As Women Do

Early Sunday morning found a very tired Elle walking into her house through the kitchen. She had just barely managed to make a dent in the club's paperwork, and she was tired beyond belief. All things considered, her problem with the clubs's books was a nice life problem, especially with everything going on.

Pushing the door open, Elle let out a loud yawn, too tired to even raise a hand and cover her mouth. Which was why, when her eyes finally landed on the other person in the room she had her mouth wide open and made a startled sound that was half yawn half scream.

The other woman simply smiled, amusement clear in her eyes as she pointed. Following the direction of her finger, Elle saw Gio's sleeping form on the couch, his long legs hanging over the armrests. There was no way he could be comfortable, but he looked cuter than any grown man had a right to be sleeping on a piece of furniture meant for sitting.