Chapter 9: Angels and Demons    





They passed the night consuming several bottles of Whisky. In the morning, with a terrible hangover, Elena began to wonder what else awaited them. They had already searched ancient archives, hidden catacombs, abandoned palaces and many other nooks and crannies of the city. As they uncovered new clues, the story of Venice became more and more dark almost demonic. She wondered when they would pay the ultimate price for this. She looked at Alessandra sitting in the window, who seemed to be the guide in this dark odyssey. She could seem to have knowledge passed down through the ages, and her intuition was remarkably accurate in finding clues. She asked herself if her appearances were sometimes coined. She wanted to be wrong. She gave herself time to come up with the right conclusions. As her grandfather used to say ''Everything will come out in the wash''.

Today's plan was to reach the next point on their exploration map, which Alessandra pointed out over a couple of glasses of alcohol. Around noon, they arrived at a small church tucked away in one of the city's nooks and crannies. The old church was a true architectural gem, with frescoes and paintings decorating its interior. The paintings on the ceiling showed mysterious astrological signs, entwined with figures of angels and demons. Paintings on the walls depicted scenes of hell and heaven, with humans and creatures crossing the boundaries between the two. Works by artists from different eras, whose names were almost forgotten.

- I'm already throwing up churches," chuckled Luca, holding his humming head.

- A little more and you will become a priest," laughed Alex loudly.

- I think over my dead body ... - grunted Luca with a grimace - ... ... and I beg a little quieter.

Alessandra approached the altar and began to talk about the history of the place. She spoke of the alchemists who once met here to seek the secrets of life and death, of the brotherhoods and orders that hid their most important secrets here. After a while, deep inside the church, they heard quiet whispers and the creaking of an old wooden door. They knew they had been tracked.

- I wish I was with Raf, El and Is at the hotel right now," whispered Luca, "why don't I have a weak head like Rafael.

- A real bummer," hissed Alex, "Now shut up and get ready!

Surrounded by the semi-darkness of the church, Alex, Alessandra and Luca knew they could not retreat now. The quiet but distinct sound of a creaking door made them lift their gaze toward the source of the noise. They tightened their hands on their weapons, ready for a confrontation. Figures in black cloaks, with hoods half covering their faces, emerged from the shadows. They were probably members of the Order, who had long been tracking them . Swords gleamed in their hands, and their eyes emanated a cold gleam of fanaticism.

- Swords! guys are so serious in the 21st century," Luca shouted towards the attackers.

- Capture them! - threw one of them, and his voice sounded like a roar from beyond the grave.

Alex felt that he was now trapped, but he was not going to give up. He knew he had to fight to protect his friends and stop the Order from achieving its goals. The mercenary did not wait for the first move of the enemy. With a swift movement, he snatched the old sword hanging on the wall and moved on his opponents. His skill in the art of fighting with white weapons was like handling a knife and fork, and his training as a mercenary made him a dangerous opponent. In one fluid movement, he cut off the head of one of the Order members as if he were slicing a piece of meat on a plate, and the blood splashed like a fountain.

Alessandra and Luca were not idle either. Alessandra, using a candlestick from the altar, swung so hard that she hit one of her opponents with momentum and threw him into the air, while Luca, armed with two daggers, stung enemy after enemy like an angry bee. The fight continued, and the church was filled with the sound of metal hitting metal, screams and the sweet smell of blood.

Alex suddenly felt something mercilessly burning him in the chest. Harder and harder something was burning his skin. The pain increased from second to second until it became unbearable. He tugged at his shirt tearing the buttons. To his eyes appeared the medallion he had taken from the leader of the order. It glowed with a golden radiance like the sun and seemed to vibrate. The heat emanating from it was steaming at the mere sight of it.

- What the fuck!!! - hissed Alex in pain while ripping the medallion from his neck.

The medallion fell to the floor. It began to vibrate more and more strongly on it and moved towards the altar. In a split second it accelerated to find itself a moment later in the middle of the dial of the sundial which rang with strange shrill metallic sounds. The ringing was increasingly piercing, as if the bells themselves carried some terrible secret.

