The Mass Teleportation Incident [Pt 2]

Rey was pissed.

No, that felt like an understatement compared to what he was feeling at the moment.

His friends and allies were all gone, and he couldn't do anything to save them. All his classmates were also caught up in it.

'Alicia too… DAMNIT!'

 The rage swelling from within him felt like it could explode him from within. 

He hated how he was feeling. He knew he was being extremely insensitive to Esme, who was most definitely still confused about the whole thing.

But… he couldn't stop mulling over everything.

'What was that, though? A Dungeon Trap?' Rey wondered to himself.

If that was the case, then it made a lot of sense. This would be the first time something of this scale had happened—since such traps usually only transported one person or a small group—but that didn't discount the possibility of a much bigger trap.

This was a Grand Calamity Class Dungeon, so something of this scale had to be expected.