Just A Man And His Woman

"…the King has decided that it is time I settled down with the Lady he has chosen and make myself an heir." 

Seconds of stunned silence ticked by after his declaration as Rhea carefully dissected his words. 

"You are getting married…" 

"Heavens, no! Do I look mad?" He asked with a bark of amused laughter. 

Rhea on the other hand could not see what was so amusing about the situation to him. The King had given him a command, a very monumental one at that, and he was acting as if it was a mere suggestion he planned to ignore. 

For him it was just marriage, an inevitability for a Lord, but for her, she might as well legally change her name to 'Mistress' because that was all history would remember her as. 

Rhea was many things, but a homewrecker was not one of them. She could never do to any woman what Alice had done to her and if it came down to it the only option was to leave Augustus.