- What the hell is this? - shouted Luca, trying to convince the ringing clock to fall silent.

But the ringing only intensified, and the rest of the Order fell silent, looking in the direction of the clock. The sound of the bells did not cease, and a beam of light began to emerge from the clock, which merged with the medallion . It was something unusual, something they had never experienced before. Alex, Alessandra and Luca stared at the phenomenon, also arousing the interest of their opponents, who stopped attacking them for a moment. A ray of light seemed to come straight out from the center of the clock face crossing the nine o'clock hour, creating a glittering tunnel that led to unknown corners of the church.

Without hesitation, the three companions took advantage of their opponents' moments of inattention and moved in that direction, crossing the threshold of the strange portal. With the crossing of the light, they found themselves in a completely different place.

They were now in a huge cathedral whose beauty and majesty were breathtaking. The walls were adorned with hundreds of colorful stained glass windows, and the ceiling was decorated with mystical paintings depicting heavenly creatures and mythical scenes. The floor was lined with precious marbles, and in the center was an impressive mosaic depicting a battle scene between angels and demons. Stucco decorated the columns and walls, creating the impression that this place did not belong to this world. They were dazzled and amazed. Not only were they transported to another space, but they also found themselves in a completely different era. The sight of the church and its splendor suggested that they were now in the Renaissance period, where art and religion were intertwined in unusual ways. From behind one of the altars, emerged the figure of a monk in a long black cassock. He was an older man with gray hair and a long beard. His eyes shone with wisdom and mysticism.

- Welcome, time travelers," the monk said with calmness, as if he had anticipated their arrival.

They looked at him in disbelief.

- Who are you? What is this place? - Alex asked, trying to remain calm.

The monk smiled slightly and replied:

- I am Brother Elias, and this is the Chair of Transformation. This is where different eras and worlds meet. You are now part of this history, but you must make a choice that will affect the fate of your reality and ours.

Brother Elias directed their attention to the huge altar, which was decorated with a monumental moving image. It was a scene of unearthly beauty, but at the same time extremely frightening and bloody. It depicted angels battling demons against the backdrop of a burning city. The fire gushing from it even heated the room. It seemed to be a large screen broadcasting a live picture of the heavenly war

- This is the story of Veneti, or more precisely of the Order of Nigredo," explained Brother Elias, "The Knowledge Stones, which you are probably looking for, played a key role in our existence. The message contained in this painting is the story of the eternal struggle between good and evil, of beliefs and secrets that have been passed down through the generations. The stones are the key to learning about our roots and understanding Veneti's purpose.

Alessandra came closer to take a closer look. The details were astonishing. Angels were depicted as beautiful but majestic beings, with flaming wings and swords in their hands. The demons, on the other hand, were portrayed in full frightening ferocity, with jagged wings and fiery eyes. The entire scene was surrounded by a halo of radiance that emanated from the Stones of Knowledge, located at the very top of the altar.

- This is one of the most important places in the history of Veneti," continued Brother Elias. - This is where our legend began, this is also where the war with the Order broke out and the attempt to take away our knowledge. The Knowledge Stones were a source of power that we could not give into the hands of evil forces.

Suddenly, a shrill moaning sound came from away from the main altar. They turned toward it and saw three figures in dark cloaks attacking other monks who were desperately trying to defend themselves. The fight was brutal, and the smell of sweat and blood was in the air. They had no doubt what they should do. Without a word, they rushed to the aid of the monks, using their fighting skills. After a short but fierce battle, they managed to repel the attack. The monks they helped were grateful and amazed by the courage and skill of the newcomers.

- We thank you for your help," said one of them. - We would not have been able to resist these attackers.

- Who the hell are they? - asked Alex toward the monk, wiping sweat from his forehead.

- These are people of the Order who oppose our actions and want to seize the Knowledge Stones," Elias explained.

- We must act before they can do what they have dreamed up in their crazy minds.

