The Mysterious Hideout (2)

Just as Lu Qingyun was in a daze and he was at a loss to explain to the alluring beautiful maiden in white, Qin Keqin had suddenly appeared out of the blue. 

Qin Keqin had suddenly appeared from behind Lu Qingyun and took a sip from the cup that was on the table as she giggled softly. "Why are the two of you looking so awkwardly at each other? Did I miss out on anything?"

 She had put on a new beautiful robe that caused her to look even more stunning than ever before. This caused Lu Qingyun to look at her with a mesmerized look. 

But he was quickly regained his composure as he had suddenly remembered that Qin Keqin had suddenly taken a sip from the cup.

He panicky said, "Master, you can't drink from that cup. It is the Dragon Fragrance Spring Tea…"

 Qin Keqin asked curiously as she emptied the cup and took a second glance, "Oh, what's wrong with it?"

 Lu Qingyun: …

 She seemed to be fine?

Lu Qingyun had a number of guesses in his head.

One, this was not the Dragon Fragrance Spring Tea at all. This was easiest the most simple reason.

Two, the alluring maiden in white had lied to him that this was the Dragon Fragrance Spring Tea because she had wanted to project a higher realm level in front of him.

Three, the alluring maiden in white had despised him and she had just wanted to prevent him from drinking the tea because he was deemed too offensive for sharing the same table as her.

 Qin Keqin did not see the bewildering expression that was on him. Instead she was smiling, "So have the two of you introduced to each other yet? Are the two of you getting along well?"

 The alluring maiden in white looked at Qin Keqin and said, "He has addressed me as Fairy Jade Light and greeted me as sect leader just now-"

 When Qin Keqin heard her, she was laughing to and fro as she interrupted. "This…this is so funny…" There was even a speck of a tear in her beautiful mesmerizing eyes.

 "This is my Sister Feng Minyue." Qin Keqin introduced as she laughed softly. 

 Lu Qingyun greeted as he looked sheepish, "Senior Minyue, please forgive me for any misunderstanding."

 Qin Keqin began to pour more tea as she smiled while looking intently at Lu Qingyun, "Come and have more tea…"

Feng Minyue interrupted quietly, "He can't drink this tea. This is the Dragon Fragrance Spring Tea. It will only harm his cultivation core."

All of a sudden Qin Keqin had frozen in her tracks as though she had just consumed poison.

 Lu Qingyun was startled and he was panicky thinking: This is really the Dragon Fragrance Spring Tea? My master has taken a few sips from it just now. 

 He was now looking nervously at Qin Keqin and was asking, "Master, are you alright? Or…"

 Qin Keqin was rolling her eyes to and fro and she was looking a little flustered. She had totally forgotten that this Dragon Fragrance Spring Tea could only be taken by only cultivators that had reached the seventh realm.

She had lied to Lu Qingyun that she was a fifth realm cultivator and she did not want him to find out that she was a seventh realm cultivator, at least not yet…

 Finally she inhaled softly as she said, "I will be alright. It is not so much as to harm my cultivation base…"

 Lu Qingyun had broken in cold sweat for her as he heaved a soft sign of relief. At the same time he was also staring at Feng Minyue, "Senior Minyue, you are a saintess?"

 Feng Minyue poured herself another cup of the Dragon Fragrance Spring Tea, "That is right. What a pity, there is only myself to enjoy this tea now."

 While Lu Qingyun was feeling stunned that Feng Minyue was really a seventh realm unfathomable cultivator expert, Qin Keqin was rolling her eyes panicky at every drop of the Dragon Fragrance Spring Tea that was gone.

 Feng Minyue smiled as she looked at Lu Qingyun, "You and Keqin may have the Heavenly Lotus Tea instead. We have plenty of it here."

Then she took out a tea box that was full of Heavenly Lotus Leaves, "This is for you."

 Lu Qingyun was startled, "This is for me? This is too precious…"

 Qin Keqin smiled and nodded to him, "Take it."

 Feng Minyue said nonchalantly, "While the Heavenly Lotus Tea can indeed improve one's cultivation base but it is only a minute increase and very expensive. It is unlikely to see any real improvement. However if you were to take the Heavenly Lotus Tea for a month, your cultivation level will surely be improved to the second realm. Consider this my gift to you."

 Lu Qingyun was truly startled. He had thought that Saintess Feng had despised him but this was not the case. He quickly expressed his gratitude, "Saintess Feng Minyue, I really don't know how to thank you enough…"

 This box of Heavenly Lotus Leaves can indeed improve upon one's cultivation base and that was why it was extremely precious. That was the reason why the Heavenly Lotus Tea was so hard to obtain and why it was so valuable.

Although Saintess Feng Minyue had said that it won't be of any help to one's cultivation but Lu Qingyun was just a first realm cultivator. To jump to the second realm after one month of consuming this Heavenly Lotus Tear was a huge cultivation improvement for him. 

