Feels Like The First Time

Sex was nothing new. They'd had it before, countless times.

But this time it was different. This was their wedding night. And though they did not discuss it, Elle knew they both wanted it to be special. Once their brief chase was over, and they were in the bedroom the air shifted.

Unlike the outside, the bedroom was untouched, a private sanctuary just for them. This time when Gio got closer, Elle did not try to run.

He walked all the way up to her, and she stood her ground, eyes on him. When he finally reached her, the air between them was practically sizzling with tension.

There was no hurry when he undressed her, he hands working the dress off of her. Feeling her skin up every chance he got. When he took off her bra, he pulled her close, Elle's breath hitching, her already flushed skin growing even hotter. But she did not move, allowing his to undo the clasp and pull of the straps. The garment soon discarded as he knelt before her, his hands skimming over her sides like she was made of the finest crystal. When he was finally in line with her lacy panties he stopped and looked up at her. His eyes were alight with a heat that had never been there before and it took Elle's breath away. He thumbed the edges of her underwear.

"May I?" Just that simple question was so hot that Ellen could already feel herself getting wet. She nodded, and he took off the last piece of her clothing, dragging it slowly down her legs. Leaving her completely exposed before him, her clothes, from her dress to her shoes, strewn all over the room.

The look he have her as he looked her up and down was one of the hungriest Elle had ever seen from him. 

He stood willingly when she put her hands on his shoulders, and Elle massaged the muscles she could feel beneath, eliciting a sigh from him.

Just as she had done when it was her turn, Gio was quiet as she undressed him, pliant. Only shivering from time to time, when Elle, unable to help herself licked and sucked at newly exposed skin. And pretty soon he was just as naked as she was, his arousal easy to see.

Reaching out, Elle gripped his erect member in a loose fist, feeling it thrum beneath her finger tips. She ran her curled hand over it and Gio moaned, pumping into her fist.

"Elle," He warned, the strain in his voice clear. He was holding back, still on the edges of the little bubble they had created. But Elle was done waiting. Letting go of his shaft, she wound her arms around his neck and plastered her lips to his…and all of a sudden Gio was not passive anymore.

He took control of the kiss. But it was not in the relentless animalistic way that Elle was used to. This time, his tongue did not dominate, there was no fight. He just moved it against hers, licking at places in her mouth that Elle had not even been aware of until she just gave up and let it explore.

Elle sighed into his mouth, letting him have his way. He treated her surrender, not as a conquest, but as motivation to do more. His lips on her were so distracting, Elle was completely unprepared to feel his hands on her breasts, her sensitive nipples rolled between his fingers.

She arched, the unexpected pleasure so great that she stood on her tiptoes. 

How they ended up on the bed, Elle would never know ( not even if she somehow went back in time and got to watch her and Gio going at it again, she would probably be too busy getting turned on again to pay attention to the details).

The important thing was they made it to the bed, and then set each other's bodies alight with pleasure.