The brother pointed to a side chapel, to which a long corridor led. There they were to find answers to their many questions and clues to the way ahead. They moved toward the chapel, ready for more mysteries and challenges that the Cathedral of Transformation would bring. When they entered the side chapel, a breathtaking view greeted them on the threshold. The chapel was like a treasure trove of mysticism and mystery, and its interior was decorated with extraordinary works of art that reminded them of the power and beauty of the Order of the Veneti people. In the center of the chapel was a huge altar, and above it floated a monumental sculpture of the Angel Fighting Evil. He had outspread wings, and divine power emanated from his eyes. He held a flaming sword in one hand and raised the other towards the sky. At the angel's feet lay defeated demons.

- It's a sculpture representing the triumph of good over evil," Brother Elias explained, "It's a symbol of our desire to preserve the knowledge and powers that the Veneti have protected for centuries.

Next to the altar, on the walls of the chapel, hung paintings depicting scenes from the Order's history. All the paintings were movable. They depicted events that combined elements of hell, heaven and magic. One work depicted the mysterious rituals performed by the monks at the Stones of Knowledge, where candlelight mixed with the shades of heaven and hell. The other showed monks at an altar with a ring of smoke hovering over it, as if connecting worlds. The painting exuded an atmosphere of mystery and sacredness.

- These are the works of great artists who gave their lives to serve the Order," Brother Elias explained, "Each of these works hides clues to the Knowledge Stones.

Fascinated by the paintings and sculpture, Alessandra approached one of them, which depicted monks in the process of the ritual of opening the Cathedral of Transformation. The stones glowed in the candlelight, and the monk holding them in his hands appeared to be connected to a cosmic power.

- These paintings are not only works of art, but also keys to our goal," muttered Alessandra.

- We need to understand their meaning and find what we are looking for before they do.

As she was looking at one of the paintings she heard a murmur like a whisper from behind it. Alex and Luca turned around, ready for the next danger that could befall them.

- Ghosts again? How about the order? - chuckled Luca.

It came from behind a painting depicting the opening ritual of the Cathedral of Transformation. This was something completely unexpected, as until now they had not heard any sounds or noises that were not related to the events in the chapel. They approached cautiously, looking at it carefully. It depicted monks surrounding the Stones of Knowledge, with sparkling candles floating above them. The whispering appeared again, this time more distinct. It sounded as if someone was saying something in a mysterious language that they could not understand. The whisper was quiet, but at the same time extremely evocative, as if it was beckoning them to enter the very center of the painting.

Luca looked at Alex with an expression of surprise on his face.

- It's impossible. The images don't speak for themselves.

Alex kept his hand on his captured old sword, ready just in case.

- Maybe it's some kind of trap?

The whispering became clearer and clearer, as if the person behind the painting was getting closer to him. Alex decided to take a chance and slowly walked closer. Then he heard words that froze the blood in his veins.

- Alex remind yourself.... look inside yourself.... -sounded in his language.

The mercenary didn't know what frightened him more. The fact that his name was spoken or the fact that he understood the language? He looked at his friends, knowing that they had been drawn into something much bigger than they had imagined. The whispering stopped, leaving them in silence and uncertainty. They exchanged glances, and their thoughts ran in different directions trying to find an answer.

Alex broke the silence, and his voice carried a note of concern.

- We need to find out what it all means. The Stones of Knowledge, the Order...It sounds like something unreal and yet it's happening.

A thoughtful Alessandra nodded her head.

- This may be our only chance to discover the truth about this place.

Luca began to shake his head in rhythm with his thoughts.

- We have before us images that move and speak to that. And arguably, they may contain the key to solving this puzzle. But where to start? It's a kind of madness.

They focused on a painting depicting monks surrounding the Stones of Knowledge. Luca began to analyze every detail, recalling the history of the mysterious order that supposedly guarded the Stones. Alessandra turned her gaze to the other paintings in the chapel, looking for any clues or symbols that might help decipher the mystery. Her gaze moved across the mosaics on the floor until she matured one particular motif - a seal.

