
Showdown at the Mountain

Cronus and Zeus were walking up the tallest mountain in Crete. "Why do we have to walk all the way up there dad?" Zeus said, "it helps with unlocking your powers" Cronus said, Zeus then sighed and continued to walk with his father.

After a few hours they both finally made it to the top of the mountain. Zeus then sighed in relief, "thank god we made it" Zeus said, Cronus then started chanting and ancient language Zeus didn't recognize. Suddenly a glowing crystal emerged from the bottom of the mountain then to the top.

Zeus was amazed "ok son, this is your time, touch the crystal" Zeus was hesitant to touch it but he really wanted powers, Zeus then leaned in to touch it then suddenly the mountain started to shake.

A woman then flew down the mountain and punched Cronus but he quickly blocked it, Zeus was confused and was wondering what was going on.

Cronus then grabbed the woman's wings then elbowed her spine making her fly uncontrollably.

She then crashed into the mountain making it fall apart, DAAAAD ARE YOU OK!?" Zeus yelled.

The mountain completely collapsed and Zeus was falling down in fear, suddenly the woman saved Zeus.

"Don't worry little one I got you" the woman said, Cronus then appeared then kicked the woman in the face making her drop Zeus, Cronus the caught Zeus

"hey Zeus, you find somewhere to hind until I defeat her" Cronus said, "wait but who is she?" Zeus said, "I'm not entirely sure but whoever she is she's trying to capture you which is why you need to hide quick" Cronus said.

Zeus then started running away looking for a place to hide. "Who are you?" Cronus said, the woman then laughed "my name is Keres, if you want to know so bad" the woman said.

Cronus then stopped time then started to rapidly punch Keres in the stomach, Cronus then resumed time and Keres was holding her stomach in pain then Cronus kicked Keres in the face knocking her back.

Keres then held her hand out to Cronus then a dark ball of pure destruction appeared from the palm of her hand, Keres then threw the ball at Cronus, Cronus then stopped time and dodged it.

The ball then blew up in the sky making ashes fall down, "just give me the boy and I'll be on my way" Keres said "long day in hell" Cronus said.

Keres then got angry and flew at Cronus. Cronus then grabbed her and ripped off her wings making her blood gush out.

Keres then screamed in pain then Cronus grabbed her hair and was about to kill her but then suddenly a man punched Cronus in the stomach making Cronus spit out blood and sent flying.

Are you ok Keres?" The man said "no he hurt me, he hurt me please teach a lesson" Keres cried.

Cronus then got back up and was confused, "if your wondering my name is Hermes, but it doesn't matter now since your gonna die soon" the man said.

Cronus then charged at Hermes but then Hermes dodged it and uppercutted Cronus then started to choke him out.

Zeus then suddenly appeared "get off of him now" Zeus said, "oh there's the boy" Keres said.

"No go back, leave" Cronus said weakly. Hermes continued to choke Cronus, Zeus then ran at Hermes and started to punch him but it didn't do anything. It then started to rain and thunderstorm. "It's getting late I must finish this guy and his son" Hermes thought to himself.

Cronus then flipped Hermes over then kicked him then Cronus started to bend the space around himself so Hermes wasn't able to touch him.

Zeus then started to punch Keres then Keres grabbed Zeus and head butted him then Cronus kneed Keres in the face "don't you touch him, bastard" Cronus said.

Hermes then tried to punch Cronus but he couldn't touch him, Hermes then thought of a sick idea then started to choke out Zeus, "I wouldn't come close if I were you, I have a self detonation bomb on me and if you touch me it will instantly blow up, killing myself along with your son" Hermes said.

Zeus then started to cry in fear, Cronus then was thinking of what to but he has no projectile attacks.

Even if Cronus stops time it isn't going to stop the detonation, Cronus was in a tough situation but then suddenly a thunderbolt struck Zeus making Hermes jump back.

Cronus was in shock while the thunderbolt was still striking Zeus then suddenly the thunderbolt blew up creating a shockwave but then suddenly a giant dragon creature with a thousand snake heads impaled Cronus in his heart, killing him.

Zeus saw this making him get a rage he couldn't control but the thunderbolt that struck him gave him strange powers.

Zeus then punched Hermes create if a thunderbolt and blowing Hermes up but Zeus didn't get hurt.

Zeus then spawned a Lightning Bolt from his hand and threw it at Keres killing her but the creature that killed Cronus got away.

Zeus then calmed down and ran to his father's dead body and held him in his arms. "You did good kid, you did good" Cronus said "please please dont go dad I need you" Zeus said, Cronus then smiled "it's ok son, it's ok I love you Zeus" Cronus said "I love you too dad" Cronus then smiled then died, Zeus was crying but tried to stay strong.

Zeus then buried his dad next to mountain and mourned his dead. Zeus then started to walk back to the village and the rain stopped and the sun started to rise.