A Don's Death

The beginning of the end, came so quickly Gio did not see it coming. But he definitely felt it. Celeste moved quick, the tip of her blade pointed to his side, and Gio tried to side step it, but he was too slow. She buried it in him, piercing through flesh, and muscle as though Gio was made of butter. Her face a picture of pure glee as pure white hot agony exploded in Gio's side.

He was going to die…she had won. She had won…Elle.

Knowing that his end was near, Gio's fear was not for himself, but his wife. She had nearly lost him before, and she had barely made it through. This would destroy her.

And the longer Celeste's blade stayed where it was, holding him in place the more Gio's pain (both emotional and physical) persisted. Why was she prolonging this, she had won and she knew it, he'd seen the look on her face.