Chapter 13: Source




The tension in the air was becoming almost palpable. Surrounded by ruins and rubble, they moved at will. The sudden silence was so thick that their every step seemed to be drowned out by the invisible presence of the place. Brother Elias, still concealed in his monastic habit, kept to himself, focused on prayer. His presence was a purification and at the same time a source of strength for the rest. He unwaveringly believed that there was something in this tomb of Venice that could affect the fate of all mankind.

- Elias, are you sure this place doesn't hide anything bad? - Alex asked uncertainly.

- We have no choice," replied the monk. - We need to understand what happened here so we can stop this evil.

Meanwhile, Alessandra, staring into the abyss of the well, realized that something was there. Something that was hiding in the depths. Her intuition warned that the answer they were looking for was hidden here, beneath the surface.

- There is something there...underground," she whispered, but in a tone that reached everyone.

Luca looked at the well's opening. It was old, dilapidated, forgotten and smelly. This place was teeming with history, but also with mystery. It seemed that there might be more beneath the surface than one might assume.

Suddenly, as if on cue, the ground trembled. The earthquake caused screams and fear, but it was more than that. It was like a thump from the bottom of a well. Something was trying to get out.

- This...! - exclaimed Alessandra. - Something is underground!

- It is necessary to react quickly! - shouted Alex. - We have to get down there before it crawls out!

A sudden determination gripped them all. Elias pulled from his coat an elaborately decorated ampoule containing holy water. Luca prepared his weapon, and Alessandra reached for her dagger.

- We will slam it together! - announced Alessandra. - Just like Alex always does!

They made a decision. With a unity worthy of brothers and sisters, they came face to face with this alien, dark force. The wells, which for centuries had dried up and served as a place to conduct rituals, were supposed to hide the key to understanding this riddle. In this desperate struggle between light and darkness, between life and death, they began to descend the old rope to the interior of the abandoned tomb. Where a truth awaited them that they might not be able to comprehend.

Darkness descended, as if it had swallowed them whole. A tangle of underground corridors showed them its interior, full of abandoned relics. Brother Elias led the way, holding the crucifix firmly in his hand. This was their guide on this journey to the gates of hell.

- I can't believe all this is under Venice," whispered Luca in disbelief, trying to keep up with Brother Elias' fast pace.

- Here, something has changed. This place is no longer what it used to be," replied Brother Elias with mysterious calm.

Meanwhile, Alessandra, peering into the precipitous abyss that engulfed their steps, hoped they were on the right path. She knew that now they could not hesitate, they had to continue. Luca, hedged against any test, kept his instrument of death ready for use. He was ready to face what was to come.

- Ready for anything? - He asked, looking at his companions.

- Ready," they replied in unison.

They moved deeper into the underworld, where the answers lay. The narrow corridors, beautifully decorated, showed them the scale of this urban disaster. From afar, they heard the echoes of their own footsteps, as if the entire structure rolled their anxiety. Suddenly, as if triggered by their presence, shadows began to appear. They were the outlines of figures that seemed to be circling around them. They were ghosts that could not find peace.

- These are ... souls," sighed Alessandra. - The souls of those who once lived here.

As they descended deeper and deeper, the walls of the corridors seemed to take on a life of their own. Images emerged from the darkness, as if trying to warn them, or somehow seduce them.

- Do not succumb to illusions," Brother Elias warned. - They are traps.

However, something about the images attracted attention. Stories of times past were emerging from the darkness, trying to tell their tales. These were the chronicles of people who found their death in this corner. Tragedies, crimes, foul deeds.

- It was all here," sighed Alex. - And it has been for a long time.

Suddenly, something startling emerged from one of the corridors. A huge half-pipe in which some dark liquid flowed. It was like the artery of this abandoned city, its lifeblood. Whatever was flowing there, it seemed older than anything.

- This... is this it? - Alessandra asked.

Brother Elias confirmed:

- This is one of the key places. We must walk along to the end. To the source.

Crammed into a dark corridor, they felt the air thicken and the blackness become material. It was an indescribable substance, something that carried a weight of unknown origin. Alex couldn't take his eyes off it, feeling the vibrations that permeated his mind.

- There is something unnatural here," he whispered worriedly.

