As a Family

Cecilia Romano had seen much in life, both happiness and heartache. That was what came with living a long life. Though her good genes hid it well, she was a fossil, plain and simple.

Currently she was the eldest member of the Romano family. Not only that, she was the only one amongst her siblings who was still alive. She knew things, she remembered things. Some of which she wished she did not, but she did anyways.

Cecilia had been there for the deaths of her brothers. She had been on the other side of Santino's bed, Gio on the other. The two of them holding his hands as he breathed his last. For Rafael, Cecilia had been part of the clean up crew. Unwilling to let her younger brother be touched by strangers, she had been the one to gather him up. She had ridden in the back of the van with him, her hand over the body bag. His bloody blade beside her (she still kept it, unable to part with it).