Chapter 12: The Key




In the alley, bathed in an ominous glow, the wind began to hum like a hellish sigh. The phantoms that had always watched over this cursed land began to form. They were enchanted souls, restless at the violation of the tranquility of their former kingdom. When the Templars entered the walls of Venice, they sensed danger. It was an alien, dark force they could not understand. After all, they were the guardians of the place, the keepers of ancient secrets. They began to gather, whirling around the group of armed men. Their whispers carried between the stone streets. The Templars felt uneasy, but they were determined in their mission. Aware of the ancient anger hovering in the air, they moved forward. They took their steps carefully, avoiding alleys where the fog rose like a demon from a nightmare. They knew something was lurking in the darkness. The ghosts had eyes devoid of pupils, and their silhouettes were barely visible in the gloom. As the knights grabbed their swords and shields, an eerie rasp of bones shook the air. Time stood still.

The phantoms, although they had no bodies, expressed their anxiety and opposition to the intruders. But for the moment they were not aggressive. Suddenly, one of the souls emerged from the darkness, emanating an aura of pain. Her voice, an echo of ages past, unexpectedly rang out in the heads of the Templars.

- This place does not belong to you. You have strayed too far from the path of light. Leave it before you lose yourself," she whispered to their consciences.

The Templars began to realize the power of the place, the power that lay within. They were armed with swords and shields, but the phantoms were guardians of magic, history and secrets. They could not be defeated by force. Then one of the knights approached the ghost and addressed him in a calm voice.

- We did not come here to desecrate this place. We want to protect what is precious. And in order to do that we have to exterminate him," he said, pointing at Alex.

The spirits were torn between wanting to defend themselves and feeling they had to give the conversation a chance. Though their form was visible, they emanated a power unknown to humans. The moment of truth had arrived. The darkness grew thicker, and the wind tore away the veil of rain, wafting the scent of damp earth. The friends confronted the knights and phantoms, whose figures began to be drawn in the light of the knights' slowly smoldering torches. It could be perceived that these were people whose lives had been abruptly and cruelly interrupted. Their faces were full of suffering, anger and grief. They wanted revenge, they wanted justice for what had been done to them. In that one moment, between the world of the living and the dead, the struggle for survival was taking place.

Alessandra approached one of the maras, who appeared to be a young man.

- Look at us," she said calmly, "We don't want to fight. We want to understand and help you find peace," after which she added, "We do not want to destroy this place.

Luca approached another figure - an older man who had an expression full of pain on his face.

- Your revenge will not bring you solace. Killing us will not eliminate your suffering. We must find another way out that will allow us all to be free of this cursed entity.

Brother Elias, being spiritual, took center stage in front of his companions after which he spoke.

- Enough," he said calmly, and his words carried the confidence and wisdom of an old monk, "Let the years of blood and suffering end. Let us find peace for you.

Seeing Elias' brother, who wore the symbol of faith, they began to understand that this was not the end, but the beginning. The phantoms slowly left their human forms, leaving behind shadows that gradually floated above the ground. In the tension of the hovering silence, as they left their human bodies, the knights, gripped by terror, fiercely began to lay out a plan against their enemies. The captain, an elderly and experienced warrior, looked at his comrades. Sparks of vengeance and facing this mysterious force were ignited in his eyes.

- We must destroy them," he announced with a tone that filled the space with terror, "There are strangers here, infidels interfering with our mission. This is a clear violation of our principles.

The other Templars nodded, their hearts pulsing with determined anger. They decided that, for the sake of their cause and to save it from annihilation, they must kill Alex and his companions, and then tear down the city to its foundations. The phantoms who heard this could not allow the desecration of this enchanted place that they had protected for centuries and allow the annihilation of the memories that were sunk in the deep walls of Venice.

Suddenly, with rage and awareness of danger, they entered the bodies of their friends. It was a necessary act to confront the Templars, who were ready to sow destruction and death.

- We will not allow you to desecrate this place! - said one of the ghosts, entering Alessandra's body.