Luca, fascinated by the spectacle, began analyzing its composition with a handheld scanner he never parted with. He knew it was more than just a magical phenomenon. It had to have a basis in alchemy.

- This ooze is quite complicated. It contains mainly mercury, but combined with unknown biological substances. It is a living combination that I have not encountered in any of my studies," he explained.

Alessandra looked at the substance with a mixture of fascination and fear. She could not understand how something like this could have been created.

- It's sort of a ... an entity in its own right," she sighed, trying to find the words.

- This place is steeped not only in magic but also in history," he muttered, noting the symbols carved into the walls.

Alex, touching the smear with his hand, felt something pulling him deep into this black mass. He struggled, trying to get out, but the substance seemed to engulf him.

- Help! - he shouted.

He trembled, feeling something elusive and sinister grabbing at his spirit. He could not escape, there was no way out here. Luca began to cry out, not knowing how to stop it. Streaks of red light began to appear in the darkness, pulsing like a wounded heart.

- Something is inside me, I can feel it! - cried Alex, trying to free himself from the influence of this ominous presence.

The blood pulsed in his temples, and thoughts began to appear in his head, desires he did not want to feel. He was like trapped, powerless against this unknown force. They tried to help him but everything seemed futile.

- It's eating me up! - he shouted with desperation in his voice.

As their struggle continued to free Alex, the tunnel began to crack and spew fiery tongues, as if the inferno wanted to escape to the earth's surface.

- We can't give in to it! - chuckled Luca, even though he knew they were merely human in the face of this cosmic power whose nature was beyond their imagination.

Alessandra stretched out her hand, trying by some miracle to pull him out of the embrace of what had no graspable form.

- We have to free you somehow... - But her words were drowned out by the violent vibrations of the earth, which seemed to react to their struggle.

Suddenly, with the impact of a powerful earthquake, they felt the ooze begin to leave Alex's body. It was a brief moment when the fear and pain subsided. They knew that they had not won, but had saved his soul. An image appeared before their eyes, as if hell had risen from its depths, wanting to devour everything. They knew that this was not the end, only a prelude. The unknown and incomprehensible was waiting for them around the corner. Faced with a sweeping earthquake, sounds like the sound of the world ripping apart, they all felt a jolting fear that paralyzed their senses. The walls of the tunnel creaked and crumbled, spilling stone debris, as if nature wanted to slam them into this cursed dungeon. Alex lifted himself with difficulty, trying to understand what had happened. There was a wild terror in his eyes that expressed all the dark thoughts that were germinating in him. They stood helpless and weakened in this place where it seemed that hell itself had spit out its monsters.

Luca, seeing the chaos surrounding them, instinctively grabbed his gun, ready to face the final battle. His eyes blazed with unbridled anger, ready to explode in a moment of desperation. Alessandra, though stunned, stretched out her arms, feeling an inner power that seemed to react to this inexplicable event. It was a power she could not understand, but one she was not about to give in to. Brother Elias, summoning the residual strength that remained after the collision with the mysterious smear, held out the crucifix toward the infernal image. His prayers were addressed to God to deliver them from this calamity.

They looked at the terrible landscape of destruction that appeared after the earthquake ended. The tunnel had risen to the surface as a result of the quake. The visible city at its end looked like a stain on the skin of hell. Red fire filled the sky, wafting the stench of sulfur and burning. The light of the flames flicked on the stripped walls of the buildings, which seemed to still be trembling from the brutal attack.

- We have to get away from here. This place is doomed! - shouted Brother Elias, feeling that they must leave this infernal lair.

They all nodded, instinctively running toward the exit. They rushed through the crumbling tunnel as if life itself directed their movements. Every step seemed to be a step toward deliverance.

Suddenly, from behind the debris and smoke, a black, tarry figure emerged. She had eyes burning like coals in a furnace. Her movements were fluid, emanating a powerful dark energy.

- It's not over yet... - whispered Alex, and a chill went down his spine.

The figure moved toward them, raising its hands as if invoking the power of hell. Their hearts beat like wild bells, and each breath seemed to be the last. The ominous being drew closer and closer, filling the air with a terrifying hiss and the impenetrable smell of rotten death. Did they still have the strength to face this hellish specter? Would they be able to escape this cursed place? The answer was only a shrill howl that resounded before them. It was time to confront the nightmare.