Its design seemed to be a conglomeration of symbols from different civilizations and eras, as if it had passed through the centuries and absorbed the knowledge of ancient cultures. In the center, in relief, was a majestic eagle, as if alluding to Roman might. Its wings were spread out to the sides, and in its talons it held two stones of unearthly blue. The stones emanated a mysterious power, and their surface seemed to be a source of light, although it did not fall on them from an external source. Surrounding the eagle were serpentine ribbons, tied in intricate knots and cursive letters that may have been ancient runes. The shapes also resembled signs from Mesopotamia, as if the seal came from a time that had been forgotten. Images of birds moved across the edge, symbolizing travel and the mysterious forces of nature.

Brother Elias looked at the seal in silence, as if he saw something more in it, something hidden in the depths of history. His eyes shone with a mysterious light, and amazement was painted on his face.

- This is something unusual," whispered Alessandra, without taking her eyes off the find.

Luca nodded.

- It looks like we have found our treasure and are on the right track. But how do we read it?

Alex approached the seal and began to consider its intricate pattern.

- It seems to me that you will need a key to read these symbols. Perhaps it is some kind of ancient speech?

Brother Elias walked closer to the seal and proceeded to tell the story, as if he was reaching deep into the centuries to bring to light the secrets it hid. His voice was calm and yet full of excitement, as if he was still living in the times he was telling about.

- The seal you see before you is an eternal symbol, an incantation, and at the same time a key to the knowledge of the ancient world," he began, "Its design combines elements from different cultures and epochs, and is a bridge between people who for centuries have sought to know the secrets of the universe.

Pointing to the eagle in the center of the seal, he continued.

- The eagle, a symbol of power and authority, is known from various mythologies and beliefs. In Mesopotamia, it was considered the royal bird of Anzu, who guarded wisdom and knowledge. In Sumerian inscriptions he is mentioned as Enzu, the god of heaven and earth. It was he who was said to hold the secrets of the creation of the world and the fate of humans. Yes you are right. These signs and symbols on the seal, although difficult to understand, refer to an ancient script transmitted by mysterious beings known as "Annunaki" - explained Brother Elias - According to legends, these are ancient aliens who came to Earth in ancient times to pass on knowledge and wisdom to mankind.

His words sounded like manuscripts engraved on papyrus by ancient experts in magic and the mysteries of the cosmos. Luca interrupted his brother Elias with a question, trying to understand the deeper meaning of the stories.

- Still fucking aliens. Seriously? What knowledge did they supposedly pass on to humans? Did they create this place?

Brother Elias nodded affirmatively, continuing.

- According to legends, they were masters of alchemy, astronomy and magic. They were the ones who taught people how to build, understand the movements of the heavens and even draw out the secrets of nature. They passed on to mankind techniques that allowed them to control the energy and forces of the cosmos.

Alex, whose historical teachings were more pragmatic, asked a key question.

- So are you saying that these Stones are the result of this acquired ancient knowledge from aliens?

- Yes, they are, according to legends, the result of long-term experiments by the Annunaki, who wanted to create objects of unearthly power. The stones were the key to controlling cosmic energy and could actualize a variety of purposes, both good and evil.

Luca acceded to the idea of the Stones as artifacts with exceptional power.

- That's why the Order wants to get them, to gain power over the world. And they are sincere bastards! - cursed while spitting on the floor.

Brother Elias smiled sadly.

- Yes, that's why your journey is so important. You are to learn the secrets of the stones and prevent them from falling into the wrong hands.

Alessandra couldn't help herself and finally asked Brother Elias what had been bothering her since they were in the cathedral.

- Brother Elias, I understand that it is necessary to fight the order but can you tell me about the history of this cathedral? Before we get deeper into this cabal we would like to know a few facts.

The old man looked at her with an expression of deep wisdom in his eyes.

- This cathedral, young souls, is a work of art, even a monument to their presence on the planet. It is much older than most buildings in the world. The Annunaki, according to legends, had the ability to manipulate time and space. This may have been their attempt to leave us some knowledge, a clue hidden in this remarkable structure.

