that?

"Ask whatever you need to, quickly," Tilly reminded Elias.

"This spell is really useful," Olivia remarked, impressed by its effectiveness compared to her own lie detection abilities. Curious, she asked, "Can this dark magic make anyone speak?"

"It's not always that straightforward; it also depends on the target's will," Tilly xplained, glancing at Elias. "When I tried to control him initially, I could only manipulate his body, not coax out his thoughts."

"Oh..." Olivia nodded in understanding, then smiled at Elias. "Then I guess that settles it. I was quite interested in learning it."

Elias felt a chill, "Why would you need that? Isn't your mind-reading enough?"

"I didn't say it was to be used on you," Olivia teased with a grin. "Why so nervous? Feeling guilty?"

Elias chuckled, "What do I have to be guilty about? Go ahead and learn it."