Black hands of flame overpowered the air, wrapping around the creature's body like a cloak of darkness. They knew this was no ordinary monster. It is something much worse. It was the embodiment of their deepest fears. The figure approached them at an alarming pace, hovering above the ground like a specter. Its skin was undulating, covered with bumps and boils, pulsing as if they had a life of their own.

- Don't let it enter your minds! I know this beast from stories," shouted Brother Elias, trying to summon his power.

But it was too late for that. The monster emitted waves of mental madness that took over their thoughts. The innermost darkest secrets emerged from them, exposing them to everyone. Alessandra saw her dreams turned into nightmares, soaked in blood and suffering. Luca saw his fears reflected in the eyes of his loved ones, seeing the beast in them. Alex looked into the past, into the sins that were crushing his soul. Brother Elias saw his doubts and weakness, waiting for a sign from God that was not coming.

- Fuck! - roared Alex, trying to get his thoughts under control.

The fighting was brutal and merciless. The monster had control over minds, infusing fear and madness into every move of his opponents. He tore apart their thoughts like a predator meat. Stronger than any physical attack, they felt the pain of the soul. Alessandra reached out her hands, but her powers seemed weak against this dark creature. Luca, fighting the demons of his past, clenched his teeth, trying to turn his anger into strength. Brother Elias, found his faith struggling to make him stronger, but felt its power incomplete.

- We must defeat this evil together! - shouted brother Elias, trying to join forces with his friends.

Their struggle lasted minutes that seemed like hours, days, and the pain they felt was beyond the limits of their imagination. It was fought in the darkness, where blood mingled with screams and twisted faces. The monster, a hideous conglomeration of nightmares, pierced their thoughts with its eyes full of blackness. It crushed hope like an eggshell, making every breath a torture.

Alex dodged the monster's blows, not knowing how to break through the veil of fear. His sword refused to obey. When he finally stopped, the creature attacked. It tore through Alex's armor, destroying his body until blood gushed out. Alessandra tried to use her powers, remnants of the Prophetess but was like paralyzed in the face of this horror. The monster invaded her mind, revealing her innermost fears. She saw her loved ones suffering, powerless against its power. Her scream no longer had any power. Besieged by the demons of the past, Luca struggled against his own faults. He could feel the anger rising within him, but he knew he had to find a balance. When he managed to control his fear, the monster bit him on the shoulder. It tore his skin like a dog's meat, and a paralyzing pain pierced his body.

Brother Elias shouted prayers, but the demon laughed in the face of his faith. He felt how every word recited in the name of God only caused him pain. The collapse of his faith caused darkness to surround him. The creature exploited every weakness, every shadow of fear. But the friends had something that began to vibrate inside them. The strength to survive together, the determination to fight for their lives and their loved ones. Alex, though he felt pain and fatigue, was not going to give up. He knew he had to persevere. His sword began to dance in the air, inflicting precise cuts. He felt as if some inner force was burning within him, a primal beast, ready to fight for its place in this nightmarish world. Luca fought back with savage fury. His eyes glowed with flashes of anger. He used his blade, cutting off the monster's claws. Blood was splashing on all sides, and he did not stop for a moment. This was a clash for survival, a clash for justice for the suffering the beast inflicted on him.

Alessandra summoned an inner power. Her hands emanated an unsettling glow, and the black features on her face added to her ominousness. Magic flowed through her, like a living force, ready to unleash itself on the monster. Brother Elias, with a faith based on long years of prayer and service, called for divine protection. Holding a crucifix, he listened in thought to the mantras that would invoke higher forces. The monster roared, hiding in the darkness. He was losing, but he wasn't about to give up without a fight. It ripped apart the tunnel walls, biting, lashing out like a man possessed. The fight was brutal and bloody. Life and death swirled around the friends. Fire and steel mingled with the shouts and screams of the beasts. There were moments that it seemed that the monster would prevail. Alex's body was covered with scars, and Luca was barely on his feet. Alessandra was decimated as she struggled to lose control of her power. Brother Elias prayed like never before, believing in the intervention of higher forces.