When the monk mentioned the embedding of the Cathedral in space-time, Alex felt his mind sink in a whirlwind of incredible possibilities. It sounded like something straight out of a science fiction novel, but the presence of the Annunakia, the Cathedral and their advanced technology was almost tangible.

Alessandra, not hiding her surprise, asked:

- Did I understand correctly. This cathedral is set in time?

- Yes, this is one hypothesis. According to scientific theory, there are areas of space-time where time can be curved or stretched in unusual ways. It is possible that the Annunaki discovered a way to use this phenomenal physics to embed this cathedral in a specific moment in time.

Luca joined the conversation, with a look of obvious surprise on his face.

- This means that this cathedral may have existed for thousands of years, but for us it may have been a few days?

Brother Elias, with a hint of excitement in his voice, continued his explanation.

- The theory of time, as known to mankind, is based on concepts from theoretical physics. According to Einstein's general theory of relativity, time and space are a single entity called space-time. There are areas in it where gravity is strong enough to curve time and space. It is these curvatures that allow phenomena such as black holes to exist.

Luca, who had long been interested in science, interrupted and asked.

- So that means that these areas of space-time can be manipulated or controlled. Yes?

- Yes, time theory talks about the possibility of curving time and space, although for now it is only a hypothesis for humanity. But our knowledge is still evolving, and there are promising mathematical models that suggest that time travel may be theoretically possible.

Alessandra, with growing interest, asked further.

- But what does this mean for our situation? Is the cathedral really set in a different time period?

Brother Elias whispered under his breath a short formula in an unfamiliar language then snapped his fingers to rest as if on a pilgrim's stick conjured out of nowhere after which he continued:

- This is just one theory, but the Annunaki actually had the ability to manipulate time. They could have created something that took a moment for them, but for us it was thousands of years. That is, the cathedral could have existed for centuries, and we can see it as something that was created in a single moment. This is a fascinating aspect of their technological advancement.

Alex, who always used common sense, completely ignored the moment his brother created the stick, he added:

- Honestly. You really want us to believe in the existence of these Anunnaki, Brother Elias?

- There are many ancient writings and legends on Earth that mention alien beings from outer space, known as Anunnaki. According to these sources, they were technologically advanced beings, visited Earth and influenced the fate of humanity. Some of these stories suggest that the Anunnaki had the ability to manipulate time and space," he smiled mysteriously, "No one is sure whether one should believe all the stories, but there is plenty of evidence that the ancients had contact with beings from beyond our planet. Perhaps they are the ones who left us this cathedral as their legacy.

Alessandra, having remembered Brother Elias' earlier stories, asked.

- Are the Knowledge Stones the key to Anunnaki technology?

The monk considered the question for a moment, and then answered.

- This is one hypothesis. The Knowledge Stones may actually be the key to this power.

Alex, though still skeptical, understood that there was more to the story than fantasy.

- Dear comrades, now let's embark on a journey that will combine science, magic and history to discover the truth hidden in time and space. And after that, you should escape the Order. Surely they are already sending more people after you.

Brother Elias finished his sentence and pressed the seal. His touch was gentle yet sure. As a result of this action, there was a sound like the turning of a great lock, and the cathedral trembled at its base, and a beam of bright light emerged from the seal and began to grow on the wall. The phenomenon not only illuminated the space, but also seemed to penetrate space-time. The hall in which they stood slowly began to blur.

- We're finally going home! - shouted Luca, trying to remain calm in the face of this phenomenon.

They were surrounded by light and felt themselves being lifted into the air. It was an unreal feeling, as if they were leaving behind everything they knew and moving into another dimension. When the beam died down they noticed that they were back in the main nave of St. Mark's Cathedral. However, it was not the same place they had left.

- This is amazing! - exclaimed Alessandra, looking at the beauty and majesty of the place.

The cathedral looked new, immaculate and full of life.

- Fuck," added a poised Alex.

- Awesome!!! Fucking aliens! - cursed furiously Luca when he noticed that they were in the wrong place.

They discovered that they had gone back in time to when the cathedral stood in its heyday.