 Now he was receiving a full box of Heavenly Lotus Leaves and he was staring at the gift in disbelief. He could not help muttering, "This is really for me? This is far too precious…"

 He was not so thick skin as to accept such precious gift so bluntly. So he said, "Should Saintess Feng Minyue needs any help in the future, I will do my best to help you."

 Feng Minyue smiled, "Don't thank me. Thank your master. She owns this Heavenly Lotus Teahouse and this gift is actually from her. It got nothing to do with me."

 Lu Qingyun was startled as he turned to look at Qin Keqin, "Master, you own this place?"

 Qin Keqin chuckled softly, "That's right. This place is my secret hideout. Now you know."

 Lu Qingyun was speechless.

It was no wonder all the stewards were all pretending not to see her and that why all the guards were treating them as invisibles. If she was the owner of this place then she had all the influences to make such a decision. She could totally decided what they could see or hear.

 He asked awkwardly, "Does the Heavens Ridge Villa knows about this?"

 Qin Keqin was chucking delightfully, "Of course not. In this world, only my sisters and you know about this secret of mine. So don't go around telling anyone, alright?"

 Lu Qingyun asked curiously, "While you are not in Heavens Ridge Villa, you are staying here?"

 Qin Keqin gave him a lovely look as she shook her head, "I have other hideouts elsewhere. This time I will stay a little longer…"

She looked at him shyly and there was a certain meaning between her eyes.

 It was only then that Lu Qingyun had noticed that she had changed to a sexy light blue outfit showed the curves of her figure and when she was suddenly looking at him in this manner, he could feel that his ears were burning hotly.

Previously he noticed that she was mesmerzing in her new robe but he had not noticed how good her enticing body really was. 

 Her lovely look, the returned stare and the shy flushes between them caused time to suddenly stand still for the two of them.

 Their quiet moments were suddenly interrupted when another beautiful maiden in white blue had suddenly walked into the room with an excited chuckle. "Something interesting is popping up now-"

She had suddenly frozen in her tracks when she saw Lu Qingyun. "Who is he?"

 Lu Qingyun was equally startled to see this newcomer too and he saw that she too had golden eyes. He thought: She is also a fifth realm expert? Or higher? She is Fairy Jade Light? 

 Qin Keqin gasped softly as she switched her attention to the newcomer while Feng Minyue was smiling, "This is Lu Qingyun, Keqin's new disciple. Qingyun, this is Saintess Xuan Danfeng."

 Lu Qingyun was shocked beyond disbelief. This beautiful maiden in white blue was also a saintess?! There were actually two saintesses in this place?

Just a single saint is able to call the shots in New Empyrean City because in a third rate cultivation land, all others below a saint are just ants. 

 She was really snowy white with beautiful curves, extremely enticing and moving.

 Xuan Danfeng chuckled softly, "Oh isn't he the one? Wah, Keqin has actually brought a man into our rooms. This is really the first time."

 Qin Keqin groaned softly, "Don't mouth off rubbish like this…"

 Xuan Danfeng was already in their midst in the next moment. When she saw the Dragon Fragrance Spring Tea, she eagerly took a flask and laughed. "I guess that this is the leftover that is for me? Thank you!"

 Qin Keqin's eyes began to roll and she was about to say something but she had given up at the last minute as she cursed silently: Consider this my bad luck today...

 The Dragon Fragrance Spring Tea was extremely precious and difficult to obtain. And she had only taken just a few sips. Now Xuan Danfeng was taking the last drop…

 Xuan Danfeng chuckled heartily, "Luckily I have come back in a nick of time or else there won't be anything left for me."

 Qin Keqin said sheepishly, "You mention that there is something interesting?"

 Xuan Danfeng clapped her hand, "Right. Come follow me sisters."

 With that, she had hastily got up and was rushing back where she had come from. "Hurry or you will be missing the show. Heh!"

 Feng Minyue and Qin Keqin had all got up at the same time and had followed her swifly through the exit.

 "Qingyun, come join us!" Qin Keqin's voice could be heard calling out from beyond the room.

 Lu Qingyun suddenly had a question.

Who was Qin Keqin? Why did she have two sisters who were both seventh realm saintess?

 Although he knew that it was rude to peek into others' belonging, he could not help himself as he secretly picked up the manual that Feng Minyue was reading earlier. Maybe it was a high level cultivation method…

 His eyes grew sheepish when he saw the contents; it was a romantic love story and not any cultivation manuals.

There were other manuals on the table too and he took a quick browse. He was curious what Qin Keqin had been reading. There was actually no intention on his mind to steal her cultivation methods.

 He was soon dumbfounded by what he had seen. All of them were love stories and romance stories…