Finally, with effort they defeated the monster. It fell with a bang, letting out a final moan. They could smell the fetor of its body, which filled the tunnel. They fell to the ground as if they dropped the weight of the whole world together with it. The disgusting demonic form of the monster faded and dissolved, leaving only a stinking puddle.

- We did it... - whispered Alex, but there was no triumph in his voice, only relief and pain.

They were wounded and tired. Deep on the other side of the broken tunnel, where the darkness was deepest, the ground began to tremble. A rumble tore through space. It seemed that the entire city would collapse on them, but this something was even worse. That something that had been slumbering here for a long time had awakened. The demon was just a guardian, a sort of appendage to the nightmare that lurked in the heart of this place.

Alex, though barely standing on his feet, began to feel the pressure, as if the whole mountain was falling on him. He clenched his teeth, trying to gather his thoughts, but the force of this foreign entitlement was crushing him. It was like fighting the darkness itself. Luca, though he looked exhausted, found his last reserves of strength. He knew he had to keep fighting to the last drop of blood to save himself from this nightmare. Alessandra felt her own power turning against her. What seemed futile at first, now mattered. She had a choice - either sink into this power or learn to control it. Brother Elias, looking at the desolate place where they had recently fought a fierce battle, realized that it wasn't over yet. This was just a warm-up before the real horror.

A crack appeared in the tunnel wall. It emitted a disturbing light, similar to burning tar. It widened, as if it felt in itself the inevitability of what was to come. The air grew heavier and heavier, saturated with terror and anticipation. From the abyss, came the sounds of some foreign language. Unintelligible words hissed through the air, jangling in their heads, as if trying to open a gateway to another dimension. It was something that had not lived in this world for a long time.

Alex instinctively stepped back. Luca, tensing every muscle, clenched his fists. This was the moment about which legends are told - the moment when ordinary people become heroes. Alessandra, against the fear that gripped her soul, reached out her hands. She began to rebuild control over her power. She knew that now, in the face of absolute evil, she had to become someone more, someone in full control of power. Brother Elias leaned over, praying in his mind for help. But there was something else in his prayer - a determination, a resolve not to stand idly by. He knew that even if he had to face the battle himself, he would do it for the sake of good.

A shape emerged from the crevice. It was an indescribable outline, almost incomprehensible in its construction. It had a face that was truly Lovecraftian, taken from tales of the Great Eternal. Its skin was like mercury, rippling and pulsing, constantly changing hardness. Scales adorned its body, and from its unearthly long neck grew a head from which billowed clouds of smoke. The beast made sounds from its guts that almost blew out their eardrums. These were sounds of insanity, of madness that penetrated minds, destroying what is human.

- I know that you are afraid. You are afraid of what is beyond your comprehension.He whispered, feeling their fear.

Alex having gathered in himself the remnants of courage.

- We are not afraid! We have an idea of something stronger than your existence!

The creature made a sound that trembled the foundations of the city. It was a laugh, a mischievous laugh that knew no human emotion. It floated above them, spreading its black membrane wings. Its blind eyes showed hatred and bloodlust. Its crushing claws grew in size, and a revolting stench came from its mouth, as if from the abyss of hell.

- Holy shit! I don't believe it! - exclaimed Luca rubbing his eyes in amazement.

- I knew," replied Alessandra, "I sensed you reptile earlier.

It was a dragon, a creature from nightmares. It used its huge wings to snuff out the air and create tremors. They moved towards it. Alex, though he felt pain and fatigue, was not going to give up. He took to the air, trying to hit the monster. The blade bounced off the dragon's body. It fell.

The dragon seemed invincible. Its scales were like steel, and the fire it emitted from its throat melted rocks. They did not know how to defeat the beast. Every strike, every attempt to attack was futile. They made out as if they were hitting a rock with sticks.

- We have to think of something! - shouted Alex, trying to focus their attention.

- But what? It's a fucking dragon !!! - Shouted Luca - You don't know fairy tales! If it doesn't burn, it will eat us and spit out our carcasses like a cat's fangs.

They realized that they should act differently. They must use their various skills to find the weak point of this monstrosity. The dragon was hovering higher and higher, getting more and more threatening and elusive. At one point, Alessandra noticed something that could be their chance. There was a strange spot on the dragon's neck, as if its skin was weaker in that area. It was their opportunity. Guided by instinct, she focused her power on that spot.

