The Mass Teleportation Incident [Pt 3]

[Moments Earlier]


Adonis found himself standing in a vast, dark room.

Just a moment earlier, he was standing among the upper echelon of Adventurers, only for an overwhelming amount of energy to surge forth and a Magic Circle appear.

He had seen the Magic Circle clearly, and at that moment nothing but sheer surprise took over his body. His instincts told him to run—escape to the farthest of locations—but there was nowhere to run to.

He could only stand there, helpless, as he looked to the people who stood beside him.

The only people capable of making any movements besides him—Jet and Lux.

Sure enough, there was movement from their end—from Jet, at the very least. 

He could see a surge of energy emanating from him; the Spatial kind.

The air around him warped, and the intense energy that filled his and Lux's surroundings seemed too unreal for mere humans to achieve.