The Greenhouse

The moment the door creaked open, Tillian carefully guided Aideen inside, a gentle but still reassuringly firm grip on her hand.

Expecting the usual coldness which was also fueled up by the unpleasant recollections and Bella's stories about the annex, upon stepping inside the building, the princess was pleasantly surprised by the sudden warmth that enveloped her, as if the seasons had seamlessly transitioned to summer within the confines of this mysterious space.

Another nice surprise was an intense, yet familiar comforting aroma of flowers wafted through the air, tugging at her memories of the Royal Palace.

"What... Where are we, Your Grace?" The lady stammered, her eyes widening in astonishment.

Tillian smiled, his eyes gleaming with anticipation.

"This is the surprise I prepared for you, Your Highness. It's a greenhouse."