- Now! - she shouted, pointing to the spot.

They understood her intentions. Alex directed his attack at the spot where the stain was located. His precise cut pierced the dragon's skin. The beast let out a terrifying shriek, and the fire it spat out almost bounced off its body. Finally, it seemed they had a chance. The monster emanated the sulfurous fetor of hell, mixing with the hot and stifling air. It was a stench not only physical but also spiritual, foreshadowing torment and doom. They were fighting a beast, whose terror and power made the world a fragile place. Fear filled their every move. The monster roared, hiding in the darkness. It knew its tender spot, but it was not going to fall without a fight. It ripped apart the tunnel walls, biting, throwing itself in pursuit of them. They felt that this was no ordinary monster. It was a living incarnation of an infernal power. Life and death swirled around the friends. Fire and steel mingled with the shouts and screams of the beast. There were moments that it seemed that the monster would prevail. Alex's body refused to obey, and Luca could barely stand on his feet. Alessandra, decimated, struggled to lose her breath. Luca, with rage in his eyes, threw himself into battle first. His blade wheezed through the air, but the beast was too smart to be stabbed. It scattered into the shadows of the tunnel, dodging the attack then returned violently, piercing the air with its powerful jaws. All that was left was the wind, whose powerful wave blew it to the ground.

Alessandra did not lose faith in success. Her hands emanated a bright light, but she had difficulty grasping the dragon, which flitted through the darkness like a ghost. Although it was as big as a castle it matched the agility of tiny lizards. Suddenly she felt a burning pain as the giant tail slammed into her back. She fell to the ground, writhing in pain. Alex tried to tilt the dragon's moment of inattention to his advantage. He focused on agility to avoid the beast's strikes. The powerful scales were a shield that was difficult to pierce. He knew he had to strike a blow at a fragile spot.

Suddenly, he noticed the bare parts of the monster's throat. He dealt a blow with all his strength, but even that could not stop it for long. The dragon let out a shrill roar that echoed through the dark tunnel. Hot mercury flew from the wound like lava gushing onto the ground. The fight was brutal, chaotic. The beast knew no mercy, and the friends realized that this was not an opponent that could be won with. The dragon's powerful tail, horns and fangs crushed and scratched, creating bloody scars on their bodies. They realized they were fighting a truly heavenly being whose nature surpassed their imaginations.

- We attack together, maybe if we coordinate our moves we can surprise this lizard," threw Alex.

- It's too nimble and I don't know if you noticed but it's bigger than the cathedral. We need a better plan. It's not an Iguana in a terrarium," Luca added.

- Forgive me for not dealing with dragons on a daily basis," replied Alex.

- And your exes? - laughed Luca.

- Like children. Gentlemen let's focus on survival. - threw an irritated Alessandra.

Alessandra strained her mind, trying to find the monster's weakness. She had to use her power in the most effective way. She tried to summon the Prophetess. She went deep within herself. She found it. Suddenly she felt a power within herself. A power she did not know flowed directly from within her. She put it to use, concentrating a beam of it at a single point.

- His throat seems to be the least protected," she whispered.

- This may be our chance," he replied after which Brother Elias invoked a prayer, the words of which filled the tunnel. - We must gather our strength and trust in the heavens. Together with divine protection we will defeat this evil.

They began a new phase of the fight. Alex began to summon the dragon, focusing the beast's attention on himself. He carefully avoided the blows of the monster's huge claws and fangs. From the side, Luca lurked, waiting for the right moment. Alessandra focused her power, preparing to attack. She had only one chance. Her hands emanated a bright light, ready to strike. She knew that this could determine the success of the whole action. Brother Elias contemplated his faith, believing in support from the heavens. His crucifix glowed, as if letting him know that hope still existed.

