Fluffy Honeymoon

When most people described their honeymoons, they talked of exotic places. They talked of long walks on the beach, watching crabs scurry about. They shared memories of clear water, and swimming amongst schools of fish, and of holding each other as they watched the sunset over the gently rippling waters. For newlyweds, honeymooning meant going on safaris and trekking through the savannah, the wild all around them.

For others being on a honeymoon meant shopping in little hole in the wall places, eating foods they had never tried before, all the while surrounded by people who spoke languages that sounded like songs.

That was what other people's honeymoons were like, but not Elle.

Years to come (Elle hoped that she and Gio really had years together in their future) if someone asked Elle what she and Gio had done on their honeymoon. She would look them straight in the eyes, a big smile on her face and say…

"For our honeymoon, Gio and I stayed home and did not leave the house for a whole two days," She was pretty sure that anyone who heard that would instantly think of wild kinky sex. And while there was amazing sex during their honeymoon weekend, it was not all that there was.

For the first time ever, Elle got to wake up with Gio, neither of them in a rush to go anywhere. They spent a whole hour in bed, making out, not even caring about morning breath, and when they finally got out of bed and went to the bathroom, it was not for a quick shower. Instead they slipped into Gio's giant tub, the pitch black one that could comfortably hold ten people and just lounged in each other's arms. Enjoying warm water and the bubbles. Sometimes her back would be against Gio's chest and other times they would be on opposite ends of the tub, playing footsie beneath the scented bubbles.

Even after bath time and brushing their teeth, standing side by side, grinning at each other in the mirror with foam covered teeth they did not part. Instead they made their way to the kitchen, still as naked as they were when they were born.

Cooking naked was…an experience. For one Elle had learned very quickly to stay a careful distance away when frying stuff.

A lesson helpfully taught when hot oil from the pan she was using to fry bacon splattered on her arm. She had yowled in surprise, Gio, who was pouring flour for pancakes had laughed, an action that was met with instant karma when he spilled flour all over his bare front.

Seeing his ghost like state, Elle had burst out laughing. Unable to defend herself when he rounded on her, drawing her into a hug. Not releasing her until she too was covered in white powder. Elle, feeling vengeful, had resorted to tickling him.

A naked grown man covered in flour should not have been cute, but that was all Elle was able to think as she watched him laugh, his head thrown back. 

The moment of distraction had cost them however. With flour all over them and the kitchen floor, the bacon burnt so badly it could no longer be called that anymore. The two of them turned to cleaning instead of cooking. The kitchen once again spotless, they returned to the bathroom, this time for a quick shower.

Breakfast ended up being bowls of serial, the two of them wrapped in towels on the couch.

It was the best cereal Elle had ever had.

And what followed after, with Gio taking her on the couch, their towels scattered all over the place, one landing over a vase had been spectacular. And that had pretty much summed up their honeymoon. Bouts of spontaneous sex, cooking fails, lazing about, and laughter, lots and lots of laughter. It was the most that Elle had laughed in years, and looking at Gio, she was certain it was the most she had ever seen him laugh and smile too.

And later, with Sunday evening coming in, Elle had leaned against Gio's chest, his fingers carding softly through her hair. Her own fingers against his chest, drumming a random tune over his ribs.

To other people out there, their honeymoon experience probably seemed liked the most boring thing on earth. But Elle, held in Gio's arms, her body covered in hickeys, his back covered her scratch marks did not care.

For her, it was perfect. Whatever the future brought, rain or sunshine. Even if the world ended in a week, they would always have their weekend together, and she would treasure it always.

I love you, Gio. She wanted to say, but she held back "Thank you, Gio," She said, instead.

He stirred, pulling her more comfortably against him.

"For what?" He asked, and she sighed.

"For everything," She answered after a beat.

"You're welcome," Elle knew it was just wishful thinking, but she could have sworn he'd actually whispered "I love you," to her. Not willing to let fantasy ruin her bliss, she closed her eyes and let herself enjoy the last few hours of uninterrupted time alone with him.