
Dinner was a relief.

For one, Emily was actually quite hungry after that long day - hungrier than she'd expect to be.

But for another, the stress of dealing with Kieran being Kieran, or even eating dinner with not one but two different fae, was nothing compared to those negotiations she'd been trapped in.

No matter whats shenanigans might happen, she didn't feel the need to second guess herself, worry about the implications of things she said or didn't say for a whole country, or wonder if she'd just fail an entire world.

At worst, she'd just have to control the urge to scream or cry at Kieran.

And she'd been getting better and better at that.

Actually, she didn't mind dinner with faes at all. She'd become quite adept at faerie meals while being trapped in the tower with Merwyn and his followers, after all. When it came to fae...she was actually pretty comfortable.