Chapter 283: Let's go back

"You don't believe, that's fine."

The woman's voice carried a tone of disappointment. "Right, you sad bunch hiding underground can't possibly grasp the ideals and vision of our Lady Saint. Just focus on your tasks then."

Frye suddenly asked another question, his curiosity piqued. "Since you so easily handed over the 'Ghoul Ritual Codex' to me, have you also been in contact with other otherkin resistance organizations?"

His tone grew more suspicious. "Let me think, werewolves? Vampires? Or even... Creature - Sgugth? Are we just one of your cards?"

Elias, too, was eager for the answer and listened quietly, waiting for the woman to speak.

However, an eerie silence fell over the tent.

Elias frowned, unconsciously leaning in closer to hear better.

Just then, a claw covered in black fur suddenly tore through the tent fabric, reaching for his throat.

Elias, startled, dodged the claw swiftly.