The Mysterious Hideout (1)

Lu Qingyun was now following Qin Keqin back to the streets of the New Empyrean City.

Before long, Qin Keqin had chuckled as she looked up at a sign, "We are here now."

 Lu Qingyun looked up at the sign and he was stupefied; it was because this was the Heavenly Lotus Teahouse where they had earlier departed. 

This was the fun place?! 

 "We are back here again?" He asked.

 Qin Keqin chuckled, "Indeed. By now they should have all left already."

 Lu Qingyun said, "Keqin…erm…master…this place is quite expensive. Let's go elsewhere…"

 Qin Keqin turned to him and said, "This won't do because I am taking you to my hideout. This is the fun place that I am talking about."

 Lu Qingyun was perplexed, "Hideout? Fun place? Huh?"

 Qin Keqin grabbed his hand and pulled him along with her, "Why are you still hesitating? Come with me. I'm not asking you to pay for anything and you won't lose an arm or a leg by coming in with me."

 Lu Qingyun was in a little daze when Qin Keqin had suddenly held his hand again. He allowed her to pull him along while enjoying this feeling of temporary intimacy with her...

 "If only this will goes on forever." He thought weakly. 

When Lu Qingyun had stepped into the Heavenly Lotus Teahouse with Qin Keqin, all the stewards appeared as though they did not see them. Even the man who had earlier stopped to question him if he had any reservation when he had first stepped him, was treating him as though he was invisible.

He was greatly astonished.

Lu Qingyun could not resist asking Qin Keqin, "We are invisible?"

Qin Keqin chuckled, "This is my instruction to them."

"Your instructions to them?" Lu Qingyun curiously asked as he blinked his eyes on Qin Keqin.

Qin Keqin was laughing softly all the way, "You will know soon enough…"

By now she had taken him to the upper storey of the Heavenly Lotus Teahouse. There were many guards on this level and Lu Qingyun was actually shivering. From the look of the intense glares of these guards, they appeared to be second, third realm and forth realm experts. There was even a fifth realm golden celestial as well. 

But when Qin Keqin and Lu Qingyun walked past them, they were treated as though they were invisibles.

This was too unfathomable to Lu Qingyun. He was thinking: Don't tell me that Keqin is an honoured guest in this place?

After a few twists and turns, they had come to a beautiful decorated door which was protected by a profound seal.

With a soft laugh and a touch with her profound force, she had pushed the door opened and a beautiful room came into view as she smiled to Lu Qingyun. "Welcome to my hideout."

Lu Qingyun was startled, "Your hideout? What hideout?"

As he peeked inside, he got another shock as well.

It was because there was an extremely alluring maiden in white in the middle of the room. "There is actually someone here?" he thought.

This extremely alluring maiden was equally startled when she saw him. She quickly put away the manual that she was holding in her hand on the table and said softly, "You're back so soon? You are not supposed to bring anyone here. That is your rule, do you remember? And who is he?"

Qin Keqin laughed as she took off her curtain veil, "He is my disciple Lu Qingyun. My one and only disciple! I have brought him to see my hideout. Don't be so mean to him, will you?"

Then she turned to Lu Qingyun and said in a hurry, "I get a change of clothing first. Chat with her first. There is tea on that table. Go sit down there and appreciate the tea while you wait for me. I will be back in a flash."

With that, she had hurriedly flashed to another exit in this room.

Lu Qingyun muttered weakly after her, "Yes master…"

Since his master had commanded him to sit down and waited for her, he did as he was told to do so. But all of a sudden he was feeling extremely awkward for the maiden in front of him was too beautiful and she did nothing except for staring at him.

This alluring maiden in white had golden eyes and Lu Qingyun knew that she was at least a fifth realm expert. He thought miserably, "What right do I have to sit on equal footing with such a lofty cultivator?"

Then he saw several manuals on the table, he thought of pretending to read to pass the time while waiting for Qin Keqin. But when he had reached his hand for one of the manuals, the alluring maiden in white smiled coldly. "I don't advise you to touch these manuals. Sister Keqin doesn't like anyone to touch her manuals, especially when she has not read it first."

Lu Qingyun was startled as he thought. "These manuals belong to Qin Keqin?"

"If I can't browse the manuals, how about taking a sip of the tea? After all, Keqin has told me that it is alright to appreciate the tea?" At least that would be a distraction for him until Qin Keqin had returned to this room.

But no sooner had he reached out for the cup, the alluring maiden in white said quietly. "You can't drink it. You are only a first realm cultivator."

In that instant she had snatch away the cup!

Her hand movements were simply too astonishing for even Lu Qingyun to react.

Lu Qingyun was smiling bitterly. Indeed, he did not deserve to drink in front of a high level cultivator.

She added quietly, "This Dragon Fragrance Spring Tea is a hundred times more beneficial than the Heavenly Lotus Tea but it will also damage the cultivation core of any cultivators who are not seventh realm experts."

Lu Qingyun was startled. He had heard of the Dragon Fragrance Spring Tea before and it was a valuable cultivation resource. She actually had it and she was drinking from it now? Only those who had attained to the seventh realm sacred saint level would be able to consume it without any ill-effects?

All of a sudden he had a startling revelation…

This alluring maiden in white is actually a seventh realm expert cultivator?!

Seventh realm experts are extremely rare in the celestial fraternity and they are rarely seen, especially not in a desolate place like the New Empyrean City.

From the way Qin Keqin had talked so casually to her, this alluring maiden must be her close relation. In the Nine Celestial Fraternity and the other celestial fraternities, the celestial cultivators followed a strict protocol of celestial hierarchies. A fifth realm expert like Qin Keqin was nothing in the eyes of a seventh realm expert.

Therefore, she could only be her mother consort the Fairy Jade Light!

He quickly bowed with his hands, "Your protégé Lu Qingyun pays my respect to Sect Leader Fairy Jade Light!"

The alluring maiden knitted her brows and said, "You are mistaken. I am not Fairy Jade Light."

Lu Qingyun was startled as he stammered, "You…are not?"

The alluring maiden hummed coldly, "Do I look so old to you that I can be her mother consort?"

Lu Qingyun was stunned by this question.

Indeed, this alluring maiden in white doesn't look so old and in fact, young and beautiful. 

However this was merely a deception as cultivators began to age at a slower pace once they could reach the 4th realm cultivation and totally ceased to age once they could reach the 5th realm cultivation.