Not a Ruan

"This is the only reason I was reluctant to have our wedding ceremony sooner. Your late mother was the reason, Your Highness."

Finally letting go of her hand, Tillian distanced himself from the princess, giving her a moment to gather her thoughts. However, even this brief respite proved insufficient to fully grasp the complexity of the situation.

Struggling to formulate any semblance of an emotional response, Aideen withdrew her hand from the delicate flower and inquired,

"I don't understand... What does it mean? How is my late mother connected to all of this?"

The Duke hesitated. He had imagined this scene many times before and even rehearsed a rather suitable explanation, preparing for any possible questions that might come his way, but now that it was actually happening, all of a sudden, the man felt like he had forgotten how to think. 

Nevertheless, he had to say at least something.