As planned, Alex began to provoke the dragon. The beast threw itself at him with fury, opening its huge jaws, ready to devour him. At that moment Luca threw himself at the tail, striking with all his strength at the powerful member. Alessandra took advantage of the confusion, focusing her power to strike straight at the dragon's throat. The beast let out a deafening roar, and its body wobbled, clutching at its throat. The chance came - the dragon began to choke, jerking in pain. This was the moment to act quickly. They moved on the monster. Alex dodged strong chaotic tail strikes, striking between the scales, trying to penetrate under the armor. Luca concentrated on the tail, attacking it at its most vulnerable spot. Alessandra, taking advantage of the chaos, surged in with a new wave of power. Her attack was more powerful, shattering the dragon's resistance. The beast began to lose control, scrambling desperately. It was a terrifying sight, but the friends had to finish it off before the beast could regain the upper hand.

- Now! - shouted Alex, and the rest joined his attack.

Their combined efforts had an effect. Alex jumped up and thrust his sword with all his might into the eye. The dragon let out a shrill, agonizing roar, and its huge body collapsed to the ground. They were finished. The infernal beast was defeated. Smoke and dust floated around, creating an image of conflagration that was still a living nightmare a moment ago. With difficulty, they rose from the ground. Their wounds pulsed from the pain. Nevertheless, relief could be seen in their eyes. They had defeated the beast, at least for a moment's respite

- Is everyone okay? - Alex asked, trying to catch his breath.

- Yes, although we will need a lot of time on the couch with a psychologist," Luca replied with a slight smile, wiping sweat and blood from his face.

Alessandra raised her eyes toward the dragon. The sight of the corpse was terrifying. This monstrosity was truly beyond all imagination. She was grateful that they were alive, that they managed to curb this evil at least for a while.

- What now? - she asked, although she wasn't sure she wanted to hear the answer.

Brother Elias approached the corpse. He checked to see if he was really dead.

- It is definitely a celestial being, a true guardian of the source," he said, analyzing the corpse with his eyes.

- But why was he so aggressive? Didn't we do anything to him? What drives these creatures? - wondered Alex, dressing his wounds.

Luca looked at the pit from which the bestial creature emerged. It was full of terrifying frescoes that made the hair on the back of his neck stand up.

- Maybe let's find out what caused him to attack us," he said, trying to focus on logical thinking, "Well, unless someone stepped on his tail.

- It's not over... - whispered Brother Elias, thoughtfully, "We need to understand what happened here," he added.

They entered the abyss from which the monstrous creature emerged. Time was chasing them, and there was still much to do before any of the evil that rested in this cursed cave would be unleashed upon the world. The darkness of the cave was almost palpable. It spread like tarry smoke, devouring every ray of light. Brother Elias, holding a crucifix, seemed to be the only source of hope in this darkness. The light had something about it that repelled what the darkness attracted.

- This place makes me anxious," admitted Alessandra, trying to overcome the tremor in his voice.

- We must move forward," Alex encouraged, looking at his companions.

His gaze emanated determination and readiness to fight. As they continued walking, they encountered more and more strange signs and symbols on the cave walls. They were ancient inscriptions that said little. It was as if the cave was the hideout of a secret cult or the site of some forbidden ritual. They reached the central part of the cave, where the source of the mercury pipe had its center. It was a huge room like a heart of darkness radiating a purple glow that emanated a powerful aura.

- It needs to be examined. But I don't touch it like some others," he stated, looking at Alex.

At that moment, Alessandra noticed symbols on the ground, arranged in a complicated pattern. They were arranged in the form of a ring, with Annunaki signs in the center.

- This is our key! What they extracted was connected to the essence of the Annunaki. Perhaps this is the fuel that fueled their powers," exclaimed Alessandra, looking at the signs.

Luca raised his eyes.

- This is really fascinating. If these beings extracted this fuel from our planet....

He decided to investigate further. He began to analyze the structure of the device into which the ooze was flowing.

- It's like some kind of mechanism," he muttered, trying to read the intricacies of this pulsating essence.

Meanwhile, Alessandra began to work out the meaning of the symbols. It was like solving a complicated puzzle. As she put the puzzle together, she realized that the key to stopping it lay in breaking the connection between the source and the mechanism itself. The heart of the cave.

- Here we need to cut the power supply, interrupt the connection," she said, pointing to the symbols.

- Actually, it's kind of a diagram for the mechanism. - Luca added.

They knew it would be complicated.... They had to act with precision.

- It's time to act," Alex said, and the others nodded.

They were ready to face this ordeal and free themselves from the dark essence, the source of which was here, in this cursed cave.