Her eyes took on a different, impenetrable glow. At that moment Alexa was possessed by the power of a spirit called the Old King, who had died in the past in this land. The wound of the bandage, knotted from the remnants of Alessandra's dress, illuminated with the glow of a mysterious power. Luca became the carrier of the spirit of the Ancient Warrior Woman, while Brother Elias merged with the Ancestor of the Sage, the master of magic of old. In Alessandre, meanwhile, entered the spirit of the Prophetess, an ancient sage who once foretold the future and interpreted the signs of fate.

The fight began with terrifying intensity. Swords danced in the air, emitting metallic swishes that became the symphony of this dark clash. The extraordinary power flowing from the phenomena made the friends extremely effective fighters. Alex wielded his sword with incredible precision and power, surprising his opponents with extraordinary reflexes and speed. There was more than just muscle power in his blows - there was the strength of a royal soul that emanated from being united with him.

Alessandra, with the power of a Prophetess, was the embodiment of the dance of death. Her movements fluid and agile, she dodged blows with grace and determination, as if she were a phantom floating on the wind. Her blows were accurate and deadly. Luca also experienced this remarkable transformation. A new passion and power ignited in his eyes. He was now more balanced, focused and stronger. His fighting skills proved far greater than he would have expected. They began to gain an advantage over the Templars. Their strength came not only from their own determination, but also from the phenomenon. They were now one, defenders fighting not only for their lives but also for the fate of the city. The rain flowing from the sky mixed with blood and sweat, creating an unusual aura of murder and destruction. These were moments full of screaming and chaos. The walls of Venice resounded with the sounds of battle and the sounds of cracking metal. Everyone, both the living and those who had already left, witnessed this epic skirmish. The Templars tried to fight in formation, but were separated by the incredible force that emanated from their friends. Alex pierced one of them, plunging his sword into his armor before he had time to react. Alessandra, using martial arts and intuition unknown to her, overpowered another Templar. Luca, fighting fiercely, dealt with a third opponent, using his physical strength and newly acquired power. The knights were determined, and their attacks were full of desperation and anger. They were unable to face the new, mysterious power that suddenly appeared before them. What was supposed to be easy prey turned into a trap. As the battle continued, the streets were filled with a river of blood of this brutal spectacle. Alex felt the ancient force tearing at his heart trying to get out.

- I know what I have to do. I must protect them at any cost to myself," he thought, looking at his companions.

There was no time to hesitate. He focused on the opponent in front of him, trying to analyze every move, every strike. Alessandra, flowing gracefully, was like a dancer at a dark ball. Her dagger traveled accurately, delivering precise blows.

One of the Templars challenged Alex. Their blades met with momentum, letting out a groan of steel. He felt his whole body vibrate from the impact. The Templar smiled mockingly.

- There is no salvation for you and this cursed island," he pronounced with triumph.

Alex knew he couldn't give up. Not now.

- I will not give you that satisfaction steel down," he replied, feeling a new inner strength.

Struggling, he recalled moments spent with Alessandra. These were memories that gave him extra power. He reached inside himself and brought out the best. For a moment, he felt as if he was one with the spirits and his friends.

- I won't die here," he thought and attacked even harder.

While the fight was in full swing, Alessandra turned her attention to the wounded Luca. He was bleeding from his shoulder, but fighting with determination, as if some inner force was driving him.

- Luca, take off your coat! - she shouted, trying to break through the battle cries.

Under the influence of adrenaline, he quickly removed his coat and exposed the wound. Alessandra tore off a piece of her torn dress and proceeded to bandage it.

Meanwhile, Alex was engaged in a fierce duel with another Templar. Their blades were flicking sparks, and their blows were so violent that they echoed through the streets. He could feel the tension rising in his muscles and thoughts. He had to persevere, he had to win. In this bloody battle, Brother Elias was at the epicenter, protecting his friends and attacking at the same time. He was like a living shield protecting his comrades. Another knight fell under Luci's blows. But it wasn't over yet. Suddenly, in the midst of the disturbed mist, a pair of phantoms appeared, emanating a glow of energy. The Knights Templar clearly felt fear as they saw their blades lose their power in the glow of these beings.

