
The City of Sparta

Rhea told Poseidon, Hades, Hestia and Zeus to go to a far away city called Sparta to retrieve some Greek olive oil for the family.

Meanwhile they are walking to Sparta, "wow I've never been to Sparta before so you guys think it'll be fun?" Zeus said "I don't know, the last time i went there I was only a toddler" Poseidon said.

Hestia started laughing but Hades didn't say a word and had a grumpy look on his face.

They have finally arrived at the city of Sparta, the civilians called Spartans welcomed Zeus and did siblings as they entered the wall of Sparta.

Hades then grabbed one of the Spartans "listen here bastard were here to collect some olive oil so do you have it or not?" Hades said angered.

The man was frightened then Poseidon grabbed Hades off of the man.

"What is wrong with you Hades?" Poseidon said. Poseidon then knocked on the door of one of their houses.

When they opened "um hello I was just wondering if you had any olive oil we can have" meanwhile Zeus is hanging out with the Spartans with Hestia, Hades is sitting down on the ground alone.

All of a sudden a buff man with two blades jumped up and charged at Poseidon to slash him, Poseidon dodged and the man crashed into the ground, "what in the hell, who are you?" Poseidon said.

The man then got up "my name is Kratos, my job is too protect the people of Sparta from outsiders like you people" the man said.

Zeus and Hestia ran to Poseidon to see what was going on, "your here to mock us aren't you?" Kratos said "no we're just here to get some oil" Hestia said, "I won't believe your lies" Kratos said.

Kratos then swung his blades at Hestia but Poseidon kicked Kratos back before he could hit her, Kratos then charged at Poseidon then Zeus threw a lighting bolt at Kratos sending him flying through a building.

"wait you have lightning powers, you boy your the reincarnation of Thor aren't you, you have to be" Kratos said "Thor?, never heard of him" Zeus said.

"THATS ENOUGH" a man said, the man then jumped down and between the fight, all the Spartans stood strong when he showed up, "I am Leonidas, the king of Sparta" the man said.

Zeus then ran to Leonidas and hugged him "YOUR THE KING OF THIS PLACE THATS SO COOL CAN I GET AN AUTOGRAPH?" Zeus said eagerly, Leonidas then laughed "you gave great potential my boy, sure I'll give you an autograph" Leonidas said.

Zeus then borrowed a piece of paper from the Spartans then Leonidas signed it, "uh hello king of Sparta, we're here to get some Greek olive oil, do you have any?" Poseidon said "oh yes yes I do have olive oil, come with me" Leonidas said.

"but sit there outsiders" Kratos said, "I don't wanna hear it boy, you've embarrassed yourself in front of the entire city of Sparta, I'm so very disappointed in you" Leonidas said as he walked away with Poseidon, Zeus and Hestia, Kratos then had a angry look on his face.

Leonidas then took them to his temple which he stores all types of materials including olive oil, " well there it is" Leonidas said "thank you very much" Hestia said "thanks king of Sparta" Poseidon said.

"so cool Leonidas your so cool" Zeus said, Poseidon then took the olive oil. When they came back they saw Kratos talking to Hades.

"shut your mouth you goddamn imbecile" Hades said "who do you think your talking to like that?" Kratos said "YOU!, who else dumbass", "HEY HEY HEY!" Leonidas said as he pushed them both away from each other.

"ok so what happened?" Poseidon asked, "this bastard gave me a nasty look when he walked passed me so I had to sheer my supreme dominance over him" Kratos said "the only dominance you have is you dominating the buffet fatass" Hades said.

"ok ok that's enough" Poseidon said, "hey I have an idea maybe you can come with us Kratos on our journey" Zeus said "journey? who said we're going on a journey?" Poseidon said.

"oh yeah about that I was thinking of asking mom if we can go on one to get stronger, you know" Zeus said.

Poseidon then sighed "wait I can really come with you guys" Kratos said "NO NO NO HE CANT COME!, he's gonna eat all the food" Hades said "SHUT UP!" Kratos said.

"yeah I'm sure our mom will let you go on an adventure with us" Hestia said "hmm yeah that sounds fun, can I go king Leonidas?" Kratos asked, Leonidas then sighed "go on kid train your heart out" Leonidas said.

Zeus then started celebrating, "wait how old are you Kratos?" Poseidon said "oh me I'm 15 years old" Kratos said, "hm your one year younger than me and the same age as my brother Hades over there".

Hades then looked away. Zeus then said by to all the Spartans and Leonidas as they all waved back.