
Poseidon’s Training

Zeus finally arrived, "oh my goodness where have you been, and where is your father?" Zeuses mother Rhea said.

Zeus just stood there looking at the ground in silence, no no Cronus" Rhea said while crying.

Poseidon and Hestia stood there in shock of the news, Hades then pushed down Zeus "this is your fault, you the reason he died. If only you were born with powers he wouldn't have to take you to the mountain, your so useless" Hades said "hey Hades don't you think your being a little hard?".

"He's a worthless idiot, I'm not being hard enough. Your the reason he died, if your weren't so weak maybe-" Zeus then threw a thunderbolt at Hades sending him flying through one of the houses.

The entire family looked at Zeus is shock "maybe, maybe it was my fault he died since I wasn't strong enough to protect him, BUT THAT DOSEN'T GIVE YOU THE RIGHT TO PUSH ME AROUND ABOUT IT SO JUST SHUT UP!".

"despicable, you finally got what we all wished for you to have and you were just gonna keep it a secret" Hades then charged at Zeus quicker than he could react than Hades pinned Zeus on the ground while his arm.

Hestia and Poseidon then started to shout for Hades to stop, "that's enough" Rhea said. Hades then let go of Zeus then gave Zeus a nasty look before walking off.

Rhea then hugged Zeus in happiness "I'm so proud of you sweetheart, you finally unlocked your powers how did that happen?" Rhea said,

"well you see uh it was thunderstorming then-" Zeus said but before he could finish Hestia hugged him too "I'm really heartbroken about what happened to dad, but you getting powers just makes my mood so much better, so thank you Zeus" Hestia said while crying, "your welcome Hestia and thanks" Zeus said.

The next day Zeus then woke up "hey Zeus, come with me" Zeus was confused but still followed him.

Poseidon then took Zeus to a training room he built, "so no good morning?" Zeus said, "quiet" Poseidon said.

"Since you got your new lighting powers this is going to be your training for it" Poseidon said "but wait isn't it too early I just got them yesterday?" Zeus said.

Poseidon then summoned a dragon tail out of water then smacked Zeus sending him flying into the wall.

Zeus then summoned a lightning bolt from his hand and threw it at Poseidon, but when Poseidon dodged it the lightning bolt struck the wall created a giant impact.

Poseidon then sighed, Poseidon then kicked Zeus in the gut making Zeuses stomach revolted, Zeus then started holding his stomach in pain then Poseidon punched Zeus in the face then created a small tornado out of water which swirled Zeus inside of it and started to suffocate him.

Zeus was begging to be let go then Poseidon made the tornado vanish.

Zeus then started coughing up water uncontrollably "it seems your natural combat isn't as skilled, how disappointing" Poseidon said as he started to walk away.

"WAIT!" Zeus yelled, Zeus then created lightning bolts in both his hand then threw it at Poseidon but then Poseidon created a wall made of water that made the lightning bolts disappear.

But then Zeus started charging at Poseidon with him holding a lightning in his mouth which he then spit it out at Poseidon, striking Poseidon and sending him flying.

Zeus then started panting then Zeus smiled in happiness, "wow he actually pulled it off, he landed a blow on me even with my guard completely on.

I'm proud of him, he sure is my brother" Poseidon thought to himself. Zeus then walked up to Poseidon and gave him a thumbs up but then Poseidon slapped Zeuses hand then Zeus started to chuckle, suddenly they both started laughing together.