- It's over! - shouted Alex, with a powerful slash bringing down another enemy.

The rest of the knights, terrified by the presence of the ghosts, began to flee. The wounded friends felt the energy permeate their bodies, strengthening them.

- It's over! - repeated Luca, forcing the Templars to flee, wounded and frightened.

The battle was won, but no one was under any illusions - this was only a prelude to the coming storm. Their battle had just begun. The wind carrying the scent of blood suddenly increased its force, breaking up the fog and revealing the ruined streets of Venice. The bodies of the Templars lay motionless on the ground, in pools of blood. Everything went quiet. They breathed, tired and battered, but alive. They felt mixed feelings - joy at defeating their enemies and trepidation at what else

- Quick, we have to get the hell out of here," Alex said, wiping sweat and blood from his forehead.

He knew that they could not remain in the open street. The phantoms, who were now allies, began to leave their bodies. It was exhausting. Maybe they could learn to control this power, maybe this was the key to defeating the brotherhood. They didn't know. At a bend in the alley they found a dilapidated building. It looked abandoned, but it had something about it that made Alessandra feel like they weren't alone there. They carefully opened the door then slipped inside.

- We need to collect our thoughts, put together what we know," Alex said, feeling that they need to plan the next steps.

They sat in semi-darkness, still feeling the atmosphere of the recent battle. But at the moment, the most important thing was to think about what had happened and what would happen next. Will the phantoms still be with them? Will they be able to get out of this place?

- Our fates are intertwined with something greater than we could have imagined," muttered Brother Elias, with the ghosts' gazes before his eyes.

They were here with them now, but would they remain forever? Perhaps in this battle they gained allies forever. Or perhaps they had awakened something that would have been better off never rising from its lethargy. As they pondered this, they unexpectedly heard a sound - the creak of a door that hung on one of its scratched hinges, rubbing against the stone doorframe. Luci's heart leapt. Was it another enemy? Or someone who had come to help? He warned his friends, and in silence they prepared for a confrontation. The door wobbled until it finally opened wide. Silhouettes appeared in a beam of light. For a moment there was silence. They leaned forward, looking through the opening, before stepping inside. They were Venice residents, disturbed by the shouting and clamor.

The astonishment on their faces turned into relief when they realized they posed no threat.

- In the name of the saints, what is going on here? - asked the older man, wiping sweat from his forehead.

Alessandra, who was most conversant in Italian, explained briefly what had occurred.

- We have to flee this city before it gets really dangerous," Alex spoke in a firm voice, "The Templars won't just stop after the first skirmish.

Residents told how they felt the supernatural changes in the city, how the buildings trembled and the incredible wind blew with incredible force. They were on their own, and seeing this with their own eyes, they understood that they had to act. They left the building together, but even before they did, Alex went to the door where they had heard the creaking earlier. There, in the darkness, he spotted something shiny. It was a key.

- Let it stay," he thought, tucking it into his pocket. Perhaps someday it will come in handy in this impenetrable puzzle of mysteries. They prepared to flee, not knowing what would puzzle them in the darkness of deserted Venice. They had no idea what else the city hid and what tomorrow would bring. They gathered their belongings and left this cursed piece of land with its inhabitants, ready to face what was yet to come. The sounds of chaos and destruction echoed around them. Earthquakes caused stone buildings to crackle, and water began to flood the streets. Knights were treading on their heels, and all they could do now was run. As they moved away from where the battle was taking place, they began to see more and more frightening images. Along the way they passed ruined buildings, and somewhere in the distance they heard screams and cries. The place had turned into an inferno. They had to go forward, because there was no point in going back. Venice was now a trap from which there was no way out.

Suddenly, they noticed something strange in the distance. A great vortex of water hovering over the city, like a giant wave, floating in the air. It was something unimaginable, something beyond human imagination.

- Let's get the hell out of here. But already! - shouted Alex, seeing the wave coming.

