Chapter 58 - The Order of the Black Rose: Prelude(Part 1)

"Come on, don't insult me, that's laughably low. Think about it, how much you're going to profit from this. I mean, have any of the recipes I've sold you failed to be popular? Haven't you made more money in the last six months than the preceding five years combined, thanks to my recipes? So make me a better offer or I'll find a different buyer," I remarked, starting to walk away.

"W-wait! about double the original offer?" He suggested reluctantly.

"Well, you're on the right track, but you're not quite there yet. Double it again or this conversation is over," I responded dryly.

"B-but that's-...o-okay, fine. Four times my initial offer...I can't go any higher than that," He relented with a grimace.

Sweet, I'd initially been aiming for triple the original offer when we began negotiating this deal.

"Alright, then, sounds like we've got ourselves a deal. I'll take my payment upfront and in full, as always."