Seeking shelter, they spotted an old, abandoned abbey on a hill. They set off, passing deserted potholed streets where earthquakes were taking their toll. The pace of the wave was increasing, and with it fear and panic. They ran into the abbey, somewhere in the depths of the building they found a hall. It was an old reliquary chamber, full of antique objects and treasures that had once been hidden from thieves and invaders. Now it was to provide shelter from the element that had come. As the tide rose higher and higher, they realized that even here they would not be safe. Alex went outside to assess the situation and saw the power of the water rapidly approaching the building. They had to act quickly.

- It's all the fault of this seal! - shouted Alex, reflexively pulling out the key found earlier. Alessandra, seeing what Alex was holding in her hand, knew subconsciously that she could stop the element. It was thanks to the residual power from the Prophetess. Without hesitation, she stepped out into the courtyard and took the key from Alex's hand, pointing it toward the wave.

- We need to focus our energy, join our forces! - she called out, feeling the power growing in her - Everyone to me! - she shouted to the others.

Together with the energy of the phenomena that flowed from within them, they created a dam. The wave stopped. It was now hanging in the air, unable to move on. Venice was now on the brink, but they managed to stop the inferno. But was this the end, or maybe just the beginning of the fight against these unpredictable forces? That's what no one knew. Mastering the harrowing event gave them a moment to breathe.

Alessandra noticed that the key gave off an unusual light. She touched it and at that moment she heard a whisper in her head. It was the sound of ancient times, an ancient language that somehow spoke to her.

- It's not just a key. It's part of the city, a metaphor that allowed us to open the gateway to unleashing power," she read her mind, "Let's go back to where it started," she added after a moment.

They went to the place where the battle took place earlier. She looked at her friends and realized that this battle meant something more. The spirits had entered their bodies, but they did not control them. It was a symbiosis in which both sides cooperated. In that moment she understood that what happened here was their destiny. The night over Venice was dark and bathed in rain. Drops fell from the sky like tears from the fallen. They stood amidst streets full of destruction, the smell of blood was still in the air.

- I always thought I would feel like a hero when I looked at the corpses of the enemy," muttered Alex, turning over one of the Templar's bodies.

Luca looked around, aware that the fight with the knights was only a prelude to what was to come. A strange feeling accompanied him as he lifted the heavy, wet parchments with the image of a fire-breathing dragon.

- Do you really think it will do anything? This supposed power," asked Alex, staring at the key that Alessandra was holding

- This is our only hope," replied Alessandra, "We need to unravel this mystery in order to learn the true face of the story and get out of its clutches.

A gentle breeze wheezed through the deserted alley. Alex looked around to find anything that would help them. He spotted a bridge that had once bustled with life. Now it seemed just an empty shadow of the past.

- There is a solution here somewhere," he muttered, grabbing his wet coat.

Following his instincts, he and his companions headed in his direction.

- Explorers of lost treasures, this is getting really interesting," Luca quipped.

The bridge hung over the canal, with only a few beams holding it in the air. Behind it was a mold-smelling tunnel that cast a shadow over the murky water. The view wasn't enticing, but it was nothing compared to what could meet them at the exit.

- Something is not right here," sighed Alex, sweeping his gaze over the damp beams of the bridge toward the tunnel.

- This place is... sick," Luca raised his eyebrows looking into the dark abyss beyond the bridge.

Alessandra could not take her eyes off the tunnel, which seemed to absorb light, creating a black abyss.

- We have to go to the other side," she added.

Steps placed on the cobblestones produced an eerie echo, as if the souls of the dead were shouting warnings. When they stood on the other side, they saw a square, surrounded by burned-out houses and ruins. In the center was a well, and around it were several holes from which the smell of rotting remains could be detected.

- It can't be true. That smell. - whispered Alessandra, holding her hand over her mouth.

Then they heard a sound that made their hair stand on end. Deafening thumps, like the pounding of a hammer, came from under the ground. Something was trying to get out. Something that shouldn't exist. They looked at each other and realized that was their real target. They had to come face to face with what was hidden in the depths of the earth. Was this to be their last battle? Time raced on, as if it knew that all was not yet said. They began this spiritual tightrope dance between life and death, unaware that this battle was about more than just their own fates. Venice hid something beyond imagination.